Quoth TryNotToBeThatOne
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He mentioned that he and my mom hadn't decided on a name yet and this woman, who was Arabic, suggested my name, stating it was, as Arabic names go, as common as Ashley. My dad liked it, my mom liked it (since she was also adamant about not giving me a name that was popular at the time like Tiffany or Kimberly) and now it's mine.

The Arabic meaning of my name is "noble, or sublime". There are other meanings for it as well depending on the origins, like for example in Swahili it means "exalted" and in Hebrew it means "to ascend".
I also once read another meaning of it being "high priestess", but I can't remember the origin of that one. Could have been Arabic or Hebrew though, since those are the two main origins for my name.
No matter how you slice it though my name spells out pure, undiluted awesome.

Ooh and I just found, through teh intarwebz, that the name I have reserved for my future potential female offspring "goes well with" my own. I guess this particular site was meaning it in a way for what would go well as a middle name, but either way I think it's neat.