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A Current Affair creates SCs

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  • #16
    Okay, so I'm the first (and possibly only) person to say something good about these shows. In my case, A Current Affair and Today Tonight.

    Yes, most of the content is either crap where the person complaining actually did the wrong thing in the first place, or just random stuff about local school productions. But they also highlighted primary school bullying in one episode, and there was an interesting way to get meat from supermarkets for free. (The meat thing: when things go on special on Monday, the stock already out doesn't get marked down to the sale price per kg, so if you pay for it then take it to the service desk, you should get a full refund. No suck whatsoever there.)

    They sometimes go after guys who don't pay child support, and dodgy tradesmen. Some of their "trials" where they give like 10 ladies a random face moisturizer to use for a month is funny too - when the $5 store brand is better than the $100 designer stuff it's hilarious! They also went after an exterminator who would check people's houses for termites, and if there weren't any, he'd take a few he'd brought along to show them and then charge for them to be "exterminated."

    Yeah, you have to look out for the random sensationalist crap about "the latest killer" i.e. diabetes, sugar substitute, studying too hard, etc. and the "miracle cure" i.e. exercise, healthy eating, doing headstands, etc. But 25% of it is interesting and informs the public to check tradesmen's licenses, watch the prices at the supermarket checkout, and switch to a cheaper moisturizer.
    Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
    Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
    <3 Arrested Development


    • #17
      Yeah - I'll pay that SarahJ. They do some good stuff (do you remember when Derryn Hinch? Not that I was a fan, but there were times when he'd make an ethical statement regardless of the legalities protecting scum...)

      But John Safran (E-H)???? I can't stand his ilk... he speaks so much crap! (not saying that many others out there don't, but since his name got a mention here..)

      When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


      • #18
        Quoth wagegoth View Post
        My husband was riding up front. He pulled out a cigarette and lighter and asked the deputy if he minded if he smoked. The deputy smiled, said, "No, but there is about 10 pounds of black powder in that box at your feet." My husband put his cigarette and lighter away.
        Quoth lordlundar View Post
        Can't say that I blame him. That would be enough to make me quit outright if I smoked.
        One pound of black powder is equivalent to one stick of TNT, however, it's actually not all that volatile if it's kept sealed. But yeah, even though we keep ours very well sealed, I won't smoke within 10 feet of the closed chest.

        I'm just wondering what the officer was doing with 10 pounds of powder in his cruiser?!?
        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


        • #19
          Quoth sarahj View Post
          They also went after an exterminator who would check people's houses for termites, and if there weren't any, he'd take a few he'd brought along to show them and then charge for them to be "exterminated."
          But in those cases they present it as if *every* exterminator does that, which creates SCs. The water in the fuel story was two genuine cases but presented as if every servo everywhere does it deliberately.


          • #20
            A Current Affair is still on TV?

            I remember that show. tsscchhhhhhhh--WWWUUUNNNNNGGGG!
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #21
              Quoth Primer View Post
              I'm just wondering what the officer was doing with 10 pounds of powder in his cruiser?!?
              Emergency breach charge for clearing debris would be my guess. There are a number of emergency applications it can be used for. And it's always a good idea to have an abundance of it than not have enough available.
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #22
                Quoth thehippie777 View Post
                I have a couple people claim that on Dateline they say that hotels keep all of a person's personal information on our card keys.
                Ah, the old "there's information on your card key" hoopla. I know someone who is otherwise quite intelligent who believes that carp. Drives me bonkers.

                Real story: Card keys can be used to store information, and ATM scammers will keep the cards to reprogram for use in brute force hack attempts on ATMs.

                Anyone who thought about it would realize that the only thing that is ever on the card keys is the information that tells them which door they can unlock, and for how long.

                Quoth lordlundar View Post
                And it's always a good idea to have an abundance of it than not have enough available.
                My favorite saying: It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #23
                  Quoth edible_hat View Post
                  (the same ones who actually believe that if it doesn't scan it's free)
                  Well, technically, depending where you are, and which company you work for...


                  • #24
                    Quoth prb View Post
                    Well, technically, depending where you are, and which company you work for...
                    No, that's for things scanning at the wrong price. I'm talking about the people who say, in all seriousness, "It must be free" when there's a barcode with not enough contrast for the reader to read it, or the one that hasn't been entered into the system yet and then throw a hissy fit when I charge them the actual price.


                    • #25
                      Quoth edible_hat View Post
                      But in those cases they present it as if *every* exterminator does that, which creates SCs. The water in the fuel story was two genuine cases but presented as if every servo everywhere does it deliberately.
                      Well, I disagree with this. In the case of the exterminator, they "set him up" by getting a home inspected by a trustworthy exterminator, who declared it to be termite-free. Then they brought in the dodgy guy and after he lied to the homeowner by saying they had termites, the program presenter started in on how dodgy he is and how he lies to customers. They ended the program by telling people to check on the licenses of tradespeople. They always end with a warning but they never say "all x people/stores are dodgy and will try to rip you off." That would just be ridiculous for them to say.

                      And I'm only 20 so I don't remember the more annoying earlier presenters. I've only watched it since '01.
                      Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
                      Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
                      <3 Arrested Development


                      • #26
                        Quoth sarahj View Post
                        They always end with a warning but they never say "all x people/stores are dodgy and will try to rip you off."
                        Only because it would set them up for all kinds of defamation lawsuits. The general tone implies it though.

                        Then again, the did win the Slightly Less Crap Than Today Tonight Award.

