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Four Letter Words and Coffee

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  • #16
    cancel the order? hmm, flowers are cut, arranged AND en route, but because you're such a 'good customer,' we should cancel the order, take the loss so you can save money.

    hmmm, and because you 'PAID EXTRY,' we should get on our knees, thank the floral gods for your patronage, even though you're telling us that your business will go elsewhere.

    oh yes, we'll get RIGHT on that.

    love the whole attempt at a guilt trip with the funeral bit.

    i support the ban the bitch campaign; it's not the money, but the principle, after all.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #17
      I'd like to point out that banning her might not be much of a threat. Most people I know don't order arrangements unless it's for a very special occasion (I've ordered twice-the birth of my niece and for a funeral). I'm guessing they'd rather keep my money than ban me from future "potential" business that I may or may not give them.

      Besides, a small "inexpensive" flower arrangement I had delivered still set me back around $60.00. I imagine most funeral arrangements cost a good deal more, which means the OP's business would be out a good deal of money for something that couldn't be resold.

      She was being unreasonable and an idiot. And if she doesn't want to use this florist in the future, there is always Wal-Mart.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #18
        I also go with the "hang up on the bitch" campaign. At my work, it depends on two things: 1) how busy we are 2) my general mood. If I'm in a shitty mood, there is no way I will deal with your crap. If I'm in an OK mood, I will give you 1 warning and if we're quiet, I'll also have my supervisor on standby.


        • #19
          The thing I find most amusing is that I have a friend who goes by the screen name of Funeral Bitch. But she's one of the most polite, if quite blunt, persons I know. I pity the fool who pisses her off, because they'd get such an earful they'd wish they had broken their legs and were going to die in a fire.

          Back on topic : what parts of "the flowers you ordered are already on their way, so I can't change your order" didn't she understand ? It's like calling Pizza Hut, order a large anchovy pizza, then call back when the driver is on his way, and try to order a medium pepperoni. Bonus points if they expect to get it at the time quoted for the first order.
          "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


          • #20
            I would have told her I could cancel the order (i.e. tell the guy on the truck to NOT deliver it) but she wouldn't see a penny of refund.

            As I see it, the company already fulfilled their end of the transaction and if the customer now wants to change her mind she'll have to eat the money she already spent.
            "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


            • #21
              Quoth mattm04 View Post
              If a cust. swears at me, etc, they get 1 warning. After that I hang up.
              You'd give them a warning?

              You've got more patience than most, I think.
              P.E.B.C.A.K. - Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard.


              • #22
                Quoth mattm04 View Post
                If a cust. swears at me, etc, they get 1 warning. After that I hang up.
                Thats very graceful of you. I'm afraid I'm too jaded for all that. If they say something even mildly insulting to me personally, I hang up. I dont get paid to be talked to that way and I dont get paid to teach idiots manners they should have picked up in kindergarten.


                • #23
                  When I worked in the Call Center from hell, we were REQUIRED to give 3 warnings before disconnecting a call. I got written up once for only giving 2 warnings and not interrupting the caller's tirade of "fuck you bitch, fuck you bitch, fuck you bitch..." to give the 3rd warning before disconnecting the call. And I am positive that that call was part of the reason that I was targeted for downsizing last December.
                  "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

