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A few gems

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  • A few gems

    I haven't been on here in a while because I've been busy with other things. So, for your enjoyment, disgust, or indifference, here are a few gems from work:

    Calling to see if ATM is working....

    A few weeks ago, the phone rings while I'm doing my shift report. I hate talking on the phone unless I have a reason to talk on the phone, so I was annoyed once I realized it was something stupid. Some lady wants to know if the ATM in our store is working. I tell her that I've heard no complaints recently. She asks me if I can go check. I respond that I'm busy at the moment with work relevant to my job. She starts in lamenting about how the last time she was in to use the ATM, it was out of order, blah, blah, blah. I just responded with an indifferent observation about technology being great when it works right as I continued my report. I restated the facts, the ATM is owned by one of the local banks, they just rent space from us. I've heard no complaints, and there are no out of order messages on it, so I'm guessing it's working. She then asks me if I can use my card to see if it works. I quickly tell her that I have no reason to do so. In a huffy tone, "Well, you do have an ATM card, don't you?" I yelled at her that it was none of her damned business, and that she could get off her lazy ass and come find out if the ATM is working. Then, I hung up on her.

    The other cashier who just came on duty came back into the office. "What are you yelling about?"

    I told her about the conversation. She just laughed and shook her head. "Aren't you afraid you'll get in trouble?"

    "No, if she bothers to come down here, I'll be more than happy to tell her my opinion face-to-face. If she calls in a complaint, I have my own side of the story."

    Yet another ATM problem.....

    A couple of Saturdays ago, I was working day shift. The clerk scheduled to relieve me was running late, so I decided to do shift change by myself since it was a slow day. So, I go through shift change without anyone bothering me, which is rare when you try to do shift change, especially by yourself. I gather up my drawer and receipts to take them back to the office so I could do my shift report. Business was dead, so I decided to start the report. I get about half way through before a lady comes in. She heads for the ATM, so I just watch the monitor as I continue working on the report rather than running out to the register.

    A moment later, I hear, "Excuse me..."

    "I'll be with you in a moment," I respond, yelling loud enough to be heard, but not to sound hateful or insulting.

    She bangs on the counter, and yells in a demanding tone, "EXCUSE ME!!!!!"

    I yell back in kind, "I SAID I'LL BE WITH YOU IN A MOMENT!!!!"

    So, I find a stopping point, and walk to the door already a little pissed at the impatient yelling attitude, but trying to keep my cool. I figured she was going to want to bust some big bills since she'd just visited the ATM, but I had barely any change to bust big bills. So, I approach the register, trying to contain my urge to chew her out for being so impatient, but my tone was still less than friendly, "What?"

    "Doesn't anything work right in this store?! The ATM just ate my money. I wanted to get $300, and it just spit out a receipt saying 'Transaction Complete...' It never gave me my money."

    I thought to myself that her mouth was working plenty well, but refrained from such a comment. Instead, I said, "Sorry to hear that, but you'll have to call the bank (whose logo and all other relevant info are plastered on the machine)...."

    She cut me off, "It ate my money! Can't you do anything about it? Someone owes me my $300!"

    Getting equally pissed at the rude, belligerent attitude, "You'll have to call the bank. It's their ATM, they just rent the space from us."

    I swear I could almost see the words passing through one ear and out the other. "What am I supposed to do? I'm out $300, blah, blah, blah......"

    When she quit talking, I tried again. "You'll have to call the bank because it's their machine. I have no reason to access it because they just rent the space from us."

    She walked off toward the ATM, still ranting a mile a minute about it. The only thing I heard was, "Nothing works in this damned store every time I come here....." Yeah, this is the same woman who throws a massive bitch fit when we run out of her brand of cigarettes, which several other customers also purchase. I know that's the only other basis for her comments. So, I'm clearly less than sympathetic, but trying to fake it out of professionalism.

    "Stupid, loudmouthed bitch," I muttered to myself as I walked back to the office to finish my shift report. I kept an eye on the monitor so I could watch her, but figured there was no point standing out there listening to her mouth.

    She walked out, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

    A little later, I saw her still standing out in the parking lot, rattling a mile a minute into her cell phone.

    A car pulls into the lot, and she goes running up to it carrying on with her fit. Ironically, it was some guy wanting to use the ATM, as I would find out.

    The woman comes bursting in behind him, ".....I'm going to watch and see if it gives him any money....."

    I just rolled my eyes, and muttered to myself, "Whatever, I don't care...."

    She tried to hover over him, but he gave her a dirty look until she backed away. He then proceeded to enter his card. I figured she'd already told him, so there was no reason for me to say anything about it. I just watched in casual indifference. It was obvious that he was irritated with her craziness, but was merely tolerating it.

    It printed a receipt for him explaining that the ATM was unable to process the transaction. She even insisted he hand it over to her, but he refused and told her that she'd just have to take his word for it.

    She stops short of the door, looking at me, "It don't work! Nothing works in this store!"

    No one else was in the store, so I let her have my opinion, "You know what, I don't give a damn about you or your money. I've heard enough, now get out before you make yourself look even more stupid."

    She finally takes a hint and leaves. Shortly afterward, my relief finally arrives. I managed to finish all my paperwork, so I pack up and head out. I tell her about Ms. Stupid Loudmouth, and wish her good luck as I clock out and leave.

    Honestly, people expect you to hand them the world on a silver platter. If a request is reasonably within my job description, I can understand being expected to make it happen. However, getting pissy at me, especially when it's beyond my control, is not a good idea because I will get pissy in return. I don't mind helping someone who seems grateful for assistance even if it's not my job, but I'm not taking abuse from someone who is upset that things aren't going right, especially when it's not my fault. Being understanding of their problems does not grant them a license to treat me like a floor mat.

    Utility payments....

    We can do some utility payments and money orders through Western Union, but our terminal is not set up for wire transfers. The only utility bill I really ever ran for customers was the local gas company. No one ever really tried to pay any other bills there, so I never gave it much thought until about a week ago.

    This woman comes in during the evening rush. I was finishing my shift report for day shift. I'd had a trainee on register with me for the last few hours, so he was helping evening shift. Both registers were running lines full blast. The cashier running evening shift that evening was a spaz. Any little issue becomes major drama for her, then she claims she has to go smoke to calm back down before she walks out. Yeah, whatever, she's barely competent at best, but her presence does give the rest of us somewhat of a break before her next spastic fit. Anyway.... you get the point. She's one of those that gives the rest of us customer service types a bad label.

    Back to the customer who started this particular incident... She was in the trainee's line. She has a cable bill, which we'd never done. The trainee had not done any utility payments, so he didn't know how to do them. Our spastic clerk tells the customer that we don't take cable payments here, just gas company payments. The customer starts bitching her out that she knows all our stores take cable payments because she does it all the time, blah, blah, blah. I overhear bits and pieces as I'm doing my shift report, but ignore it because I'm ready to get out of Dodge ASAP. I figure Spas needs to learn to fight her own battles tactfully, but we already know I'm going to get dragged in.

    Just then she barges in ranting to me about going off on this customer. I tell her we never have taken those payments before, so she goes back out there. The argument starts to escalate between the spaz and the customer. The customer informs the spaz that she knows our area supervisor, and that sends her off in a furious rage. I finally go out there to talk to the customer. She immediately starts in running her mouth firing off some rather rude comments to me for not coming out sooner. I quickly informed her that I'm no longer on register because I've already put in my day, which is none of her business, and that I was also aware that she'd turned in a job application at our store. So, I plainly told her that I would make sure that management was aware she was in here causing trouble, and that they would probably make note of that fact when it came time to review her application as a candidate. She toned down the attitude, but made a comment that it wouldn't matter because she knew our area supervisor.

    She threw the cable bill in my direction, but it fell short. I let it land on the counter, ripped off the stub, and shoved the rest back to her. I told the spaz to take care of the next customer while I took the stub to the Western Union machine. I searched the utility menu for the cable company, and found it. I'd never run a cable bill through before that time, but it went. So, I tossed the receipt back across the counter, and walked to the spaz' register to give her the paid cable stub. Mouthy customer made a snide parting remark to spaz, and I told her she really should shut her mouth and leave before spaz does go over the counter.

    I sat down to finish my paperwork, feeling beyond ready to go home. The phone rings. It's the area supervisor of all people. He asked me how things were going, so I told him about the incident. I got the paid cable stub to tell him the name on it, and that she had put in an application. He knew the name all right. Apparently she had worked for another of our stores before, and had been fired for her own insuboridate attitude. He told me that he would make sure her application was marked ineligible for rehire. The next morning, the manager told me that the area supervisor had sent out a general text message to all stores saying not to hire this girl if she applies.

    You know, sometimes I think about these incidents later, and think of ways I might have handled them better. Sometimes it just doesn't seem feasible to deal gracefully with some customers in the heat of the moment. I know I certainly get tired of taking abuse and other forms of general crap. Some of them just really need their egos ripped to shreds by more customer service types like us. I just don't understand where they get off. When I'm a customer, I'm quite well-behaved and easy-going toward those who are serving me. As long as they seem to make an effort, I don't worry about it. Even if I'm not convinced they tried that hard to assist me, I just go elsewhere to get what I need without making a fuss.
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

  • #2
    Wow...just wow...

