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And this is our problem how?.....

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  • #16
    Quoth batmoody View Post
    She obviously has to have some damage under there. Her car I mean <snicker>.
    Sounds to me like under her car is not the only place she has some damage.

    Quoth Blinky View Post
    Did she put her car in "D" for dumb or "R" for retard?
    I think she put it in '2', for the number of brain cells she has. Or maybe it was in 'N', for Not our problem, like the title of the thread says.
    Last edited by Tito; 09-04-2006, 03:50 PM.
    "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
    ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


    • #17
      Personally I think it was "N" for neutral. Let's face it, some people's brains never do get in gear.

      Of course, it might have been "P" for pathetic.

      Or "OD" for obnoxiously dumb.

      Just a thought.

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #18
        My current car is a 95' Ford Taurus that I paid $200 for, it's in great shape, the owner simply sold it to me because he drove over one of those concrete blocks at 35 mph and broke a whole mess of stuff (all 4 sway bar links, tie rod ends, right front strut, and mashed the bumper too, had to pull one off a junkyard car) , he considered it totaled, so I bought it off him, and after about $1,000 in parts, I have a rust-free "new" car
        - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


        • #19
          Quoth batmoody View Post
          Anyways, she comes out of the store, gets into her car, backs out a little, then tries to pull forward out of that spot.
          She backed out first?!?

          This completely boggles the mind. And she seemed too stupid to be fishing for free stuff/money from your store. How she passed her driver's exam without comprimising her principles is beyond me.
          ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


          • #20
            At the Carwash kinda long

            Ever seen those automatic carwashes, your tire goes in a rail that drags your car though the length so you are properly timed. there are boards down the centre covering the sludge pit. When it is slow, somebody <<ME>> has to pull up the boards, and start shoveling. We were only suppose to pull up 10 foot or so of board at a time so I am in the pit shoveling when BAM the front tire of a car hits me in the back! I crawl forward, and push up some boards another 10 feet from where I was and crawl out to see my Boss with jaw on the ground, and the Owner in the office calling 911. They both thought I was dead. On the other hand the "blue hair" behinde the wheel is bithching because her car is stuck. Sign on building, stop and wait for assistance. My Boss said she came peeling in around 25 mph around a 90 degree turn and never slowed down. It is a driv-in carwash after all.
            I even had tire marks on my back where the wheel hit me. "Blue-Hair" insisted we were going to reimburse her for the tow truck to pull her out. The only reason I wasn't hurt was she came in soooo fast, her front bumper landed on the board cover which kept her car from tipping down into the drain. I got sent to the ER for a checkover, company policy, and I think the Owner paid to have her pulled out, after taking 30 poloroids of the car sign ect. I know him well enough to say his Lawyers got copys of all those plus her name, phone, address, plate number, ect. He never told us anything except he sent her a bill for damages including the tow truck charges.


            • #21
              The other day there was a Lexus SUV taking up 2 "compact" parking spaces, because those who drive Lexi (my plural of Lexus) are SO much more important than the rest of us ... And today 2 cashiers had the pleasure of making one PA announcement each about a "BMW, lic plate 123XYZ being double parked. Please move your car."

              The joys of living in an upper-middle class community.


              • #22
                Something like this happened to one of my teachers in high school. She accidentally drove over one of the barriers and couldn't get back off. Fortunately, she drove a tiny little car and there were several large seniors hanging out in front of the building. A bunch of them just picked the car up and moved it off the barrier.
                Random Doctor Who quote:
                "I'm sorry about your coccyx, too, Miss Grant."

                I has a gallery: deviantART gallery.
                I also has a "funny" blog: Aqu Improves Her Craft


                • #23
                  Back when I first started driving I was that moron (oh god I can't believe I'm admiting to this). I was driving a 77 pacer (indistructable). Well I run by work for a quick dinner (I was working at burger king at the time) and I parked in a spot that faced the store. There was the parking spot, then the parking block, then a small island with little shrubs, then the drivethru lane. Well somehow my foot slipped, I freaked, and my car ended up over the parking block, over the island stuck, back wheels on the parking space side of the parking block, front wheels on the drivethru side of the island. My bubble car is looking more like a beached whale. Incidently I now know that the wheel base on a 77 pacer is about 2 inches longer then the space between parking block and other side of island.

                  I couldn't get the car off on my own so I had to go inside and own up to it to my managers. After they laughed their asses off at me my manager and a couple of coworkers came out to help. We put one of the smaller girls in the drivers seat and us guys lifted the front end up enough to get it unstuck. I'm surprised they ever let me live that one down. Its good to hear that theres people stupider then myself out there.
                  My Karma ran over your dogma.


                  • #24
                    Quoth repsac View Post
                    A person who drived to the end of the lane to park, will typically get to the store before a person who waits for a close parking space.
                    I went thru the same thing when I was still with the ex. We'd go to the mall, and I'd find what I thought was a decent parking space. But it was never good enough for her, she'd insist I "park closer." So I'd circle around trying to find something closer. One time, after circling the lot about 3 times, I told her, "You know, we could have been in and out of there by now if you would have let me park where I was going to!"

                    Funny thing, she was always complaining that she was "fat." Her words, not mine. So if she thought she needed to lose weight, the walk might have done her some good.
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                    • #25
                      Several years ago, I got to see what happens when an idiot parks too close to a fire hydrant. This idiot was trying to park in one of the parallel spaces across the street from church. Finding the space wasn't the problem, nor was not hitting thr curb. The real fun began when she started backing into the space. Somehow, she ended up scraping up the entire right side of her Cadillac and ripping off the rear bumper! She'd caught it just right that the hydrant tore it off and broke the light as well All that insanity in broad daylight. At least she didn't complain about it. Even so, the hydrant is now surrounded by 3-foot-high posts and was repainted yellow, since red is invisible at night
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #26
                        During the floods in May I observed plenty of idiots. Since I was choosing NOT to drive on flooded roads and was stuck at home, I had plenty of time to write down examples of idiocy to email to my friends and family. One of the idiots must have been related to the lady in the OP. Here is an excerpt from The Idiot Chronicles:
                        Idiot the Third:

                        The shallowest water at our end of [my road] was closest to our row of mailboxes, so people were coming rather close to them. One lady hit them and tore ours off the support beam. Ron [my husband] and our neighbor, Frank, saw her do it. So, instead of apologizing and offering to pay for the property she damaged, she gets out of her car, gives Ron and Frank a very dirty look and starts to inspect her car, which did have a giant scrape on the side (metal mailboxes will do that, you know). Frank decided to speak up. Here's the conversation as reported by Ron:

                        Frank: Um, you know, that mailbox you hit is someone's property.

                        Lady: So?

                        Frank: So? It's going to cost money and time to fix it.

                        Lady: Well, it's going to cost me money to fix my car. Look at it!

                        Frank: All the more reason to watch where you're driving.

                        At that the lady harrumphed, got in her car and took off. Ron has her license plate number and description, but we probably won't bother with reporting it. The mail box should be easy enough to fix and we know where she lives if it isn't.

                        As it turned out, we didn't go after her because it was very easy to nail the thing back up. Her car wasn't so lucky. She's still driving around with the scrape on it and giving us CBF whenever she sees us. It amuses us greatly to smile and wave "hello" in response.
                        Last edited by Dips; 09-06-2006, 04:35 PM.
                        The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                        The stupid is strong with this one.


                        • #27
                          This reminds me of when we had posts out the front of our store. We had a display on the paved area outside the front of our shop, and just beyond that was the parking area. Naturally, we had quite a number of people who tried to park as close as they could to the shop - one alleged lady ran over the boss's foot as he was dealing with the tomatoes. We decided to put up some posts of our own to stop people.

                          It was fairly easy to do; we just got some post holders - the sort of things that you'd stick in the soil in your garden - and dug out some of the rotting tarmac and cemented them in. A couple of bits of two-by-two wrapped around with red and yellow tape gave us some fine posts that we could bring in on a night.

                          It wasn't long before the local driving fraternity realised that they were wood and we were having the posts shorted roughly once a week.

                          I have an uncle who works in steel fabrication. Three front wings later, we had far fewer people hitting the posts. One complained to us, "But I thought these were wood?" We took that to mean that she thought it was fine to break our property, and amused ourselves by telling everyone we met about her.



                          • #28
                            Quoth MadMike View Post
                            I went thru the same thing when I was still with the ex. We'd go to the mall, and I'd find what I thought was a decent parking space. But it was never good enough for her, she'd insist I "park closer." So I'd circle around trying to find something closer. One time, after circling the lot about 3 times, I told her, "You know, we could have been in and out of there by now if you would have let me park where I was going to!"

                            Funny thing, she was always complaining that she was "fat." Her words, not mine. So if she thought she needed to lose weight, the walk might have done her some good.

                            Same problem with several past GFs and Wife.
                            My mother in law had a very good reason to go to the front of the parking lot, and during her last year actually had a tag for the disabled spots up front.

                            After she passed on, my wife kept using the tag, for about two weeks. She also knows my veiw of such things so it was on the sly. When I found out about it I took some sissors and made pretty designs out of it.

                            She is over weight, and I am too. I prefer to park in the boonies part of the lot so I hopefully don't come out to a bumper to bumper streak down the length of the car. It has been done to me twice so far.
                            BTW, Yes I am still married to the one and only wife, and she still has entitlement issues.

