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A Week in Review

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  • A Week in Review

    I got a few people in my computer labs that are regulars. A few are a pleasure to work with, and others... well, just read on.

    1.) 'Lickity Lesbian'

    Perhaps not the most politically correct name, but it seems so fitting. I don't know if she is a lesbian, but she qualifies: Short hair, short but muscular build, mannish appearance, and flannel shirts. That is, of course, if you have a politically incorrect mind that loves stereotypes, such as mine

    Anywho, LL gets on most of my co-workers nerves (including my own) due to the fact that she asks a lot of questions. Now, this normally would be no big deal, but this is also where the 'lickity' comes into play; she licks her lips. Alot. Very loudly. Very wetly.

    Is that even a real discriptor?

    Anyway, we find it quite disgusting. You hear the 'snap' of saliva from her every word, and while she isn't talking, she just sits there licking rapidly. Not the suckiest of customers, but they get worse.

    2.) 'Jody's sub'

    We don't know her name and we don't care. She subs for one of the teachers we DO like, however, a teacher that I will call Jody. Jody's sub is one of those people who thinks that we cannot possibly be qualified to do our job. We have an IT department that is seperate from the lab, and when she has a problem, she cannot bear to have a piddling lab assistant handle the problem.

    Oh, forget that IT usually take an hour or so the register the request (took them 6 hours (!) today), because they are so well trained that they will doubtless resolve the problem. Of course, had she given me the five minutes it would have taken to look her computer over, the problem would have been fixed simply and quickly, since the problem was exactly as I suspected.

    3.) Miter

    This name has a double meaning. First, I get 'miter' from the way that this particular customer says 'my dear' with her thick russian accent, garbling it to sound alternately like 'midur' or 'miter.' Secondly, I get the name from miter saws, which would be useful in cutting my hand off to escape her grasp.

    She is the one that all of the lab assistants know and avoid. Usually, we like to cover each other's backs, but Miter is one of those people where we have an 'every man for himself' policy for. When she walks in, we roll our eyes in unison and go, 'oh no, not her again.' Everyone hates having to help her, but it seems that we have various reasons. We all have one common theme to our complaints though, and that is that she keeps us with her FOREVER, treating us like private tutors rather then assistants.

    My personal experiences with her have been blessedly few, but horribly painful. I have even had whole good days ruined by her. She would call me over and ask me a simple question, but instead of allowing me to answer it, she shows me all of the wrong things that she has already tried, as if I needed to see them to eliminate them as choices. Then, when I reach for the mouse to show her the correct method, she will say, 'wait, miter. I am not done yet.' I would then explain that I am trying to show her what to do, to which she would respond, 'no, miter, I want to show you something.' So a simple question such as, say, how to make text appear in a powerpoint presentation becomes ITSELF a presentation: 101 ways to f@%k up a simple precedure.
    ...The unabridged version.
    ...Starring Ben Stiller.

    Ramblings aside, yesterday I had to help Miter with a simple thing in powerpoint, and she insisted on showing me three entire powerpoints to give me an idea of what she wanted, rather then just telling me so I could show her, like a human being might.

    Just goes to show you: You can put 1000 monkies in front of 1000 keyboards, and they will eventually produce Shakespeare, but the same cannot be said of only one monkey.
    ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!

  • #2
    Quoth Meadhands View Post
    Just goes to show you: You can put 1000 monkies in front of 1000 keyboards, and they will eventually produce Shakespeare, but the same cannot be said of only one monkey.
    HAHAHAHAHAHAAA! HAHHAAA! HAAAA *cough wheeze hack*

    Yes. That's what just happened in my living room, you magnificient bastard. That's awesome.


    • #3
      Quoth Meadhands View Post
      1.) 'Lickity Lesbian'
      UGH. I hate when people do that. I worked in a pretty bad, drug-infested neighborhood for a long time, and the meth addicts in particular did that lip-licking thing, constantly. One guy also had some sort of sinus issues, because he'd always be making snorting noises (hmm, coke addict maybe?) and without fail, when he got to the counter, he'd do that horrid "SNNNNRRKRKKHHGHLL" noise that people make when they're getting ready to spit a loogie? And then he'd SWALLOW IT. I mean, I should be grateful he didn't spit it out right in front of me, but still. Eww.



      • #4
        Quoth Meadhands View Post
        I got a few people in my computer labs that are regulars. A few are a pleasure to work with, and others... well, just read on.

        1.) 'Lickity Lesbian'

        Perhaps not the most politically correct name, but it seems so fitting. I don't know if she is a lesbian, but she qualifies: Short hair, short but muscular build, mannish appearance, and flannel shirts. That is, of course, if you have a politically incorrect mind that loves stereotypes, such as mine

        Anywho, LL gets on most of my co-workers nerves (including my own) due to the fact that she asks a lot of questions. Now, this normally would be no big deal, but this is also where the 'lickity' comes into play; she licks her lips. Alot. Very loudly. Very wetly.

        Is that even a real discriptor?

        Anyway, we find it quite disgusting. You hear the 'snap' of saliva from her every word, and while she isn't talking, she just sits there licking rapidly. Not the suckiest of customers, but they get worse.
        you mean one of my coworkers goes to your school

        we seriously have an employee here who is just like that, except older, she's always licking her lips and smacking them, dresses just like that... and wears granny panties... you may ask how I know this... because she insists and sagging her pants

        if your LL is even half as bad as that employee I feel your pain...
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          Quoth Meadhands View Post

          This name has a double meaning. First, I get 'miter' from the way that this particular customer says 'my dear' with her thick russian accent, garbling it to sound alternately like 'midur' or 'miter.' Secondly, I get the name from miter saws, which would be useful in cutting my hand off to escape her grasp.
          lol Lemony Snicket moment...


          • #6
            More accurate quote

            Quoth Meadhands View Post
            Just goes to show you: You can put 1000 monkies in front of 1000 keyboards, and they will eventually produce Shakespeare, but the same cannot be said of only one monkey.
            I can't seem to find where I got this from originally...

            It is said that if you put 1,000,000 monkeys on 1,000,000 typewriters that they would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this isn't true.
            "The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents."
            - Nathaniel Borenstein


            • #7
              i dont remeber my stats but the odds of a random string of characters that long matching shakesspeare is obviously very low. not much better with one billion either


              • #8
                You need to remember the 'eventually' word....I think you need a 'near infinite' amount of time (of course - that term would be technically impossible - you can't really have 'infinite' and near to it...)

                As for Miter Maid... just say 'stop' in the strongest jarring, single-worded way possible! She'd probably look at you in a completely horrified way for a few seconds, and then try to lecture you, but then you just say it again (at which point she will ignore you, and demand to speak to someone else who will show her some respect). (or..."Stol! Kotor Bi slyooschat k mnye" - which is "Stop! You need to listen to me!") Which might just get her attention enough to allow you to explain that her budding only wastes time. If she listens to you, things will go much quicker for both of you.

                But.. that's one way of dealing with her.

                When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                • #9
                  Quoth Meadhands View Post
                  but this is also where the 'lickity' comes into play; she licks her lips. Alot. Very loudly. Very wetly.
                  Practicing for later?


