So because I work swing shift and because I get along with my CSM's, half way through my shift, I generally get moved up to help close the service desk. A few nights ago I was busy sorting returns, minding my own business when up stormed one of my CSMs, S and asked where the return policy was posted. At that exact moment an irate lady and her friend came storming up demanding to see the return policy.
S- Ditzy but lovable CSM
P- Service Desk Co-worker
ME- Cashier of all trades
IL- Idiot Lady
IL: I bought these jeans here last year! I have the receipt, they won't fit, I demand you let me return them!!
S- Like I told you m'am, you bought those a year ago, you have the receipt. Our return policy won't allow it.
IL- "Return Policy" I've never heard of anyone have ANYTHING like that. What if I didn't have the receipt.
P- **Appears out of thin air, it was crazy** Like I told you yesterday m'am when I tried to return those jeans for you without your receipt, we no longer carry them. They are not in our system, there is nothing we can do.
IL- **turns a little pale, apparently she thought P wouldn't be here today** How can you not have them! I bought them here! A year ago!!
P- Because that was a year ago.
IL- And where do you have this so called "return policy" listed-
**All three of us point to the HUGE sign, right behind the customer service desk that details the policy in Bright BOLD letters.
IL- **Taken a bit aback, but not ready to give up** well I see the 90 days, but what are all those small rules under it?
ME- Those would be the details of special cases in which our retern policy is shorter.
After that, she just gave us a really nasty look and took off.
S- Ditzy but lovable CSM
P- Service Desk Co-worker
ME- Cashier of all trades
IL- Idiot Lady
IL: I bought these jeans here last year! I have the receipt, they won't fit, I demand you let me return them!!
S- Like I told you m'am, you bought those a year ago, you have the receipt. Our return policy won't allow it.
IL- "Return Policy" I've never heard of anyone have ANYTHING like that. What if I didn't have the receipt.
P- **Appears out of thin air, it was crazy** Like I told you yesterday m'am when I tried to return those jeans for you without your receipt, we no longer carry them. They are not in our system, there is nothing we can do.
IL- **turns a little pale, apparently she thought P wouldn't be here today** How can you not have them! I bought them here! A year ago!!
P- Because that was a year ago.
IL- And where do you have this so called "return policy" listed-
**All three of us point to the HUGE sign, right behind the customer service desk that details the policy in Bright BOLD letters.
IL- **Taken a bit aback, but not ready to give up** well I see the 90 days, but what are all those small rules under it?
ME- Those would be the details of special cases in which our retern policy is shorter.
After that, she just gave us a really nasty look and took off.
