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  • Yeah...

    Random stories from today/yesterday...

    I'm bleeding here!
    FES S, having had a sudden emotional outburst yesterday, after being told she was responsible for: Inventorying the front end overstock; Updating the tower baskets; and, had to make sure the registers were up to 5S code (the events coordinator had a list of things that needed to be done) for DM's return on Thursday...
    I saw the list, and realized a lot of it was easy peasy, three second fixes, and I was just standing around otherwise, so I started to dig in on the list, to keep S from crying again, and to have something to do.
    While cleaning my register, I jammed my finger on a bit of the wall that was bent the wrong way, and started bleeding (with chemicals in hand, too...) So, I called S for help, and asked if we had bandages... she said, "Yes," and went to get some for me. Huzzah.

    And of course, today, I did some other stuff that kept aggravating the wound...
    I stabbed myself with a pre-made display for our floral center...
    I scraped my finger over one of our baskets... (Yeah, I still don't know how I did that)
    And, as part of my next story... I broke a glass shelf suddenly, luckily, I didn't get cut by it...
    I was in pain more often than not today.

    I did NOT break that shelf!
    So, our custom floral items are displayed on a series of glass shelves. I had on my worklist today to clean them, so, I did, and got two shelves in, and was moving the displays off a shelf, when the shelf suddenly snapped in half and fell on the shelf below it. My hands were nowhere near the shelf when it happened. There was no way I could've broken it. Plus, as I found out later from the floral designer, they're tempered glass. I couldn't have broken it with anything short of a sledgehammer.

    I'm sorry, you're calling Texas, not France
    The last phone call I took as my drawer was being shut down was someone calling about "Creh-Pay" paper.
    *blink, blink* "I'm sorry, what kind of paper?"
    *louder* "Creh-pay paper!"
    "I don't think I've ever heard of that..."
    "Crep`e paper!"
    So, you knew I wouldn't recognize your horrible pronunciation of "Crehp", and you feel like being superior to a craft store worker, so you can't call it "Cray Paper" like everyone else? Do you call it Tarzay, too?
    "I'm sorry, we don't carry that."
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    Quoth Juwl View Post
    So, our custom floral items are displayed on a series of glass shelves. I had on my worklist today to clean them, so, I did, and got two shelves in, and was moving the displays off a shelf, when the shelf suddenly snapped in half and fell on the shelf below it.
    My vote is that the fixture that held the shelf in place had been putting pressure on it and the removal of the items sitting on it allowed that pressure to reach critical.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      I've seen that happen before. All of a sudden the glass just breaks and your standing there going WTH?!

      But more important hows your injury?


      • #4
        Quoth Aethian View Post
        But more important hows your injury?
        Scabbed over...

        I forgot this story...
        Yeah, sorry, I suck.
        So, S and I are busy whiling away our time this morning, cleaning the crap out of the registers... in preparation for DM's return on Thursday... anbd we're working on the far registers, and an older woman goes over to my register (the only one open, of course) so I finish what I'm doing and head over.
        R: "How are you today?"
        OW (Man. Sorry, I couldn't just call you old... You could call me Dennis...): "Oh, you girls must be so busy over there..."
        I must've grinned my freaking head off, cause suddenly my jaw hurt...
        Ma'am, if it wouldn't be grounds for immediate termination, I'd hug you.
        The rest of that particular transaction was awesome.
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          Quoth Juwl View Post
          *blink, blink* "I'm sorry, what kind of paper?"
          *louder* "Creh-pay paper!"
          "I don't think I've ever heard of that..."
          "Crep`e paper!"
          Crappy paper?


          • #6
            Quoth edible_hat View Post
            Crappy paper?
            "I'm sorry, Ma'am, this is a craft store, you're gonna want a supermarket for your toilet paper..."
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              Tempered glass shouldn't cut you when it breaks. The heating process it goes through causes it to break into small chunks rather than shatter into thousands of shards.

              I used work in the window industry. A professional glass maker once told me that normal glass is like a Kit Kat, it will break into lots of small pieces and crumbs will go everywhere; while tempererd glass is like a Twix, with a sticky inside that keeps it together and stops it breaking into tiny bits.

              Crepé paper - haven't heard of that since I was at school.

              Juwl, I hope your injury is okay.
              "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


              • #8
                so you can't call it "Cray Paper" like everyone else?
                I have always heard it called Crepe Paper.
                Like the type of egg dish they serve at the Magic Pan, Cafe Brazil etc.

                Isn't it the wrinkly paper that party streamer strips are made of? (kind like a touch thicker tissue paper)


                • #9
                  Quoth Emrld View Post
                  I have always heard it called Crepe Paper.

                  Isn't it the wrinkly paper that party streamer strips are made of? (kind like a touch thicker tissue paper)
                  Yes, on both those accounts. My accent just tends to run the p's together, so it sounds to me like Cray Paper.
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth cinema guy View Post
                    Crepé paper - haven't heard of that since I was at school.
                    I hear about it at least once a month. My mother is a kindergarten teacher, and my fiance and I have dinner with my parents once a week.

