One of the smaller tables at my work comes in a box that kind of looks like the Tetris pieces in the picture (the red circled ones).

When they come packaged to us the boxes are set together on the pallet in a way that they all fit together (think of Tetris again).
People are forever taking two when they only want one. Usually I ask if they want one or two, sometimes I forget.
The other day I forgot to ask, and this man had two on his cart.
I scan them both through, he pays for all of his stuff and leaves.
Then comes back.
Now, through the transaction he was pretty grumpy to begin with, but not all that bad. Annoying, but tolerable.
Now he's an SC.
SC: You! You over charged me!
Me: *thinking: well it is possible, I do have a lot on my mind today* Oh I'm sorry. Where did I over charge?
SC: Here! You screwed me into buying two tables. *shows me the receipt*
Me: *sigh* I'm sorry, but you have two on your cart.
I walk over to the cart, that hadn't made its way very far, and lift one box to show that there are indeed two boxes.
Me: See?
SC: Well that's fucking stupid. That's how they were on the self!
Me: Yeah, piling them up this way is just the easiest way to make them fit on the pallet.
SC: Or the easiest way to screw over your customers.
Me: *quietly to myself* Not really, but ok.
Crap, he heard that.
SC: YES REALLY! Do you think I would have picked up two if they were set up differently on the shelf?
Me: Probably not, but if you noticed that there are two barcodes and that one box is typically not split in two you wouldn't have picked them up either.
Yeah ok, I should have let it go, but I was having a bad day and just couldn't help myself.
Thankfully, that statement made him shut up.
I understand that it's a pain in the butt to have to have one of them refunded, but for the last few months we've been able to return single items that were just purchased at the registers, to cut down the massive congestion at returns, so it's really just a matter of hanging out for a couple of minutes while I get a coordinator over to do the refund for me.
Easy peasy.
Unless you're an argumentative buttmunch who just has to fight over something that doesn't require a fight.
The best part was when he made me take the extra box off his cart and move it aside while he stood there and watched, refusing to help me.
They aren't heavy (about 40Lbs) but they're damn awkward. Not to mention the fact that this was at about 9pm, my day started at 9AM, and I was runnong on three hours of sleep.
That 40Lbs turned into about 140Lbs.

When they come packaged to us the boxes are set together on the pallet in a way that they all fit together (think of Tetris again).
People are forever taking two when they only want one. Usually I ask if they want one or two, sometimes I forget.
The other day I forgot to ask, and this man had two on his cart.
I scan them both through, he pays for all of his stuff and leaves.
Then comes back.
Now, through the transaction he was pretty grumpy to begin with, but not all that bad. Annoying, but tolerable.
Now he's an SC.
SC: You! You over charged me!
Me: *thinking: well it is possible, I do have a lot on my mind today* Oh I'm sorry. Where did I over charge?
SC: Here! You screwed me into buying two tables. *shows me the receipt*
Me: *sigh* I'm sorry, but you have two on your cart.
I walk over to the cart, that hadn't made its way very far, and lift one box to show that there are indeed two boxes.
Me: See?
SC: Well that's fucking stupid. That's how they were on the self!
Me: Yeah, piling them up this way is just the easiest way to make them fit on the pallet.
SC: Or the easiest way to screw over your customers.
Me: *quietly to myself* Not really, but ok.
Crap, he heard that.
SC: YES REALLY! Do you think I would have picked up two if they were set up differently on the shelf?
Me: Probably not, but if you noticed that there are two barcodes and that one box is typically not split in two you wouldn't have picked them up either.
Yeah ok, I should have let it go, but I was having a bad day and just couldn't help myself.
Thankfully, that statement made him shut up.
I understand that it's a pain in the butt to have to have one of them refunded, but for the last few months we've been able to return single items that were just purchased at the registers, to cut down the massive congestion at returns, so it's really just a matter of hanging out for a couple of minutes while I get a coordinator over to do the refund for me.
Easy peasy.
Unless you're an argumentative buttmunch who just has to fight over something that doesn't require a fight.
The best part was when he made me take the extra box off his cart and move it aside while he stood there and watched, refusing to help me.
They aren't heavy (about 40Lbs) but they're damn awkward. Not to mention the fact that this was at about 9pm, my day started at 9AM, and I was runnong on three hours of sleep.
That 40Lbs turned into about 140Lbs.