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The Psycholady at the Grocery Store (language)

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  • The Psycholady at the Grocery Store (language)

    This happened when I was at my first of two Kroger stores. It was a Sunday evening and slightly busy. I was meeting with the self-scan clerk to see who was up next for break/lunch/go home. We hear a female start yelling some profanities and "I'll kick the slut's ass". I told the self-scan clerk to get ready to call 911 and I head over to the front of the checklanes where this lady is going ballistic.

    ME - me.
    PL - psycholady.
    GM - D-GM clerk.

    ME: Ma'am, I'm going to need you to calm down.
    PL: FUCK YOU! I'm going to kick that bitch's ass.
    ME: Ok, not really going to happen. Calm down or leave, Ma'am.
    PL: Enough with the "ma'am" shit. I'm not leaving. I'm kicking her ass. *pointing at another customer who is white as a ghost scared.
    ME: Ok, lady, get out. NOW.

    At about this time I had motioned for the self-scan clerk to call 911 to get a police presence rolling as this lady was not going to simmer down until that other girl was beaten. I'm joined by the Drug/GM clerk who was nearby and heard the lady.

    ME: Um, GM, let's get her out of here.
    *Me and GM start walking her backwards towards the door, not touching her*
    PL: *still yelling incoherent ramblings of the other girl's promiscuity and what needs to be done to her rear end*
    GM: *looks at me* She's not going to quit, is she?
    ME: Nope.

    About this time, she lunges forward and we catch PL.

    ME: *going over to a checklane phone and accessing the PA* Security assistance to the checklanes at this time. Security Assistance at this time*

    The rest of the store knows that when there is an odd page like that to the front, get up there QUICK. About the time I get the phone hung up I'm met by two meat cutters (one of which is a football player for the local university) and the girl from the deli (who isn't a slouch in fights). The meat cutters, GM and myself blockcade the path to the other girl as the deli girl blocks the other entrance so PL doesn't sneak in.

    A couple seconds later the husband picks her up and holds her until the police run in to the entryway. He carries her to their vehicle flanked by three officers.

    The other officers talk to the threatened party and us. Everyone disburses to where they were assigned. GM and I fill out incident reports to turn into management in the morning.

    The rest of the evening was (luckily) uneventful and dull.
    Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.

  • #2
    Did you get the back story on this incident?


    • #3
      Having encountered this breed of psycholady before, I'm guessing it didn't take much to send that woman into such a fury. Probably the other girl just looked at her cross-eyed or something. They really should let us carry tranquilizer guns for people like this.


      • #4
        Considering the aspersions cast regarding the target woman's chastity, what do you want to bet that psycholady either believes or knows that targetlady was cheating with mister psycholady?

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Quoth Hello Kitty View Post
          Did you get the back story on this incident?
          Indeed. Do tell us more, I've popped the popcorn and everything.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Quoth Hello Kitty View Post
            Did you get the back story on this incident?
            I'm not really sure. PL was apparently VERY upset at this other girl who didn't know why she was being targeted.

            I'm like most of you, I wanted to find the story out as well. :-p
            Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


            • #7
              How much you wanna bet Psycholady's husband was staring at the other woman and Psycholady decided to take it out on her, rather than smacking him in the head?
              I'm with Triscuitty; tranquilizers for all!


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                Indeed. Do tell us more, I've popped the popcorn and everything.
                Love the response. My real popcorn just finished popping in the micro as I was reading your post. Darn good timing.
                SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


                • #9
                  My real popcorn is popped. Hot and fluffy with lots of butter.

                  I just gotta know the rest.
                  SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


                  • #10
                    I dunno, sounds like "PL" didn't take her anti-psychotics that morning.


                    • #11
                      I once got a 'get the hell away from me' response when I said 'good afternoon' and a big smile to a woman as I was walking by her. Startled the heck out of me. I wonder if this PL was similar....
                      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

