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Check Cashing Hell

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  • Check Cashing Hell

    Now remember I am just the middle man. I do not make the policies, I just follow them. I am a good little sheep.

    Anyway, we've been having issues where the lease's (the food places within our casino) ID's don't match their paychecks. I mean, either the states or different or the address doesn't matter.

    Now me, I kind of don't see the big deal if their addresses don't match but we were told Do NOT cash if their addresses on their ID don't match the paycheck. Sound fun?

    First round of fun:

    SC: I need to cash my paycheck...

    I grab the check and look at the ID. Her ID is from ____ and its a totally different state than we are in. I took it back to the supervisor who said no. I hate giving bad news.

    Me: I'm sorry but you have to get an ID that has the same address as the one on your pay check.

    SC: Why?

    Me: It's just the policy.

    SC: I don't have time!

    Me: um, sorry...

    SC: Fine I'll just go to the other casino!

    Good luck, they won't do it either... Honestly I do feel bad but I will not risk my job for someone else. These people aren't really sucky. I can understand why they're mad but they take it out on the wrong people.

    Next person, same food place.

    Me: Your ID is expired.

    SC: I do have another one but its from a different state.

    Me: *sigh* The address has to match the check.

    SC: that's BS. What am I supposed to do? My credit is really bad and I can't get a checking account!

    ME: sorry about that....

    Why give me so much info? And then she gives me about fifty dollars and wants to get all Susan B's. If she is so broke why would she buy all the stupid dollar coins??

    SC: This casino sucks. I wanted to go next door but they said I need to have a players card and three months play on it! That's ridiculous!

    Me: Well, ours are the same... It's because they want you to be spending your paychecks there otherwise what's the point?

    I was getting irritated by this point. I had about three others with the same issue. Funny thing is they all had the same address as each other on the paychecks!

    I felt so bad but I can't help what my job is. I have rules and I will follow them. Its actually not that hard to get a new ID right?? What makes me more mad is that you can get the DL's and ID's and they won't expire until you turn sixty five... So what is so hard?? And the girl who said she works all the time is part time. She has to have days off right?

    I understand there are reasons but I'd make time to get my paychecks.

  • #2
    Sorry, I want to keep my paycheck so I can't cash yours ...
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Ummmmm.....why do all these employees have the same address on their checks? Unless they all live together, I'm thinking there is some weirdness going on about the hiring practices at that establishment, some interesting record keeping practices, or some fraud from the employees. And as for "my credit sucks I can't get a checking account", that's bullshit. For a checking account your credit doesn't matter, why would it? As long as you have some money to open it, and valid ID, you can get a checking account.
      "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me


      • #4
        Around here they run your credit for a checking account. If you have bad credit, or have a negative balance at another bank, you don't get a checking account.


        • #5
          Quoth TTAZ View Post
          Ummmmm.....why do all these employees have the same address on their checks?
          I think she means the same address on their paycheck and their ID. I have that problem right now, I moved to Virginia a few months ago from Ohio and haven't gotten my ID switched over yet, so it has my parent's address on it even though my paychecks are addressed to my new address in Virginia. Luckily the bank I go to and the places I work at don't have the same policy as Anakah's casino.

          I've just been too lazy and cheap to switch it over. But I'll be doing it soon as my license plate tags expire next month, easier just to switch everything over all at once then having to go to the DMV over and over and over again. Ick!


          • #6
            I think she does mean that all these people have the same address on their checks. When I worked seasonal (ski resort) alot of people would like 5,6/as many as they could cram into a house. The more people you have the less rent you have plus you move around so much its not worth it to spent the money updating your license each time.

            But if it was me I would hop over to the DMV so I could get my paycheck. And come to think of it I don't think Casinos are seasonal.


            • #7
              Quoth k386trl View Post
              Around here they run your credit for a checking account. If you have bad credit, or have a negative balance at another bank, you don't get a checking account.
              ditto, I had to have a credit check for a checking account... at my bank savings can be opened by anyone with an ID and money... however you still need to have the credit to have ATM access to said account.
              Part of that may be that all the accounts have overdraft protection in which case having good credit would be important.
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                My credit is really bad and I can't get a checking account!
                maybe it's me, but i fail how to see how that's anyone's problem BUT the person wanting the check cashed.

                want the problem solved? try doing things that improve your score and solve the problem, rather than expect people to adjust life to suit your needs.
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #9
                  Quoth TTAZ View Post
                  Ummmmm.....why do all these employees have the same address on their checks? Unless they all live together, I'm thinking there is some weirdness going on about the hiring practices at that establishment, some interesting record keeping practices, or some fraud from the employees. And as for "my credit sucks I can't get a checking account", that's bullshit. For a checking account your credit doesn't matter, why would it? As long as you have some money to open it, and valid ID, you can get a checking account.
                  On the address thing, I'd be thinking that very same thing. That just might be the reason the casinos require that the address on the check matches the address on the ID.

                  As for the bank account, as noted, most banks won't let you have an account if your record has certain types of issues.

                  Quoth PhotoChick View Post
                  But if it was me I would hop over to the DMV so I could get my paycheck. And come to think of it I don't think Casinos are seasonal.
                  They are, just not like we usually think of it. They usually hire a number of people over the summer season and then dump a lot of them in November prior to the Christmas lull.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    Wow. I've had 3 checking accounts at 3 major banks in 2 different states and I have never had a credit check done to open any of them. One account did have OD protection, which, due to several factors, was abused, and I still was able to open an account elsewhere. Seriously, I'd be up shit creek if the banks I've used did that since my credit is so bad I'd need a cosigner for a pack of gum.

                    I still don't understand that many ppl having the same address on their paychecks. Maybe it's because of the area of the country I live in, but a setup like that would immediately be red flagged to homeland security, simply because illegal immigration is such a hot topic right now and employers are getting busted left, right, and center.
                    "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me


                    • #11
                      I meant it, the addresses on their paychecks were the same. Like they're all related or lived together or something. We thought it was strange.


                      • #12
                        It's definitely strange.

                        If they all have the same address on their paychecks and they all have ID with different addresses, I'd be exceedingly suspicious. Certainly suspicious enough to let my manager know about it, but probably not quite suspicious enough to go to a legal entity over it.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

