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Wherein I start talking back and someone gets their rocks off. ( Lengthy... )

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  • #61
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    Try it as an image search with Safesearch off. ;p
    I've never had it set to Safesearch to begin with. And I still only get images relating to medium-size dam-building rodents.
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #62
      Quoth Pagan View Post
      I've never had it set to Safesearch to begin with. And I still only get images relating to medium-size dam-building rodents.
      Yeah. It's a pretty boring result. The most exciting thing that came up on mine was a shot of Pink's pantyhose-covered crotch 'cause she doesn't know how to exit an SUV in a short skirt.

      I've had more exciting results with notably less intriguing words.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #63
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Because I’m not entirely sure what kind of euphemism “playing Midnight Cowboy” would be or exactly what it would entail...
        I would assume someone is getting pucked.

        Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Your name has 23 letters. 23. I hate your parents.
        Oh, come on...that's not so bad. Hell, the Governor of California has 20 letters in his name....and only six are his FIRST name.

        I realize I am fortunate, having only eight letters in my first and last names combined, but long names aren't so bad. You can't really expect the people to call you to all be named Ed Smith, can you?

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        I have now born witness to a fashion tragedy even more horrific then pink camo.

        Pink Suede.

        A Pink Suede JACKET at that.
        You realize the next step in this Nunavutian fashion evolution, don't you?

        A pink camo suede jacket. Probably within the year, just in time for next winter. Don't say I didn't tell you so......

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Now we have another new contender:

        Pink Latte. Pink Latte. Pink. Latte.
        Okay, maybe it's me, but I don't really see a problem with that. Just looks like a ribbed pink tank top kinda thing. And I know a lot of girls that would look damn good in it. It's not like, say.....a pink came suede jacket!

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Oh lord, Hot Tips for America guy is calling me again and its getting even weirder... ><
        Oh, surely you will be providing details on the weirdness? Please?

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #64
          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
          Well. Would you rather encounter a gremlin with pants on, or would you prefer your gremlins au naturale?
          Soooo Off-Topic...

          I'm sorry, the gremlin story made me laugh so hard, and then THIS just made me lose it even more...

          It just made me think of my character Taco and now I'm on the floor holding my ribs.

          I'd link to a picture of him au naturale but I don't want people to gouge their eyes out... (Or get banned)

          While it would explain why I'm laughing so hard I dun wanna get Das Boot.
          Last edited by Shironu-Akaineko; 04-14-2008, 04:48 PM. Reason: URL no longer mucked up
          Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

          "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


          • #65
            Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
            It just made me think of my character Taco and now I'm on the floor holding my ribs.
            ...that is the's like some sort of cracked up version of Stitch.

            The URL is mucked up though. -.-


            • #66
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              Wild Kingdom

              SC: “There’s an alarm going off outside. It’s been going off for the last 15 minutes!”
              Me: “What kind of alarm is it?”
              SC: “I don’t know! I’m not going out there!”
              Me: “Alright, w-“
              SC: “It’s like a big red bell and its ringing.”
              Me: “Wait….you mean the fire alarm?”
              SC: “That’s the fire alarm?!”

              Ever get the feeling you’ve accidentally interfered with natural selection? I need to stay back and let nature take its course like those wild life documentary film crews. I'll just hide back here behind the bush and cue the "danger" music when Mr Lion starts getting close.

              I think I've just awoken everyone in my building with my howling laughter.

              They hate me know.

              Thank you


              • #67
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                Yeah. It's a pretty boring result. The most exciting thing that came up on mine was a shot of Pink's pantyhose-covered crotch 'cause she doesn't know how to exit an SUV in a short skirt.

                I've had more exciting results with notably less intriguing words.

                You got that, too! At least Pink had more sense than some of our other illustrious crotch-shot girls and was wearing some sort of undergarment. Of course, that's probably what they were going for. ><
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #68
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  I have now born witness to a fashion tragedy even more horrific then pink camo.
                  I just have to share this with you guys.

                  I was in a store the other day with a friend, walking by the children's clothing department. My friend, not knowing any better, exclaimed:

                  "Oooohhh, look at the pretty pink camo mini-skirt!"

                  I said the only thing that my brain could muster at that moment:
                  "Holy shit! The 867's are invading! Run!"

                  Of course, my friend didn't get it. EVERYONE within eyesight was STARING at me with WTF??!!?? glares.

                  Then, I heard the still, small voice of an angel:

                  " I bet Gravekeeper will be happy to know that. I don't read the posts on Customers Suck much, but I bet he'll be happy that there are less of them up there to bug the hell out of him."

                  I never did find her. She flew away before I could find out who it was.

                  (Mind you, I will probably never find her, seeing as I live in the 4th largest city in the United States.)

                  When my brain thawed, I laughed so hard I fell to my knees.
                  My friend thought I was gonna have an asthma attack.
                  It would have been worth it though.....
                  Insanity : a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world. - R.D. Lang


                  • #69
                    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                    FTR, my full name (first, middle, last) has 19 letters. First and last only is 14.
                    My father's birth surname (he changed it because most Australians can't even get close to pronouncing it) is 13 letters.

                    My uncle kept the original surname, his wife says that learning to spell it was the hardest part of their relationship.

                    and on the topic of pink camo, here's a line from a busker to somebody in the audience:

                    "You there! Your camo pants aren't working, I can still see you."

                    Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                    *turns on safe search*
                    Hmm... first response in Images is a pink beaver fur jacket!
                    First response from websites is... this thread!
                    Last edited by edible_hat; 04-15-2008, 12:47 PM.


                    • #70
                      You know, GK, I really have to ask: What catalog are these people ordering from anyway?

                      (says the girl who shops mostly Goodwill because it's the only way to find decent clothes )
                      Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                      • #71
                        Quoth Jade Panurple View Post
                        " I bet Gravekeeper will be happy to know that. I don't read the posts on Customers Suck much, but I bet he'll be happy that there are less of them up there to bug the hell out of him."
                        That level of popularity is surprising and unsettling. o.O

                        Quoth AriRashkae
                        You know, GK, I really have to ask: What catalog are these people ordering from anyway?
                        I can't really say of course. Though I try not to hate them. They actually do have a lot of nice stuff too but because they offer COD shipping, will ship to even the darkest reaches of Canada and honour native band numbers ( Which exempts them from paying tax ) they get a lot of orders from the middle of absolutely no where.


                        • #72
                          > You colossal, festering, dull-witted, mailbox fucking genetic failure of a land > walrus.

                          I have been laughing at that for a good twenty minutes now I'm going to be
                          snickering about it all day at work tomorrow. All through the meeting I must
                          attend with the management types. And I'm going to have that image in my head,
                          of a colossal, festering, dull-witted genetic failure of a land walrus fucking a
                          mailbox, which will probably closely resemble one of my bosses. And I'm going
                          to get fired for snickering the whole time he's regaling us with his latest 'better

                          And it's all going to be YOUR FAULT.

                          Just thought you should know.... grin.

                          Seriously, thanks for that. I desperately needed the larf....

