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Boozy's Local News: Area Dolts Out In Force Today

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  • Boozy's Local News: Area Dolts Out In Force Today

    12:20 pm:
    Person who has never bought anything, but arrives on delivery days for our empty boxes: "Why are all your empty boxes broken down like that? They're useless now! Why would you do that? How am I supposed use them now? What?! NO! I AM NOT BUYING A ROLL OF PACKING TAPE! THAT'S THE MOST RIDICULOUS SUGGESTION I'VE EVER HEARD!"

    1:45 pm:
    Dolt walks by as I'm unpacking wine and says: "Hey! Giving away any free samples? Hyuk hyuk hyuk!"

    1:50 pm:
    Dolt walks by and says: "Do you get to drink on the job? That's the job for me! Hardy-har-har!"

    1:55 pm:
    Dolt walks by and says: "I'll bet you don't WHINE about your job much, do you? Get it? WINE? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

    1:56 pm:
    Boozy's suicide-by-box-cutter attempt foiled by manager.

    I hate delivery days.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

  • #2
    I don't get it. What the heck is it with customers that makes think they're funny?
    "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

    When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


    • #3
      Awww...poor Boozy.
      Is it wrong of me to laugh about your misery?
      Quoth Boozy View Post

      1:56 pm:
      Boozy's suicide-by-box-cutter attempt foiled by manager.

      That was hysterical.
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


      • #4
        I used to get that when I did the mulch at my part-time. "When you're done here, you can come to my house" gets REAL old after the 10th time in one day. Somedays it was all i could do not to take my shovel and go Norman Bates on them.
        Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time


        • #5
          My recurring most hated:

          *Item doesn't scan immediately*
          SC: "Oh! It must be free!"

          Mom came to town one day, we went to a store, she sees something without a tag, and says that. I told her, "Don't say that! I hear idiots say that all the damn time."

          I then apologized for calling her an idiot.
          Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


          • #6
            Quoth Apathy View Post
            *Item doesn't scan immediately*
            SC: "Oh! It must be free!"
            Indeed.. *head-desk*
            Or when I scan in my store barcode (on my lanyard nametag, so sales go under my name), and they'll make a comment that they're paying for my nametag and laugh. I'm tired of fake laughing, so any time any of these jokers try their stuff now I'll just give them a death stare. Or when I have to double scan in an item because of POS Software lag, and they demand to make sure its only in once.

            12:20 pm:
            Person who has never bought anything, but arrives on delivery days for our empty boxes: "Why are all your empty boxes broken down like that? They're useless now! Why would you do that? How am I supposed use them now? What?! NO! I AM NOT BUYING A ROLL OF PACKING TAPE! THAT'S THE MOST RIDICULOUS SUGGESTION I'VE EVER HEARD!"
            I get this every so often. I don't even give the boxes out anymore unless they're right there. Don't these people understand the meaning of clutter, and free space? Btw, we get deliveries 5 days a week (and we have various outgoing stuff as well many days a week), so I'm fairly immune to constant barrages of stupid comments regarding our deliveries.
            - Boochan


            • #7
              Working in the print shop for a college we get people from the college coming by and calling asking for our empty boxes all the time. Yes I do normally have them, however, I need to reuse most of them in the near future to repack copy jobs so that it can be delivered to these same people, so I don't normally give out more than one or two IF they asked nicely (the college pres. is the exception to that rule ). People get pissy over the fact that I can't supply them enough boxes to move ALL of the belongings in their house. I tell them they can always buy them at Office Depot and they are amazed that they should have to pay for them. Waaaahhhh frickin' waaaahhhh. It has gotten so bad recently that we have resorted to hiding the boxes in a back room because they will just take them without asking . Jerks.
              You want it when? Yeah, Good luck with that!


              • #8
                Quoth Boozy View Post
                Get it? WINE? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
                Damnit, since when did you know Ling?
                *looks at Boozy closely*
                Funny, you don't look like someone who stole her father's armor and ran off to join the army...
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  argh, the old 'it must be free' crap; i was so annoyed with one idiot trying to use that as his 'humor the cashier' line that i told him, 'oh, i'll find a way to charge you. bet on it.'

                  he then tells me he was just trying to make me laugh; my response:

                  'i've heard it many times before; it wasn't funny the FIRST time, and it isn't funny NOW, either.'

                  at least put some effort into it, sparky.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Ghengis51 View Post
                    "When you're done here, you can come to my house" gets REAL old after the 10th time in one day.
                    I got that in my summer jobs just after high school (hotel housekeeping one year, student apartment cleaning and painting the next) and occasionally at my current job when I'm dusting shelves or fixing a computer. My response: "Sure. I charge $10 an hour plus travel expenses and accept cash or check." Nobody's taken me up on that offer yet...
                    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                    - Bill Watterson

                    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                    - IPF


                    • #11
                      Quoth Boozy View Post
                      Boozy's suicide-by-box-cutter attempt foiled by manager.
                      Boozy's murder-by-box-cutter assisted by manager.


                      re Doesn't scan = Free

                      SC: "hyuk hyuk. Must be free!"

                      US: "Nope. Means I get to punch in whatever price I want....."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Boozy View Post
                        12:20 pm:
                        Person who has never bought anything, but arrives on delivery days for our empty boxes: "Why are all your empty boxes broken down like that? They're useless now! Why would you do that? How am I supposed use them now? What?! NO! I AM NOT BUYING A ROLL OF PACKING TAPE! THAT'S THE MOST RIDICULOUS SUGGESTION I'VE EVER HEARD!"

                        1:45 pm:
                        Dolt walks by as I'm unpacking wine and says: "Hey! Giving away any free samples? Hyuk hyuk hyuk!"

                        1:50 pm:
                        Dolt walks by and says: "Do you get to drink on the job? That's the job for me! Hardy-har-har!"

                        1:55 pm:
                        Dolt walks by and says: "I'll bet you don't WHINE about your job much, do you? Get it? WINE? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

                        1:56 pm:
                        Boozy's suicide-by-box-cutter attempt foiled by manager.

                        I hate delivery days.
                        Hehe....I hate customers' lame jokes.

                        I type for a small legal newspaper. Part of my job is doing small errands, which involves changing out the papers in the newspaper box outside the courthouse. I'm doing that one day and some douche who no doubt just got out of a court hearing for who-knows-what walks by and says:

                        "Heh-heh, leave that open so I can get one! Hyuck hyuck!"

                        So, I take the pile of yesterday's papers and deposit them in his arms. "There you go!" and walk away. Thinking: "Good! You throw them away smartass!"

                        Haha, the look on his face was priceless.
                        "What size can I get you, ma'am?"
                        "Okay...I'll check the red for you, but what size do you need?"


                        • #13
                          When I am delivering pizzas every person who sees me says "Thats for me!" or "Pizza guy! Heh heh heh!" If any of you ever do this, please stop. We hear this 500 times a night. I don't even understand why the second one is supposed to be funny.


                          • #14
                            "If it doesn't scan it must be free! Hyuk hyuk!"
                            "Actually, that's a common misconception."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Record Store Tough Guy View Post
                              "If it doesn't scan it must be free! Hyuk hyuk!"
                              As common as this one is supposed to be, I had never actually heard it myself until just last month.

                              And my first thought was not, "You nitwit" but rather, "Oh boy! I finally got this one!"

                              CS has ruined me, I tell you.

                              If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

