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Has a SC Ever Made You Cry?

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  • #31
    Quoth ArcticChicken View Post

    My current solution to assholes is to imagine a tranquil forest. In that forest is a beautiful pool. I'm standing waist deep in that pool, and holding the assholes head underwater.

    I'm sorry but that sentence alone had me laughing for atleast five mins. Its true. It's so hard not to retailiate when someone is being a complete prick. I get disgustingly sweet.

    When I know they're pissed, I'll smile real big and wish them a very happy day. When of course I will now picture that beautiful pool.

    I've had co-workers make me cry. The stress just gets to me and by crying I get to release it.


    • #32
      A few times. You see, I tend to cry mostly due to anger and frustration cuz I want to lean over and punch the customer til they stop moving (yes, I know we don't condone violence against customers, but I honestly feel this way when someone is yelling at me; I don't do it and never have; that's why I cry.) but instead, the anger comes out as tears.

      Here's the threads I made on the worst arseholes who made me cry:
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #33
        Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
        My current solution to assholes is to imagine a tranquil forest. In that forest is a beautiful pool. I'm standing waist deep in that pool, and holding the assholes head underwater. It makes it much easier to pretend to be nice to these guys.
        I think I will be using this one, it is actually nicer than the imaginary scenario involving the customer I use now.
        wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
        Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


        • #34
          Yes, I've had customers drive me to tears. And a lot of them seemed to be getting their jollies off of it, too.

          It was worse when I first started out. I was a naive teenager and had no idea that grownups could be so vicious towards customer service people. I've had people call me stupid, worthless, threaten to get me fired, chat me up like they were soliciting a prostitute, laugh and mock if I injured myself, the list goes on.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #35
            clean up your mess...

            I really was never brought to tears, mostly just slight fear. Nothing so insane as coming to tears over. I really hate 'entitlement whores' who feel the world revolves around them. So the flowers came an hour least they arrived. A free coupon shouldn't make one xenophobic and bigoted.

            I love the one time (which I probably shared here) about the one customer who was 'inconvenienced' over $1. $1!?! I tried my best to help her with the catalina coupon that failed to dispense, and ended up giving her the dollar. She even stated: "I've been inconveniened."

            Now, she could've saved face with not even buying said product that helped to produce said coupon, and saved money that way. Most people buy products sometimes for no reason then to get that 'free product' or 'money back' coupon, and she is inconvenienced. Try $15,000 over a 5-10 period (mainly from a 'lemon' car I bought in 1998), now that's being inconvenienced (or stupid).

            (stepping off soapbox)
            HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®

