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  • #16
    When I was in training we had to listen to a recorded call where a man was asking for help and the dispatcher was basically telling him no. Now keep in mind, this man did not 'sound black'. He just sounded like a guy with no special accent at all what-so-ever.
    The dispatcher was sued over this incident; but not over being negligent of their duty. No no, that would have been the smart way to go that would have won the case. The prosecuter decided to pursue this as a civil racial matter. He claimed that the dispatcher was racist and denied this man help because he was black. So of course, they lost there otherwise good case.

    moral of story: We're on the effing phone!!!! I don't know what effing color you are, so shut it!!
    "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

    ...Beware the voice without a face...


    • #17
      The complete lack of logic on behalf of the SC just makes me gobsmacked. I mean for his theory to be true, you would have to have printed out the signs and put them up JUST before he arrived, and only made his reciept have the returns policy on it in order for his idea to be correct. What a massive (and stupid) consipiracy theory.

      I just can't believe that someone can be that... I can't even think of the word. It just makes me give up any hope that I have had in mankind. It shows how low people can go. We're screwed if even 0.0000001% of the population of the world is that freaking stupid. (Stupid is an understatement, but I can't think of anything better at the moment because I'm still shocked).


      • #18

        You have my respect for dealing with that incident in the manner in which you did, you remained calm and presonally I don't think I would have handled it that well.

        Nicely done.
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #19
          Oh it was very, very hard by the end of the whole ordeal. I remember being so mad that my whole body was literally shaking. I was sitting in the back room at one of the tables, just shaking like a leaf after the whole thing was over. The main reason I even left the service desk to begin with was because I was afraid I was gonna hit the man, and I knew somebody (probably me) would get sued for assault by that asshole. Again, I'm just so glad William had my back.
          Some people are like slinkies,
          They don't really serve a purpose,
          But they still bring a smile to your face
          When you push them down the stairs.


          • #20
            LambChop, you really handled it better than I would've.

            Yes, even at the end. Seriously.

            Mad props to you and William.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #21
              This is the racism that never ends..
              Yes it goes on and on my friends..
              Some people
              Started slurring never knowing what it was
              And they'll continue callin' me cracker
              forever just because...


              • #22
                Oh ye gods. Okay, my dad is racist, I'm ashamed to admit. Even worse he's of the 'I wouldn't want my child to marry one' school of racism.

                It's made it very hard not to be racist myself. But I keep trying.

                The funny thing is, my mom, who was raised in the South (US), seriously rural South, is less racist than he is. The only comment she made regarding the married friends who were black & white: 'I worry about how society will treat them & their kids.'

                The one theory that I really want to blurt out to these racists, 'don't you know that about the only racially pure folks are those in those tribes so far upcountry that they only see outsiders every few decades or so. Anybody else? Every heard of the Romans? Conquered Europe from England to Persia & northern Africa? Yeah, how pure do you think you really are?'

                Yeah, racism is one of my hot buttons. Pardon me while I go do something to calm down.

                Lambchop. You maintained your cool long enough not to punch the [expletive deleted] jerk. And you put him in his place. Not that I'm actually betting that he learned anything. But we can hope.
                I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

