I just wasted the majority of my dinner break (my 1 hour break out of an 11 hour day) dealing with this nonsense. I am not pleased. Allow me to detail.
In my call center, we set up repair requests, henceforth known as RR's. The way it works is thus - customer calls in, CSR pulls up RR form, and fills in all the details, including the part #, the billing information (contract/PO/credit card), and so on. The price for the repair is quoted (it's either a flat rate that we have on file to give the customer, or time and materials if no flat rate is available) to the customer, and a note is made in the RR that "pricing was quoted as such," time stamped and all pretty-like.
Once the customer has the RR #, they send the unit to us, referencing that #, then once the unit is repaired and returned, they're billed for it. If the bill doesn't "seem" right, they can call in to do a Billing Dispute, but unless they have documentation showing they were misquoted or the like, they rarely get their way. I try my best to avoid doing disputes, and if customers insist on them, I'll usually note that regardless of what they believe they were told, they were charged the correct amount for the unit they had repaired.
I get a call today, and wind up speaking to a desk clerk at a radio shop who we'll call E. E confused the heck out of me with her request, but what it boiled down to was that she called in to create two RR's, and decided to selectively listen/read when the pricing was quoted. She literally just stopped reading the notes before they were finished, and decided that even though she sent in two completely different units under two different PO's and two different RR #'s, she should have been billed the same amount for both.
The notes in the RR's read as follows (though they include the actual part numbers):
...Agent quoted $510.00 (Part Number 1 - Power Supply) plus shipping and $990.00 (Part Number 2 - Power Amplifier) plus shipping...
...Agent quoted $510.00.
I calmly explained that to her, but she requested we do the billing dispute anyhow. So we did. And then I spent my fracking break composing a 2-page email that I sent to her, CC'ed myself on, and blind CC'ed the billing lady (who is a bit of a bitch, but likes thoroughness) and E's customer advocacy rep on, just in case there's trouble. My email was insanely detailed, including information for both RR's that were created at the time she initially called in (which was back in December, by the way. The bills went out in February. And she's doing this now), including a copy of the notes.
It just kills me with things like this - I feel bad that you made a mistake and now your company is mad that you owe $400-$500 more than you thought you would, but that isn't my fault. And when I basically have proof that you're either lying or an idiot, shouldn't you just give up? Argh.
