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The Nan Nan Lady

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  • #31
    Quoth Aramika View Post
    I need to learn how to speak that at my grocery store!

    The secret to speaking crazy is to just quit using logic for a few seconds. Any more than that and you risk being lost forever. And Thanks for the welcome.
    Last edited by Ree; 04-13-2008, 12:17 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting
    "Sometimes, I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!"


    • #32
      Quoth mattm04 View Post
      At my store if a bagger accidentally drops something breakable, damages an item (esp. produce) while bagging we will gladly replace it. Hey accidents happen. I would assume most stores do the same thing.

      Yeah We do that too, But I didn't break anything.
      "Sometimes, I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!"


      • #33
        Quoth Bliss View Post
        You see, the problem is, in some languages in computer programming, NaN is an object that means Not A Number, and is used for errors when you process something that is not a number as a number.....
        Unless you're playing around in old C. Then it will try to process it anyway. I have seen (1 + "Dog" = Answer) come out with a result. I think it tries to do an ASCII conversion somehow. The worst you might get is an overflow error if the result is bigger than the defined variable. Sadly, straight C isn't used much anymore as it evolved into the Object Oriented C++. I always enjoyed it though. It was a sloppy language that forgave a lot.
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #34
          Quoth repsac View Post
          Well about the time Marcel takes a big bite out of the banana, the train goes into a long tunnel. A few seconds later, Marcel says quietly "Jerry, you try your nanna yet?" Jerry answers softly "No, why?" Marcel responded "Don't! I took a bite of mine and went slap blind!"
          Man, you are just too trusting of people who tell you stories they claim happened to them.

 (bottom of the page)
 (May 17, 1999)
 (halfway down the page)
 ("The Banana" - halfway down)
 (Third post down)

 (last post on the page)

          Last edited by Ree; 04-13-2008, 05:17 PM.
          Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


          • #35
            Quoth Ree View Post
            Man, you are just too trusting of peole who tell you stories they claim happened to them.
            Yeah but Jerry Clower tells it better.
            Last edited by Ree; 04-13-2008, 05:16 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting
            "Sometimes, I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!"


            • #36
              I know it's not true, however Jerry Clower does tell it much better
              Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


              • #37
                Talking about going bananas. Not very apeeling, is it?
                It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                -Helen Keller

                I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                • #38
                  i too am fluent in crazy ass old person as well as ghetto-ese and mumble-ish
                  although if the person is missing teeth, the dialect changes


                  • #39
                    You guys have missed what I think is the SCARIEST part of the whole story:
                    This lady got to the store somehow. So unless she came on one of those Senior Daycare Busloads they do in this area, She's out there on the road somewhere driving a CAR.
                    "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa

