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I knew you had my back

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  • #16
    Quoth StevieJD View Post
    Of course back then the woman/wife/girlfriend claimed she had walked into door several times resulting in facial, chest and abdominal injuries. Yea, right.
    My mother (who was actually the victim of spousal abuse, but who could give as good as she got) actually did walk into a door once.

    It was morning, she had just woken up, and the door was positioned so that it was precisely perpendicular to her direction of travel and she walked right into the edge and broke her nose. The doctors didn't believe her at all, but this was before doctors had the right to go around the victim. Which is kind of a good thing, because we didn't need any more governmental busybodies in our lives. (*@!&ing school officials thinking that my family was bad because I got lice every single week because of the dirty-ass kids they kept letting infect the school but who they wouldn't go after because they didn't want to be seen as predjudiced or whatever the hell their problem was.... )

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #17
      My mom loved to get men like that jerkwad in her ER. My mom is short but she took judo and she's stocky. She knows how to get leverage and how to use it. On at least one occasion, she grabbed a guy by collar & waistband and march out the door, to the landing where the cops could have him.

      Then there's poor R, who grew up in abusive home (and is quite frank about it) trying to explain to her old college friend that 'no really, my new BF is not beating me up, I really am walking into things. Yes, I know it's the classic excuse, but it's true.' And it was; R's schedule had changed and she may have been vertical but she was not awake before her first cup of coffee. In her quasi-sleepwalking state she'd run into doorknobs and other hard objects, bruising her arms & legs.
      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


      • #18
        Quoth daleduke17 View Post
        Wow that makes the night I requested "Security Assistance to the entrance" seem like nothing.

        I think I shall post about it in a seperate thread.

        Oh do tell.

        Please !
        SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


        • #19
          That Doc is full of goodness. But jerkwad, OMFG, oh stupid do you have to be to threaten bodily injury on a man who is fully capable of cathertizing you with a garden hose if you piss him off like that.
          My Karma ran over your dogma.


          • #20
            In abusive relationships, sometimes the girl does eventually wake up. I had one friend, A, who started dating a complete jerkwad we'll call L. I essentially stopped talking to her for the three years she was dating him, since she started treating me like crap, thinking I was just jealous and trying to ruin her relationship with him by telling her how awful he was. At the end of the three years, he'd repeatedly been violent to her, had made her quit her engineering course (essentially screwing up her life's dreams), he'd do things like, when he found out she refused to eat ham, he'd hold her down and force-feed it to her. Just all-around unpleasantness.

            The final straw was when he held her down on the bed and choked her into unconsciousness. The only reason she never went to the police was that after that, she tried to smother him with a plastic bag in his sleep, but got a pang of conscience, and decided to stop.

            After this, she moved to another city to get away from him, and now that she's finally finished her degree, she's moving to another country to work.

            After her, he started dating a girl called C. To give an indication of how little things changed, and how he could take advantage of a naive 17 year old girl (He was probably 22 at the time), A would occasionally get messages from her asking things like "Did L ever punch you in your stomach without your permission?"

            Seriously, WTF? No, he always had her permission to beat the crap out of her.

            Anyway, C eventually grew up and got wise, then soon after she dumped him and got out, he was waiting for her outside a nightclub, where he tried to strangle her in front of several other people. She kneed him in the balls, hard. Immediately after her friend also kneed him in the balls, hard. The police were called, and due to him doing it in front of other people in the street, he ended up in jail for assault. Don't know what's happened since then.


            • #21
              Good ridance men like him are filth and should have no rights left. I don't care what problems you had when you growing up or whatever but if you abuse someone i have no respect for and will gladly help the crowd beat you in to a pulp.


              • #22
                I do wish more abused partners who get out would prosecute the abusers and save the next victim some heartbreak.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #23
                  My cousin was a victiom of abuse. He said he loved her and he said that she just needed to know she was loved for her to stop. Yea...she pulled a knife on you, picked you up from work in YOUR car, made you sign over your check and eventually got the two of youevicted for not paying rent. Left you with broken limbs and once a ring of red around your neck. But she just needed to be shown love.

                  Chick went to jail.

                  Cousin went back to the way life was before, finished school got a promotion, got a better apartment. a call. She was out she learned the err of her ways and what did he do? Took her back because he loved her. Wanted her, wanted to help her. Didn't even last a week before he got a knife in his side after some bad sex because he didn't treat her right. Where the knife came from, not a damn clue... She went back to jail and we said good bye to him as those who need to change their idenity say good bye to everyone.

                  So to my cousin where ever you are, I hope you finally found a good one. BTW the chick is still in jain, she was bad.

                  Just because those make a bad mistake in going back to the abusers...sometimes...they can't see the abuse even though they know they are being hurt. It's as if it doesn't register.


                  • #24
                    Sometimes it really is an accident, too. I was tickling my girlfriend once (she was tickling back!) and I grabbed her wrist to give me a clear shot at her ribs (where she is extremely ticklish, and she did that sharp "hisssss-owowowowow!" that means something really hurts. I jerked my hand back like I'd touched a hot stove. She was okay, I had just grabbed her a little too hard, and she did have a hand-shaped bruise (and yes, she told everyone I had done it ) on her arm.

                    My point is, the instant I knew I had grabbed her too hard I let go, and felt awful for a good while afterwards, even though we were both roughhousing. I simply cannot get into the mind of someone who not only thinks its okay to hit someone smaller than you, but does so repeatedly.

