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scam artists

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  • #16
    I had a quick-change artist come through my line one night when I was still new. (Over a year ago). Well, he got me confused by trying to get more money from me, and one of the cashiers noticed it, and the CSM was right next to her. The CSM watched, came over, whispered for me to close my till. I didn't know what was going on, so I said "Why should I close my till" real loud. The scammers were sitting there TRYING to get money off the CSM (who used to be a head of a bank).
    She counted the drawer down, and I was like $438 in the hole or something. We got all the money back though.
    Happily free of Kwik Trip!


    • #17
      Hee! This reminds me of one time I was helping in the hosery dept. at my store.
      An elderly lady comes up to me saying that another saleslady had short-changed her earlier in the day. That person was not here, so I looked at the woman's receipts to see if I could help in any way. The customer had paid with a cash was involved in the first transaction.
      It involved a refund and exchange, but from what i could read on the receipts, everything went on just the way it wa ssupposed to go. She insisted that change wa sdue to her. (it wasn' money was involved at all)
      Fianlly, as she was gettign more loud and angry, I radioed for help from the floor manager.
      The manager heard the story too (mind you, the original saleswoman was an older woman who is liked by everyone, is a fine salesperson, and is great with customer service. She makes everyone smile, even when she is down)
      The manager did not see a problem with the transaction either, and told the customer this. She then said she would hav eSecurity review the tapes (our system can pull up transaction on any register, at any time, and all the tapes are stored.)
      Manager goes to Security office to do this. customer continues to rant (really!) about what a scam artist th esaleslady was, with quick hands...truely evil and awful to have done this! I took care of the line of guests (who were all rolling their eyes at her) and ignore dher rant as best I could.

      Anyway, the manager came back told customer the tape shoed a charge transaction involving no cash at all..the salesperson took the card, handed it back, gave customer her receipt...that's all.
      Oh no...the customer got even madder, saying th esaleslady was a cunning theif, a scam artist who could fool the cameras...amazing stuff.
      finally, th emanager told her tha tthe conversation was over, and left.

      The customer finally just left, saying she would b eback...but it was just frickin' amazing. I get a chuckle every time I see my friend, the salesperson, and think of her as some Vegas-style card-changer...pulling aces out of her sleeve...hee!
      I no longer fear HELL.
      I work in RETAIL.

