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The cards, THE CARDS

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  • #16
    Ahhh, yes. The college ID. The one that usually says on the back in very readable text: "This ID must be carried on your person at all times."

    I worked the computer lab in my college days, and Rule #1 of the lab was: No entry without an ID. The purpose of this, naturally, was to keep non-students from getting in and using the systems, thus keeping legit students from having them available to do their work. I actually caught a guy once who just came in off the street.

    You would not believe the crap I went through with those IDs. Here is a compilation of some of the various incidents:

    - Girl forgets her ID. Claims to go and get it, comes back with an ID. Her friends ID. Friend is, shall we say, much heavier set. Nice try.

    - Guy forgets his ID. I kick him out. Lab has two doors. His buddy, who did have his ID, lets his buddy in through the second door. I'm not blind, fellas. Kicked him out again.

    - Guy forgets his ID, his buddy has his. I tell the guy without the ID so long as he doesn't use the systems, he's fine to sit with his pal. This was on the Macintosh side (Lab was 20 PCs, 20 Macs). Next thing I know, I hear that all familiar 'Bong!' of a system starting up. So I tell him to shut it off, he asks me what year I am. "Freshman." So he says shut up. Upstairs to borrow a professor's phone (luckily one was in, it was after hours), and security comes to haul him out.

    -Girl forgets her ID. Claims she doesn't have it. By now, we've been told we can accept driver's licenses if they have them. She doesn't have that on her either. She tries to use the system anyway. I tell her to get out, she refuses. Security is called. They lay it out, no ID, no lab. That's the orders from my boss. So she goes to get it. I see it, fine, go ahead. She actually started screaming no way, you're going to scrutinize this thing! I did no such thing, just smirked and walked off. She was livid.

    -Guy forgets his ID. Gets told he can't come in without it. Goes off to get an ID. Comes back with a friend's ID, that looks nothing like him. I tell him that's not his ID. "This is the ID I am giving you." My response? "This is the ID I'm refusing to accept." Another one bites the dust.

    -Girl forgets her ID. In this case, she's not the sucky one, she says no problem and goes to get it. Meanwhile, tough guy in the lab is giving me shit for making her go get it. I inform him I'm just doing my job, he threatens to kick my ass if he catches me outside the lab. He had to pay a visit to the dean of students for that one.

    -Girl comes in the lab. I ask her when she comes in if I can see her ID, she gets all 'ID? Huh... ID...' and ignores me. Another one that had security called on her. Turns out she had it on her the whole time. I had lots of these situations.

    -Professor comes in the lab. The rule is clear, and applies to /everybody/. I ask him to see his ID. He gets all huffy, pulls it out, and says in an annoyed tone, "I'm only going to show you this once.". Was that the only time? If you guessed no, you win.

    I was so diligent in enforcing that rule, I earned the not-so-flattering title of 'Hitler'. Hey, I had a job to do, and I did it. I even carded my own brother. I didn't feel sorry for any of them. Their IDs all said they were to be carried at all times, and could be requested for access to school resources. That ID was needed to get into the dining hall, for crying out loud. They had to swipe it to check you in, otherwise you had to pay $6 or so to eat each time. Why they never carried it with them all the time was beyond me.
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


    • #17
      Quoth IT Grunt View Post
      Their IDs all said they were to be carried at all times, and could be requested for access to school resources. That ID was needed to get into the dining hall, for crying out loud. They had to swipe it to check you in, otherwise you had to pay $6 or so to eat each time. Why they never carried it with them all the time was beyond me.
      Well, if your school's dining hall was anything like mine was....I'd usually rather pay to eat off campus or fix some Easy Mac in my dorm room.

      But yeah, I never go anywhere without my wallet with my driver's license and ID in it.
      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


      • #18
        Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
        Well, if your school's dining hall was anything like mine was....I'd usually rather pay to eat off campus or fix some Easy Mac in my dorm room.
        Ours was actually pretty good. The company that ran the dining hall also did catering services so they usually had pretty good food.
        A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


        • #19
          I still have the ID/Library card from the local Community College, but I never bothered to get one from the college I graduated from as I only would show up for class & leave. Couldn't tell you where the library was as I never once went in it. I would go to the Community college since their library & staff were 1000 times more helpful.


          • #20
            I never had a school ID until I hit college. The only thing it was good for (if you lived off campus) was opening up those stupid mailboxes. Other than that, I never really needed it on campus at all. (Small school, and when you have relatives that are local and have lived there for over 100 years....)
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #21
              The college here has had id cards for at least 23 years. The first ones weren't good for much besides checking out books and the dining hall. Now they're also room keys, vending cards, laundry cards, copy/printing cards, & possibly debit/ATM cards. They also don't have SSN# on them any more.

              I didn't have id card in high school. But there were less than 700 people there my freshman year, including teachers and staff.
              I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

