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Yes, ma'am, I am trying to steal your credit card.

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  • Yes, ma'am, I am trying to steal your credit card.

    Okay, so today this lady comes through with her son and they're buying some toy. It rings up 14.99 but she thinks it's supposed to be cheaper, so the kid runs back to look. Turns out she was wrong. In the confusion I manage to scan the item twice, so I void one out, no problem, right? She asks, "I think it rang up more than once." I tell her that it's okay, I voided that one off. Well, apparently the scanner picked it up not twice, but three times, and remained on the receipt despite me checking it before I hit total (hey, I was tired, and I'm an idiot sometimes, what can I say) So there were two on the receipt. She gets her reciept, and prompty freaks out.

    "It DID ring up twice!! I TOLD you it did!!!"

    You would of thought I just shot baby Jesus.

    I take the receipt and do a fix it fast. I tell her that the transaction's been voided out, hand her the guest copy of the void slip, and tell her that she needs to insert her card again. She hesitates. She finally reluctanctly puts in the card reader again. Then, while glaring at me, she says to her kid standing next to her:

    "This is how they steal your money. They make you put your card in again. That's how they steal it."


    The whole time she's kind of glaring at me while she's speaking to her son. She says nothing when I apologize for the mistake.

    I decided to forego the "have a great day."

    By the way, she apparently thought I was so incompetent that she needed to go to customer service and have the supervisor make SURE that I voided the transaction properly.

    Sing along now, everyone, in tune to "Pretty Woman":

    Bitchy woman
    Coming through my lane
    Bitchy woman
    Driving me insane
    Bitchy woman
    The kind that likes to complain
    Bitchy woman

  • #2
    Well, she never makes such life-threatening mistakes. So, she's certainly entitled to go ballistic when you do.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Thanks so much for the song! I'll be singing it next time I have an SC!


      • #4
        I'm damn pleased refunds back onto Credit/Debit are becoming more commonplace within the market now. When I first started at my work many people would be a bit annoyed if I refunded back onto their cards if they paid with them (which is policy even if they only spent a few dollars), as they think its some conspiracy for us to double charge.
        Especially if its a large refund done on a c/c and an SC demands it in cash at the start of the day or after a POD drop (cash collected and put into safe) and goes mental if he doesn't get cash, or if they wipe us out of bills in one register.

        Another problem I have is my chain, to ensure staff actually look at the damn card, we have to record the last 4 digits of a credit card if the customer uses a signature. Most people praise this, because they say nobody looks at their card in most other stores.. others will be arrogant and think we are recording their details to use ourselves..
        - Boochan


        • #5
          I hope there's a special toasty place in the afterlife for people that use their children as tools for their snotty, passive-aggressive insults.


          • #6
            LOVE the song
            sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. - Kusanagi


            • #7
              Quoth HereWeGo View Post
              I hope there's a special toasty place in the afterlife for people that use their children as tools for their snotty, passive-aggressive insults.
              That made my day, HereWeGo.

              I had a control-freak earlier today that was like that; she was freaking out every time I did a coupon ('cause she used a competitor and we have to enter it manually; she had two) and she thought I either didn't take the coupons or entered them wrong or rang up items multiple times... Ugh. She made me start freaking out and I had to stop during the transaction and count to 10 so I could calm down...

              I can't believe that people actually think that employees or stores are able to steal money or information from credit cards... If it was possible then you'd think they'd notice a ton of charges and whatnot in their accounts. Paranoid people drive me nuts...


              • #8
                My wife and I stopped by the store so she could pick up a few things. We were heading out the door, and she was looking over her receipt, and said, "That cashier charged me for something twice!"

                I looked over it, and she was right -- something had double scanned. But the cashier apparently caught it herself and voided it out before she totalled it. I tried to point that out to her, but she just wasn't getting it.

                "It's on here twice!"

                "Yeah, but she voided it off before you paid."

                "Yes, but there's also a credit on here from when she voided the extra one off."

                "No, it's on here twice!"

                "Here's where she scanned it the first time. Here's where she scanned it a second time. And here's a credit for the same amount when she voided it off, which cancels out the second scan."

                After that, she said OK, and we left, but I still don't think she got it. I guess she expected it to erase from the receipt if it had been voided off.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  Quoth MadMike View Post
                  I guess she expected it to erase from the receipt if it had been voided off.
                  That's not a completely unreasonable way to think, given the complexity of today's registers. I shop at several places that don't print out a receipt until the entire order is complete. I've never had to have them void something off to see if it leaves it off or puts the void line in there, but it would make sense to just leave it off all together.

                  Of course, not all registers are that complex, so you won't see it on all of them...

                  Eric the Grey
                  In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                  • #10
                    Quoth MadMike View Post
                    I guess she expected it to erase from the receipt if it had been voided off.
                    B&N's system doesn't print voided items on the receipt. For which I was always supremely grateful. Unfortunately, the item would stay on the screen (which the customer couldn't see), and it would add a second line with the void, so it could get confusing (especially if there were multiple voided items and/or an exchange involved - I have been known to cancel the transaction and start over because I got myself so confused). Their old system (man, I worked there a long time) would just delete voided items from the screen altogether. But nothing prints on the receipt unless it is actually included in the transaction.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      I'm really attracting them the past couple days. Today I had a lady bitch that I didn't fold her jeans right. Then she goes, "Give me that!" and snatches it away from me. Sheesh. We should do a whole classic rock album of sucky customers. Let's try Tom Petty:

                      "Oh yeah
                      Oh right
                      Take it easy baby
                      Make it last all night (make it last all night)
                      She was
                      An entitlement whore"
                      Last edited by Despina83; 03-16-2008, 04:26 AM.


                      • #12
                        The Worst:
                        Customer buys product X.
                        Comes back same day to return. Can't get cash back. (Whine)
                        I can ONLY put it back on the card they paid with.
                        It will take DAYS for the refund to appear. It's not instant. It doesn't matter if you bought it 5 min ago or last week.
                        It will take DAYS!!! Do not come back tommorow whining about how "I" over drafted your account because "She did the return wrong!".
                        I told you it would take DAYS when you returned it!
                        Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
                        The following is subject to change:
                        If Your Going Through Hell,
                        Keep Going...


                        • #13
                          Quoth HereWeGo View Post
                          I hope there's a special toasty place in the afterlife for people that use their children as tools for their snotty, passive-aggressive insults.
                          Well said on that one. This is exactly what I was thinking when I read about that part of the story. Shouldn't adults be teaching their children instead something like "Nobody's perfect"?


                          • #14
                            Our self scan registers display any voids on the receipt the regular registers do not. In most cases it is good when we do a void but some SC will re-read their receipt multiple times looking for the void to prove we were not scammign them. We just can not win.

