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Higher gas prices =/= cheaper meals

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  • #16
    People complain to me about prices ALL THE TIME.

    People really get bent out of shape about the beverage prices, and I can definitely understand why, as even I think they're kind of ridiculous. But still, we really aren't any more expensive than any other casual dining chain around. I think a pop is $2.19 or something now. But what people don't get is that is a PER PERSON price. They could sit there for 8 hours and order 27 refills and they still would only pay $2.19.

    I had a lady complain yesterday because a coffee and a small milk cost $4.14 after tax...

    1. I will certainly pass along your concern (actually I won't), but I cannot do ANYTHING about the prices that CORPORATE mandates!

    2. When you go out to eat with other people, it really is more about the socializing than the eating, at least in my opinion. So, you're paying your $4.14 to have some enjoyable social time for an hour or two.

    3. If you can't afford it, then drink your coffee and milk AT HOME and order WATER for FREE at restaurants!

    4. Whatever you do, DO NOT say, "Well, these prices are so high, I guess I just can't afford to leave my waiter a tip!" (In a snippy voice) It is NOT your server's fault that everything everywhere is costing more these days.

    So what if it only costs us 9 cents to pour your pop (that's true, too)??? We are here to make a PROFIT, and beverage prices are probably the easiest way.


    • #17
      Errr... isn't there a risk of ecoli from having your cow burgers only cooked medium?

      Personally, I find bison far too gamey for my taste. Plus, the bison burgers we get in are not the best quality (they're not bad, just not the greatest). A bison steak would be nicer. And the halibut burger is actually very nice, probably because it is a fresh fish fillet, rather than a breaded frozen patty.


      • #18
        Mmm.... I haven't had a bison burger in a long time. And since I like my meat to be fully cooked through (no medium for me *shudder*), I'm good to go with a good bison burger.

        Another tasty burger option is ostrich. I bit tough if not fully ground, and decidedly a bit on the gamey side, but I like a flavorful meat.

        As for why some are probably iffy on fish burgers made with filets rather than patties: it's probably the texture. There is much more difference in the texture of fully cooked vs not fully cooked in fish than I've noted with beef and similar. (I can't have sashimi due to the texture ;_; ) I've had friends who couldn't eat actual mushrooms for similar reasons. Even though they liked the flavor (such as in sauces and the like).


        Now I'm hungry....

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #19
          Quoth Happy Otter Lover View Post
          Errr... isn't there a risk of ecoli from having your cow burgers only cooked medium?
          Possibly. It's a risk I'll live with. Sooner or later, I'm going to die. And while I'm not going to take undue risks, I don't see the point in cacooning myself: I want to actually live before I die.

