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What makes you think....

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  • What makes you think....

    -...You can buy something in 2006 and expect a store to return it in 2008? (and then call me a liar to my face)

    -...that just because you were unfortunate enough to not listen to the news and bought an HD-DVD player instead of Blu-ray, that the store will return it well outside of return policy, with no receipt/no box/no barcode at full price in CASH? Even after cashing in on the mail in rebate for free movies? (seriously, we are not responsible for market trends) can just return a $3000 laptop after 2 weeks of use, "just because" and not get charged a re-stocking fee? (we are not a computer rental store. You either buy something or you don't. Nobody lied to you about the return policy. Get a fucking life.)

    -...we will make an exception for you because you live "30 miles away"? (it is not the companies fault that you chose to live as far away from society as possible. Deal with it. You want to live in the mountains with cows and lions, feel free, but get your electronics elsewhere if you can't deal with it.) can make Christmas gift returns in March? (Seriously!?!?!)

    -...that you are an expert? (If you are so smart, why are you shopping here and why are you asking the employees questions, that you OBVIOUSLY know the answers to?)

    I'm so glad that I don't work returns anymore at this electronics store. I swear that 99% of those customers were trying to scam us in one way or another. It's sickening.

    Olive juice you too.

  • #2
    Another problem with this ... when an honest person goes in to return an item within ALL of the rules, the employees usually end up being douches because they presume you're a scammer.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Quoth marasbaras View Post
      Another problem with this ... when an honest person goes in to return an item within ALL of the rules, the employees usually end up being douches because they presume you're a scammer.
      Yeah, I never presume the customer Is doing that unless its a dubious situation (People digging out of our trash for written off or broken items to attempt to "return them"), or the receipt is missing (if its a low value item we will still do it regardless most of the time). The long-term return thing is common here as well, thankfully our database generally removes transactions from over a year ago so we are literally unable to handle them anyway.
      - Boochan


      • #4
        I've had 50/50 douche/nice on the electronics returns in the past couple of years. I can only imagine it's that the employees are just so burned out from all the scammers that they have forgotten (or never encounter) honest people.

        We're rare, be we do exist. Really!
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          I actually had a funny situation with an electronic return at a local big-box department store. My wife and I bought a computer online, but did not think it came with speakers, so we picked up a cheap pair. We made sure not to open the box, since we knew we couldn't return it then. Well, the new computer came & it had speakers! Great, grab the receipt and back to the store. I go up to counter to return the speakers and what does the CSR do? Open up the package!
          I know that he did it to verify that we didn't pull a switcheroo, but it made me laugh that after we followed the return rules, he still had to open up the box. I don't want to steal this thread, but I thought this was a good place to put the story


          • #6
            Well, Weirdboy and all, the truth is that

            1. We do have to open everything. Even if it still has the tampering tape still intact.

            2. We do get burned out by scammers, so legit customers DO get treated like shit. I say, if they have a problem with my attitude, they should take it up with their fellow man, who treated me like shit for not allowing his 3rd laptop return in 2 weeks, "because he didn't like Vista." (Hello? Nobody does!)

            Olive juice you too.


            • #7
              Quoth BrassCowboy View Post
              -...that just because you were unfortunate enough to not listen to the news and bought an HD-DVD player instead of Blu-ray, that the store will return it well outside of return policy, with no receipt/no box/no barcode at full price in CASH? Even after cashing in on the mail in rebate for free movies? (seriously, we are not responsible for market trends)
              We've got an HD-DVD player. Best Buy sent us a note that they were doing some rebate thing and you needed the receipt and had to do something else. So we called the number. Turns out that calling the number was [I]all/I] that was required of us.

              They also have a trade-in thing going on, too, but it's pretty pathetic. $200.00 player with $200.00 in movies, and they were offering something like $50.00 for trade-in. As if.

              Quoth BrassCowboy View Post
              2. We do get burned out by scammers, so legit customers DO get treated like shit. I say, if they have a problem with my attitude, they should take it up with their fellow man, who treated me like shit for not allowing his 3rd laptop return in 2 weeks, "because he didn't like Vista." (Hello? Nobody does!)
              Sorry, not going to buy that. I don't treat people like crap because someone else treated me like crap, and I'm not going to accept that sort of behavior from anyone else. If I treat you like crap, then fine, it's open season, have at it. But if some random dude before me treated you like crap, that's absolutely no reason why you should turn around and treat me like crap just because you're in a bad mood.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                Sorry, not going to buy that. I don't treat people like crap because someone else treated me like crap, and I'm not going to accept that sort of behavior from anyone else. If I treat you like crap, then fine, it's open season, have at it. But if some random dude before me treated you like crap, that's absolutely no reason why you should turn around and treat me like crap just because you're in a bad mood.
                It's called cynicism. Also called seeing the same pattern continuously. As much as we would like to avoid it, it's physically impossible. Our brains are physically wired to for it. Too much of the same thing comes in on any given day, and sooner or later our brains see everything that starts out in the same way as yet another repeat.

                We'd like to be able to treat everybody differently, to wipe the slate clean. But our brains are not wired to allow us to do it. Fix physiology, then you get to make that statement without me challenging it. Until then, well, we'll repeat this a few times, I'm sure


                • #9
                  It doesn't matter how sucky a SC is, the next customer should get treated with all the kindness and respect you can muster. It sucks, it's not fun, but it's part of customer service and it's your job. You can't take out your frustration at a SC at a nice, innocent customer.
                  "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                  Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                  Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                  • #10
                    -...that you are an expert? (If you are so smart, why are you shopping here and why are you asking the employees questions, that you OBVIOUSLY know the answers to?)
                    The answer to this one is "Because you're an asshole."

                    I got stuck waiting on one of those types once. Me and the girl working electronics that day. Some guy came in asking us all these questions about a home theater system and wanting us to demonstrate everything it could do.

                    Keep in mind that like at most stores, the employees are given little to no training on how the products they sell actually work, but the store still advertises its employees as being experts. The only person who knew anything about how this home theater system worked was the electronics specialist, and he wasn't working at the time.

                    So as we're trying to figure out the functions and features of the home theater system on our own, the asshole customer is standing there, arms folded across his chest, tut-tutting us about our lack of product knowledge and saying "You are the best advertisement your competitors could ever make. I know how to make this thing work but I shouldn't have to be the one doing it for you"

                    That hurt back then, but now it's funny, because our competitors in the electronics area are as follows:
                    • Rex, whose products are generally crap and whose employees are about as knowledgeable about them as we are, or even less so.
                    • Wally World, whose products are almost always crap and the person waiting on you will be the guy wearing a nametag identifying himself as "Deth Munkee" who stands around drooling and picking his nose a lot, and will respond to your questions by farting.
                    • Various mom-and-pop electronics stores, who have very nice products, very nice service, and employees who know a lot about their products, but their prices are 2 to 3 times higher than ours, so let's be real here: You want the mom-and-pop store's product knowledge at Wally World's prices.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth Pedersen View Post
                      We'd like to be able to treat everybody differently, to wipe the slate clean. But our brains are not wired to allow us to do it. Fix physiology, then you get to make that statement without me challenging it. Until then, well, we'll repeat this a few times, I'm sure
                      I can't speak for anyone but myself.

                      But I treat everyone like I want them to treat me.

                      I let them prove their an asshole before I treat them like one. (and even then, it usually takes a concerted effort, since treating an asshole nicely often pisses them off. )

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Quoth weirdboy_1 View Post
                        We made sure not to open the box, since we knew we couldn't return it then. Well, the new computer came & it had speakers! Great, grab the receipt and back to the store. I go up to counter to return the speakers and what does the CSR do? Open up the package!
                        I know that he did it to verify that we didn't pull a switcheroo, but it made me laugh that after we followed the return rules, he still had to open up the box. I don't want to steal this thread, but I thought this was a good place to put the story
                        Your comments made me laugh. I had the same thing happen when I returned a DVD player unopened to Wal-Mart. The person working customer service was so apologetic when she cut open the box. She was literally cringing, waiting for me to blow up at her because she "dared" to doubt my honesty at returning an actual DVD player as opposed to say, rocks. I just laughed and told her not to worry about it. I work retail also and people can be jerks, she was just covering her own butt. I just thought it was funny (and frankly, pretty sad), that she was so concerned I'd be offended.
                        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                        • #13
                          Electronics stores and scamming customers go hand in hand and I experienced alot of them when I was at Computer America.

                          My favorite one was this lady about a year after I got there. We had recieved reports from several other stores in the state that a customer was buying PCs, deciding she didn't like them, and to avoid paying the restocking fee she was pulling out the processors...WHILE THE PC WAS RUNNING! Most techies will know that this will fry all but the BEST PCs. She managed to hit 4 stores before one of the techs noticed what she was doing (CA required all returned PCs to be checked before returns to see if it was broken or not. The first 3 techs were just stupid, I guess).

                          So finally she decided to try our store. She comes in, I greet her, and take her reciept. She's within the return policy and is completely polite but when she gives me her card, I vaguely remembered the name so I called William (My totally awesome GM). He immediately knows who this lady is and asks me to stall her while he prints out the e-mail. I give her some BS that the techs are on lunch and we need to check the PC before the return, but they'd be back in a few minutes.

                          Here's the fun part:

                          SC = Scamming Customer
                          W = Awesome GM
                          Me =

                          W: *enters the scene with paperwork in hand and places them on the counter* I'm sorry maam, but I'm afraid I won't be able to take this PC back.
                          SC: What?! Why not?!
                          W: Well to put it bluntly, you're a liar and a thief. You've already pulled this scam at 4 of my fellow stores.
                          SC: Scam!? What scam?! This PC is obviously broken, why won't you take it back?
                          W: Simple; YOU broke it. (At this point her face goes beet red as he continues.) *points to the stack of papers in front of her* Our technicians discovered that you had been removing processors from the PC, and under our return policy, we cannot return product that has been damaged by the customer. Furthermore, you knew about these policies and broke them so you wouldn't pay a restocking fee, which is effectively stealing from the company, which makes you both a LIAR and a THIEF. (He emphasized those words, which sent me into a fit of giggles)

                          W: So, quite frankly, you can get the hell out of my store, because neither I, nor any of my employees, are going to serve you. Please enjoy the broken computer you purchased and don't come back. Have a nice day!
                          SC: But I-
                          W: Have a nice DAY!
                          SC: This is-
                          W: HAAAAAVE a NIIIIIIICE daaaaaay! (More giggles)
                          SC: I can't believe-
                          W: *picks up the phone, pages security*
                          SC: *sees this, grabs her PC, and leaves. Quickly*

                          Just watching him put a scammer in her place was priceless and I seriously could not control my giggles at seeing her face. W walked away with a great big grin on his face after that.

                          Scammers + No BS style management = Win!
                          Some people are like slinkies,
                          They don't really serve a purpose,
                          But they still bring a smile to your face
                          When you push them down the stairs.


                          • #14
                            Wow, Lambchop, your boss is my hero. Usually when I get an obvious scammer like that, I'll call a manager and they will just blow me off completely with "just do it."

                            Then, a week later, at the store meeting, get berated in front of the whole store for taking it back. I swear, these managers are so two-faced....

                            Olive juice you too.


                            • #15
                              Quoth BrassCowboy View Post
                              2. We do get burned out by scammers, so legit customers DO get treated like shit. I say, if they have a problem with my attitude, they should take it up with their fellow man, who treated me like shit for not allowing his 3rd laptop return in 2 weeks, "because he didn't like Vista." (Hello? Nobody does!)
                              When I read this I was reminded of Lee Iaccoca. Well his father anyway. He tells a story in his autobiography about how his dad was one hell of an entrepreneur, owned all kinds of restaurants and the like.

                              And when he went into a restaurant and got a waitress that was bad or in a bad mood he would pull them aside and ask them why they are doing that job. If they can't shake off their bad day or bad customer, whatever then why are they in a position that deals with the public.

                              Don't get me wrong I realize sometimes it's lack of choice, etc. But I think it's a very valid point.

