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We don't sell this!

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  • We don't sell this!

    I wanted to tack these on to the other thread I started, but I couldn't find it. Oh well. And thanks everyone for the welcome; I am glad to be amongst people who understand what I have to put up with.

    I have two stories today about two of my favorite sucky returns. Both are from when I was still training at customer service.

    The first is a woman who came up to me holding a box of pampers. She wanted to leave them there so she could grab another box, which is no problem. A few minutes later, she returns, and I go to return the boxes she brought in. She has no receipt, it was a gift, got the wrong size, blah blah blah. I scan them, but a screen pops up telling me that they aren't in our system, thus not ours. This is what went down after that.

    M-Me, full of happiness and sunshine
    CPL-Crazy pampers lady

    M-Ma'am, we don't happen to sell these
    CPL-What?! That's insane. They told me they bought these here

    (I hear this about eleventy billion times a day. This is why gift recepits exist!)

    M-Well, lots of stores sell these diapers. Perhaps they got them and Target or the grocery store
    CPL-NO! They bought them here! You have to take them back!
    M-I can't. they don't scan them in our system sell Pampers. I'm holding a box of pampers from your store, so you have to take these back
    CPL-If you sell Pampers, then you have to take these back
    M-We sell Pampers, we just don't sell THESE Pampers
    CPL-Yes you do!
    M-No, we don't. I'm sorry.
    CPL-But if you sell Pampers, you have to take these back! You sell Pampers! Take these back!

    This went on for longer than I wanted it to (which was at all). It finally resulted in the two of us repeating the same phrase back and forth to each other, her getting more angry, me increasingly losing hope for mankind. Finally, she got pissed, grabbed the boxes she came in with, and went to storm out, yelling "Fine! I'll take these to Shop Rite! They sell Pampers so they'll take these back!"

    ...and I want to type out another story (which is an event that I'm pretty sure I'm going to get arrested for) but I have to run and catch the bus so I can get home. So, more later (Actually, probably tomorrow 'cause it's my birthday so I got plans).

  • #2
    Don't get arrested before you carry out your birthday plans! Good Luck! Oh, and
    I was not hired to respond to those voices.


    • #3
      *drives a Chevy to a Honda dealership*

      Dealer: We don't sell those.

      SC: You sell cars! This is a car! You HAVE to take it back!
      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        I've had the same problem..... just because we carry one type of a product doesn't mean we carry every single type of that product.

        and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

        "DO NOT ENRAGE THE MIGHTY SKY DRAGON." ~ Gravekeeper


        • #5
          YOU TEASE!


          • #6
            I've had a SC try to get us to take back a compeators "store brand" item wih the same excuse.

            SC: But you sell juice.
            ME: Sir, this is *store A* brand we are *Store B*

            This went on for several minutes before....

            SC: Fine, if you won't let em return this, I will just have to return it to *store A*. THEY WILL TAKE IT BACK!


            • #7
              Quoth poofy_puff View Post
              Don't get arrested before you carry out your birthday plans! Good Luck! Oh, and
              Yeah, proper birthday plans get you arrested Happy b-day.


              • #8
                My old store was always taking things back that we didn't sell. Hell, they probably would have taken diapers back, even though we didn't sell diapers at all.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  Don't get arrested before you post the story.


                  • #10
                    You should've told her "Blow me where the Pampers is."
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Okay, perhaps I won't get arrested for this, but I probably should have. Loss pervention does an obsessive job of monitoring our draws and watching the cameras, so I'm surprised I didn't get in a lot of trouble for this.

                      So, it starts out wit this woman coming in wanting to return two pairs of pajamas she bought the day before (I work in a store that sells nothing but baby stuff, hence the weirdness of having diapers and pajamas). The problem? The tags have the barcode cut of of them, which is pretty common. People think in order to make sure that people don't figure out the price of a gift, they cut off the entire freaking barcode. Which is a nightmare to return, because these are usually the same idiots that don't believe in gift reciepts...but that's a different rant for another day.

                      Where was I? Oh, the woman with the pajamas, no barcode, no receipt, claiming she had just bought them yesterday. I call the apparel department, the girl there can't find the pajamas, nor can the other person working in that department that day. The woman gets pissed, and even sends her husband back to check it out.

                      The girl in the apparel department looks at the tags and realizes that they aren't our tags, this isn't ours. The woman goes on and on about it, saying that she had just bought them yesterday. We wind up calling the manager out.

                      It ends up with two associates from the department, a cashier, a supervisor, and a manager all telling the woman that there is no way in hell she got the items at our store. This went on and on...until my manager just sighed and said 'Just give her the money'.

                      Me and the service supervisor looked at him like he was insane. He told us to open the drawer, and hand her twenty dollars. At this point I told him I wanted no part in this, no way was I going to get fired for this. He goes over the register, opens the drawer, takes out a twenty, and hands it to the customer. The customer goes on her merry way, and I spend the day praying not to get arrested by corporate, because basically what the manager wanted us to do was theft. He basically just allowed a theft to happen right in front of him, and we wound up throwing away the pajamas the woman brought in to return.


                      • #12
                        Why would you be the one who gets arrested?

                        The manager is the one who took the money out of the till. Not you. You did the right by refusing to do it and making the manager do it. You even have at least one witness to this.

                        And I wouldn't worry about anybody getting hauled off to the pokey anyway. In corporate's eyes that's just "good customer service"
                        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                        • #13
                          Quoth sunshine43 View Post
                          Okay, perhaps I won't get arrested for this, but I probably should have. Loss pervention does an obsessive job of monitoring our draws and watching the cameras, so I'm surprised I didn't get in a lot of trouble for this.
                          Irv's right. You're being massively paranoid. You said that LP watches the cameras. You said the manager took the $20 out. A+B != C, with C being your forthcoming arrest. Instead, A+B=D, where the manager gets an attaboy from corp for providing good customer service.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                            Irv's right. You're being massively paranoid. You said that LP watches the cameras. You said the manager took the $20 out. A+B != C, with C being your forthcoming arrest. Instead, A+B=D, where the manager gets an attaboy from corp for providing good customer service.
                            you know... we see so many spineless managers on these boards... can we get an emoticon for "spineless manager" we seem to have every other emoticon imaginable...
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #15
                              i don't know about paranoid; maybe, maybe not. it would all depend on the spin the manager in question puts on the subject if an investigation pops up.

                              if this person has buddies in higher places, then sunshine might have a reason to worry, after all, the schiesse rolls downhill and tends to miss those with the right connections.
                              look! it's ghengis khan!
                              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

