Been invited to a couple of those, arrived to the first one late, and saw how they were acting in the establishment and just turned around and left. No way in hell I wanted to be associated with that. Bride called me later to find out where I was, well, she's my friend right? I was honest. AND automatically UNinvited from the wedding. 
The second one I didn't even bother going to. Blamed an imaginary babysitter.
My sister's is coming up this summer....I am so very, very scared, cause I *have* to go......but I've already put my foot down as far as behavior, so I guess I'm the designated Miss Manners on this one, (not to mention the Designated Driver).

The second one I didn't even bother going to. Blamed an imaginary babysitter.
My sister's is coming up this summer....I am so very, very scared, cause I *have* to go......but I've already put my foot down as far as behavior, so I guess I'm the designated Miss Manners on this one, (not to mention the Designated Driver).