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Mr. impatient/idiot

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  • Mr. impatient/idiot

    We have one particular SC who will NEVER ring up his purchases at the front end registers like most supermarket shoppers. He is too special to wait in lines like everyone else. Even if their are no lines he will still bother floral, deli or bakery form their tasks to get ruing out. Also, he will argue with the cashier on every price making us run around the store to check.

    Today he interrups me to ring up his stuff, none of hich was from my dept.
    Me: *scanning stuff, making as little contact w/ SC as possible* $19.74
    SC: This *item* was supposed to be on sale for *price*
    Me: *looking at flyer* sir, the sale is on *different item*, do you still want it for *original price*
    SC: NO!!!

    repeat this on every item, some which make me to run all over the store to prove SC wrong. I finally get ready to give him his total
    Me: That will be $15.40 (secretly smiling because i know I am above the void limit and will need the MOD to auth the trans. I also know the MOD is busy dealing with the PD on a shoplifter who ran)
    SC: Ok. *swipes card*
    Me: sir, it will be a minute the MOD needs to let it continue because of the voids. *I page the MOD, who calls back and informs me they are writing a statement for the Police. I inform SC it will be a few minutes. I inform MOD who it is, since he is well known*
    SC: Ok. (after about 30sec he impatiently runs up to the FE Self-Scan cashier and asks her to help him. She tells him that he must was for the MOD as she does not have keys, repeat about every 30-40 seconds.)

    Well it takes about 3 minutes before the MOD arrives. Mr. SC is really pissed that we did not drop everything for him.

    The great part. The time he spent bitching ans waiting was about 4x as long as it would have taken him to pay up front. Oh yeah, he called me an fucking idiot under his breath.

    PS: He wanted to see a sign for himself and wanted to leave his wallet on that counter for me to watch. I refused and told him I wans not responsible. I know if I had he would have claimed that I stole money from him. Well MR. SC We now have camera on every register, in case you want to try you little games. But he doesn't need to know that.
    Last edited by mattm04; 03-29-2008, 04:17 AM. Reason: forgot to add detail

  • #2
    Can't you just tell him you're only allowed to ring up items from your area?
    And if that doesn't go over well with him you can always tell him your registers were "re-formatted" to only allow items from your area to ring up, and everything else will be denied.
    That's the nice little lie I would tell customers when I was on express and they just HAAAAAAAD to come through my line.
    "Sorry, the registers are desgined to only accept eight items at most. Nothing I can do about it."
    My manager's response to my lie was basically, "Whatever works."


    • #3
      Quoth rerant View Post
      That's the nice little lie I would tell customers when I was on express and they just HAAAAAAAD to come through my line.
      "Sorry, the registers are desgined to only accept eight items at most. Nothing I can do about it."
      My manager's response to my lie was basically, "Whatever works."
      Best manager ever. :P

      I love the "I know that you're about to get owned" moments.

      Our registers are so old they still run on windows 98 (It blue screened and reloaded, only reason I knew). It glitches and auto-denies people about half the time. Usually I explain that it just does that. But, if you're being rude... >:3
      I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
      In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


      • #4
        Quoth Tee View Post
        Best manager ever. :P

        Our registers are so old they still run on windows 98 (It blue screened and reloaded, only reason I knew). It glitches and auto-denies people about half the time. Usually I explain that it just does that. But, if you're being rude... >:3
        I'll beat that . Ours run OS/2. In the event of a power failure they can take anywher from 3-8 mins to re-boot. Ans I work for a multi-national supermarket chain. Go Figure.


        • #5
          Quoth mattm04 View Post
          I'll beat that . Ours run OS/2. In the event of a power failure they can take anywher from 3-8 mins to re-boot. Ans I work for a multi-national supermarket chain. Go Figure.
          oh, not as bad, but our computers at work dual boot... the problem is that the computers all come with mac os 10 installed and we need 10 to run our web browsers but holidex runs on mac os 9... makes things run slow and if the computer crashes you have to load 2 operating systems rather than one... remember we have guests on the line and we do have call time goals.
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            I'd definitely talk to your sup about the problem .... guys like that make it a total pain when someone just wants a deli item (like ME) and doesn't want to wait for some SC+EW to scan out 40 items.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              Quoth mattm04 View Post
              I'll beat that . Ours run OS/2. In the event of a power failure they can take anywher from 3-8 mins to re-boot. Ans I work for a multi-national supermarket chain. Go Figure.
              I work in (probably) the largest toy store chain in the UK, and our OS - well, I don't think it even has a name. We're using computers which are over 20 years out of date, and run entirely text-based (no GUI). They actually have a black screen with green writing like you see in old movies... lemme see if I can find a picture...

              ONI HEUIR NI FEDIR


              • #8
                Same sort of deal with the two upper-class department store chains here in Australia. Both use antique computer systems.
                - Boochan


                • #9
                  [QUOTE=fish3k1;297195]We're using computers which are over 20 years out of date, and run entirely text-based (no GUI). They actually have a black screen with green writing like you see in old moviesQUOTE]

                  You mean just like the police do?

                  Yes the end titles to Ashes to Ashes are accurate, and yes we still us it.
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                  • #10
                    Quoth crazylegs View Post
                    You mean just like the police do?

                    Yes the end titles to Ashes to Ashes are accurate, and yes we still us it.

                    You're serious? Are you in the US then? I've never seen Ashes to Ashes, (I'm assuming it's an American movie) but seriously... knowing how rubbishy these systems are from first hand experience, I'd hope the police would be using a better computer system than that...

                    Mind you, last time I was in a police station (trying to identify someone from the photo database) they were using windows... so I guess we're no better off
                    ONI HEUIR NI FEDIR


                    • #11
                      Quoth fish3k1 View Post

                      You're serious? Are you in the US then? I've never seen Ashes to Ashes, (I'm assuming it's an American movie) but seriously... knowing how rubbishy these systems are from first hand experience, I'd hope the police would be using a better computer system than that...
                      in order of questions asked
                      Yes I am
                      Nope, in the UK
                      Its a UK based series about 80s Policing
                      The system is very robust, it very rarely fails, and it does what it says on the tin, its only the one programme that is that kind of system, overall the Computers are based on windows, its a funny set up but it works (kinda).

                      Without going into too much detail it shows us incidents (and related info) resources available (and related info) which resources are attached to which incidents and a system that identifies every
                      Public House
                      Off Licence
                      Major Building (town halls, hospitals, police stations etc)
                      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                      • #12
                        Quoth mattm04 View Post
                        I'll beat that . Ours run OS/2. In the event of a power failure they can take anywher from 3-8 mins to re-boot. Ans I work for a multi-national supermarket chain. Go Figure.
                        OS/2 had the best GUI EVER. It had many advanced features that Micro$oft still doesn't offer, a great scripting language, a text editor that struck the optimum ballance between ease if use and power and one bad application wouldn't crash the system. I miss it. It's the Micro$oft monopoly that killed it.

                        I think those 3-8 minutes were in SC time, or it was running on minimum requirements type hardware.
                        Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                        • #13
                          i think i have everyone beat- our stores run on the same registers and program since they were installed in 1986- updated in 1988- whenever sorporate buys a new program or update, it has to be cut and pasted onto our system which slaughters it like freddy kruegger- but the pharmacy runs on windows and has one of the best systems in the industry


                          • #14
                            I's a combination of old bare-bones hardware and the custom POS software written about 15 years ago has been added on to so much it is not even funny. It was never designed to run CC/EFT transactions only cash. So every feature has been stuck on to it, such as coupon printing, etc.

