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Tuesday Night Suckiness (Long)

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  • Tuesday Night Suckiness (Long)

    Old Fossil

    I gave the new cashier a lunch break, when I got off the register there was a page for someone to go to the toothpaste aisle. I head over there to help out. There's an old couple in the aisle looking at the denture stuff.

    OF: Old Fart
    W: Wife
    Me: Three Guesses...

    Me: Do you two need any help?
    W: Yes, we're looking for...what is it OF?
    OF: :mumble: Nepharm :mumble: (not what it's actually called)
    W: Yeah, it's for fixing broken fillings
    Me: Okay, I'm pretty sure I knew what you're looking for. Just follow me to the end of the aisle
    OF: :mumble: You know what it is? How do you pronounce it? Is it nepharm or peharm or ...(the rest was pretty much unintelligible)
    Me: I'm not sure how to pronounce it, but I know we had an item like that over here.

    (Now currently my store is making the transition from regular Evil Empire to Super Center, so there are a few products we are not carrying. It has been this way since last fall. Also, in HBA [Health and Beauty] quite a few items are getting package changes, so some that had previously been hanging on hooks are now sitting on the shelves or, in this case, vise versa.)

    OF: :mumble: Yeah, sure. :mumble:

    I looked through the shelve where a product that did what they wanted. It's not there, so I tell them to wait there while I see if it was in a different area of the aisle. It wasn't so I go back over to them. The entire time the OF is bitching about the service he is getting and how stupid I must be. His wife is looking through the items that are hanging up on hooks and finds an item that is similar to what she wants. That sets the OF off.

    OF: :mumble: I can't believe this! Those stupid people in pharmacy wouldn't help me and then they page someone who doesn't know anything about the department.
    Me: Sir, I'm sorry I couldn't find the product, but your wife has. (Maybe if you had learned to pronounce words instead of grunt like a caveman I might have been able to find what you wanted)
    OF: :mumble:Well, I want better service! You should know more!:mumble:
    Me: Sir, like I said I'm sorry, now I have to leave. Have a good night.

    Cash Register Blowage

    Now this isn't about a particular SC. At the Evil Empire we have those great little triangle bag carousels that have two bags on each side. Almost every other person I rang up had the argent need to grab their bag while I was still filling the one next to it. All this did was make it so I had to fight with the carousel because it would swing towards the fucktard trying to get at their bag a few insignificant seconds sooner and us playing a game of twister.

    One lady was entertaining. She realized that what she was doing, apologized, and then bantered with her friend who was in line with her.

    Cash Register Blowage Part Dos

    I had a woman come through with her kids (they were of the same blowage as above). Behind her was another relative who instead of setting her garments on the belt decided to hand me her several items. I have no where to put them as the guy behind them had already loaded his stuff on. So I get to juggle several shirts and pants as I try to ring them up and get the hangers off of them. The woman as the audacity to tap her foot and glare at me for taking too long.

    I'm so glad I don't have to go back for a few days.
    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry

  • #2
    Quoth RedRoseSpiral View Post
    Old Fossil


    Cash Register Blowage Part Dos

    I had a woman come through with her kids (they were of the same blowage as above). Behind her was another relative who instead of setting her garments on the belt decided to hand me her several items. I have no where to put them as the guy behind them had already loaded his stuff on. So I get to juggle several shirts and pants as I try to ring them up and get the hangers off of them. The woman as the audacity to tap her foot and glare at me for taking too long.

    I'm so glad I don't have to go back for a few days.
    When they start to get annoying and impatent and Im not in a good mood I do little things to make it take longer like fight with the bags. The trick is to do it well enough that they have no clue.


    • #3
      Quoth RedRoseSpiral View Post

      Cash Register Blowage Part Dos
      I believe it's "Part Deux", but pronounced like "Doh!" Unless you're going for Spanish, then I have no idea.
      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


      • #4
        Quoth Evil Queen View Post
        I believe it's "Part Deux", but pronounced like "Doh!" Unless you're going for Spanish, then I have no idea.
        'Dos' - is 'two' in spanish. The word for 'part' in spanish is simply 'parte'.

        So she was pretty close.
        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


        • #5
          Quoth Peppergirl View Post
          'Dos' - is 'two' in spanish. The word for 'part' in spanish is simply 'parte'.

          So she was pretty close.
          Yeah, I was going for Spanish. I never got past the uno, dos, tres and ah, bay, chay of it though.
          Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


          • #6
            I hate people who think you should be able to decode mumbling and halfway understandable grunting.....

            People with class articulate and enunciate like grown ups do.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth blas87 View Post
              I hate people who think you should be able to decode mumbling and halfway understandable grunting.....

              People with class articulate and enunciate like grown ups do.
              Truthfully, I shouldn't complain much. My dyslexia has a tendency to come out while I talk and sometimes I get a little mumbly if I'm trying to make sure I'm not getting my b's and p's mixed up in words and sentences. I've gotten much better thanks to a teacher in high school who would force me to read our semester chapter book to the class. He slowed my talking down which has helped. Now I usually only have trouble when I'm not paying attention to how words come out or if I'm dead tired.
              Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


              • #8
                Quoth RedRoseSpiral View Post
                At the Evil Empire we have those great little triangle bag carousels that have two bags on each side. Almost every other person I rang up had the argent need to grab their bag while I was still filling the one next to it. All this did was make it so I had to fight with the carousel because it would swing towards the fucktard trying to get at their bag a few insignificant seconds sooner and us playing a game of twister.
                Yeesh, this is a pet peave of mine. One of my co-workers once had a finger broken and another time a wrist sprained because some jerk customer whipped the spinny thing (or carousel, if you want the "proper" term) around before she could pull her hand away. I intentionally turn away from the customer instead of towards, because I have more control over turning and am less likely to get my wrist cracked while my arm is still in the bag. Something about being in pain irritates the hell out of me.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                  I believe it's "Part Deux", but pronounced like "Doh!" Unless you're going for Spanish, then I have no idea.
                  "Deux" isn't really pronounced like "doh". It's more like "duh", but with hardly any emphasis on the "h". It's really hard to type how it sounds. "Dos" is pronounced pretty much like it looks.

                  Quoth RedRoseSpiral View Post
                  Yeah, I was going for Spanish. I never got past the uno, dos, tres and ah, bay, chay of it though.
                  Soooooo....Diez y Seis de Septiembre would cause you all kinds of fits, huh? Don't worry, most of the newscasters here in ABQ (and some in El Paso) that speak Spanish perfectly well won't say it!
                  It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Pagan View Post
                    Soooooo....Diez y Seis de Septiembre would cause you all kinds of fits, huh? Don't worry, most of the newscasters here in ABQ (and some in El Paso) that speak Spanish perfectly well won't say it!
                    Actually, I'm pretty good at pronouncing words in Spanish. I just have no clue what the hell I'm saying.
                    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry


                    • #11
                      Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                      One of my co-workers once had a finger broken and another time a wrist sprained because some jerk customer whipped the spinny thing (or carousel, if you want the "proper" term) around before she could pull her hand away.
                      Injuries like that are the reason those things need a foot pedal that locks the carousel when the cashier/bagger steps on it. The bagger can release it when his/her hands are safely away.
                      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                      The stupid is strong with this one.

