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Double 920 with fries and a shake

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  • #16
    On the topic of 867, I had a customer a few weeks ago. She brought her Ipod in, we sent it away, it came back fixed yay!

    ... her phone number woudlnt work, dangit. And she's not listed in the phone book either in her city. we tried it with 867, the local area code, no luck.

    So we're hoping she'll call us asking about her Ipod. I admit it MAY have been my fault, that I took down the wrong nunmber though.

    Trivia: One of the local Council men for a city in Nunavut, which I will not name, is named Stephen King. He's a nice guy though. I was talking to him while discussing going up there for the Eclipse (Im not. Too expensive)
    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


    • #17
      Quoth Bright_Star View Post
      How is that misleading if it was clearly written? What planet was she from?
      It's misleading because it doesn't say what she wants it too. Typical SC reaction.

      Quoth StevieJD View Post
      I sell nationally. Want me to start reciting Area Codes?

      985, 435, 703, 212, 601, 478, 201, 515, 919, 210, 251, 605, 619, 415, 901, 989, 630, 972, 205, 276, 504, 817, 225, 703, 501

      That 210 was a complete idiot.
      Oh, I feel so special. You have my area code twice.
      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


      • #18
        Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
        It's misleading because it doesn't say what she wants it too. Typical SC reaction.

        Oh, I feel so special. You have my area code twice.
        That was the list of the last 25 area codes (not counting the local numbers) that rolled into my phone.

        210 really was an idiot.

        One of my competitors is located in 210. UPS shipping on the 30 lb, $20 product is almost as much as the price of the product and the idiot called me to see if I would give him free shipping just so he would buy from me rather than my competitor.

        Yep, I want to go broke and feel superior about it while I go broke.

        I kindly suggested that he buy the product from my competitor.... save shipping costs and all that stuff.


        And this idiot starts arguing that I should give him free shipping just to acquire his business.

        We are trained to be kind and respectful when we should really be trained to tell the idiots to ...... ah you get the idea.

        I let him ramble for 30 seconds and then told him I was having a special on UPS shipping this next week, All orders under $50 would ship for only $49. It is a $20 product. Figured if he was serious the least I could max out the money I took from him.

        That shut him up. Said he was going to have to go visit my competitor.

        SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


        • #19
          I love our West Virginia neighbors like the little brothers we tend to think they are to us in Western PA, but goddamned if they don't try their best to live up to the stereotype of being slack jawed yokels. I swear when I get people calling in with the dumbest questions imaginable their area code is almost always 304.
          "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes

