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Common Sense need not apply

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  • #31
    Quoth karath View Post
    The potatoes, french fries, oranges, and side salads are the ONLY foods on our menu that do not have some manner of meat (all of you vegetarians/vegans on this board, heed these words).
    And you'd be better off not trusting that: McDonalds recently got into trouble over it. They'ed been advertising that their fries were cooked in vegetable oil, so a lot of vegitarians and a lot of Hindus has been eating the fries, since potatoes cooked in vegetable oil does not conflict with their diet (for the vegi people it was a diet of choice, for the Hindus it is a diet of religion).
    So you can imagine what hit the fan and how big a mess it made when it came out that it is [i]beef flavored[/b] vegetable oil (with real beef, no less).

    Can you say "class action lawsuit"? Because those Hindu customes sure could.

    I'm just curious: since you'd be suing for "damages" caused by their "misleading advertising", .... medical bills, lost wages, even "pain and suffering" can be fairly easilly quantified. What is the cash value of having committed a sin? As in, "you owe me money because you tricked me into doing something that's a sin"?
    Last edited by SpyOne; 04-04-2008, 11:16 AM.


    • #32
      The whole "sin" thing would fall under pain & suffering, of a mental sort.

      And if it required that you travel to another country to bathe in a river to clean yourself, you'd charge for all of that as actual damages, I believe.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #33
        What if said person journeyed to the Ganges to bathe, then was eaten by a crocodile? Could their family sue McDonalds for damages for that?
        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
        My DeviantArt.

