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When SCs should never drive.......

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  • #16
    1) I once almost got ran over in the parking lot. Stupid bitch was laughing. Posted the story before. It ended with me pissed off and wanting to kick her car.

    2) Girl and guy get into a fight. Guy tries to drive off without girl. Girl brilliantly jumps onto the front of the car to make the guy stop. Guy keeps going and drives crazily in hopes of knocking her off. Girl falls off and gets ran over. I wasn't at work when it happened but I was told the story by another cashier.

    3) My car got hit in the parking lot while I was at work. Someone witnessed it and left their information on my windshield. I wasn't very happy because just several months before my old car was rammed into while it was parked outside my house and I didn't want to go through the same shit again. Anyways, I went to the police and gave them the information left on my windshield. They contacted the people who hit my car who happened to be very apologetic. They were pretty old and didn't realize they hit my car. The damage wasn't bad. A chipped tail light and chipped paint...easily fixable. The couple sent me enough money to get it fixed. My dad thinks the bumper maybe cracked in that spot though.


    • #17
      Funny stories! I'm digging this thread a lot!

      The funniest sucky driving incident I have ever witnessed happened, unsurprisingly enough, when I worked at Budget. I rented customer A a car. He got sniffy and requested that we pull it around. I did so, and left it on the right side of the building nearest the rental counter, right in front of the right facing door. My coworker at the Fastbreak counter rented customer B a car. He also requested that she pull the car around, and she left it on the left side of the building where the Fastbreak counter was (where he had erroneously insisted on renting although he had a regular reservation). The two men got into their respective cars, put them in gear, drove to the front of the building at about two miles an hour, and collided right square in front of the front doors, which opened from the motion. Everyone in the entire store, customers and employees alike, stared dumbfounded as the two men got out and started yelling. We actually had to call the airport police to make them stop fighting long enough to fill out incident reports! It was the funniest thing ever to watch, both of them going sooo sloooow, paying no attention to anything except finding the wipers and turn signals, then the look of surprise and frustration on their faces when they realized the collossally stupid thing they had just done.
      Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.


      • #18
        Quoth Sunsetsky View Post
        My dad thinks the bumper maybe cracked in that spot though.
        Is it one of the newer 'rubber' (that is, not metal) bumpers? If so, special paint is required--if you try to touch it in with the "touch up paint" from the auto parts store, it'll flake off. It's not designed to be sprayed on flexible items. There are sprays made especially for painting these bumpers. They're designed to flex with the part.

        ...and now that I've bored everyone...

        I should mention that my grandmother is approaching 90, yet can still drive to the store, church, and her friends' houses. Other than that, she doesn't drive much. She recognizes her limitations, and is dealing with it. Sure, she's losing some of her independence, but I applaud her for it. She refuses to drive on the highway (can't blame her...too many idiots) and never drives at night. If she wants to go shopping outside of town, she'll wait until I can take her on the weekend. Even though she doesn't drive much (and probably won't be much longer), I still keep the car in good repair. Except for some rusty spots (not too surprising on a '95 Olds Cutlass Ciera--they all seem to rust along the door bottoms and rear fenders), it's nearly like-new. We've decided that when she can no longer drive herself, I'm going to keep the car for her. It's easier for her to get into the Olds than my MG or Mazda. Plus, it's more comfy.

        Some of you know that she was in a serious accident 12 years ago. Up until then, she'd never had one, so to say that all older people are dangerous is just wrong. The guy who hit her, was a 55-year-old redneck driving a gravel truck. He had been driving like an asshole for years, and it finally caught up with him. He was simply going too fast (later claimed his brakes went out, which was later proven to be a load of crap), and rammed her car from behind, and pushed her into the path of a semi coming the other way She ended up with 2 broken shoulders, and other serious injuries. My cousin, who was riding with her, had the entire right side of his face cut up when the windows blew out It took an entire year of rehab to get her back to normal. Even now, she still can't reach upwards very far...but I'd rather have her around with that, than not.

        After seeing the car at the garage, before it was cut up, she was pretty damn lucky. The entire front end was gone. In fact, when my father and I went to look at it...the engine fell on the ground when we took the tarp off After seeing that, and the bumper through the windshield, I couldn't take it and had to leave.
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #19
          I got a good one. There's this one dude, Zack, that I knew from grade school. He hit my buddy's house driving drunk. His house is at the end of a one-way street on a corner. A few years ago, him and his dad put up some thick concrete pillar to protect the house and corner of the yard from stupid drivers. So one day Zack decides to drive drunk in his pickup and fly through the one-way street and hit one my buddy's house head-on. I hear that his front end got hung up on the pillar you see in the pic below that's been knocked down. A neighbor comes out and tell him that he's not gonna going anywhere and he decides to book it on foot until another neighbor came out and pinned him down on the gravel street until the cops got there. He tried to take off a couple more times but got caught and taken downtown. Since he had a few cuts and scrapes from being wrestled down to the ground in the gravel, he decides to cry "Police Brutality". My best friend's dad, who lives nearby, gets a call from a detective asking him if he'd witnessed this brutality. He gladly tells him that Zack's basically full of shit and that he got those cuts and scrapes from being held down for the cops.

          You gotta admit, the concrete pillars did their job. Only the front wall to the front porch was damaged. I hear that a couple minutes before, his girlfriend had been out there on the porch with their baby.


          • #20
            Over the past three years i've able to witness the deterioration of an older driver's capabilities. He was about ninety when i met him and he had an immaculate early model V8 ford. Mint condition, original everything, no rust (he'd owned it from new and garaged it all its life) beautiful car. Over the years it started to get more and more dings. He ran into one of the bowsers at work because his reaction times slowed that much. Now that beautiful car is a mangled wreck. The headlights are smashed, the bumper's twisted and scratched, all the side panels are dinged and scratched (the passenger door doesn't open at all). I almost cry every time i see that car. I offered to buy it when i first met him, but he said no because it was virtually the only one he'd ever owned. I don't want i now.

