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SC: not required to pay attention

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  • SC: not required to pay attention

    In my hotel we are trained to actively remember our guests. We are even trained to use their first names. I find it "interesting" that we are trained to care, but some guests could care less about us.

    I also find it interesting that a lot of guests don't tend to pay attention to who is at the front desk. At 10pm, shift changes, and I will often (somehow) be mistaken for someone on the previous shift. I look very little like anyone else I work with, or so I think. I often get people inquiring to me like I am someone on the previous shift, which throws me for a loop sometimes. When they finally realize they are retarded & didn't happen to notice I am someone different, they seem annoyed at ME. How dare people work in shifts!!!

    I've been told, "Wow! You are still here! (meaning I or someone else am working longer then an 8 hour shift???)" To which throws me off, and I say, "I just got here at 10..."
    I have often had to say to people, "I'm sorry, I just got on shift at 10pm..."
    They all too often respond, "OH!!! You aren't the same person!" or "Oh well...*grumble...grumble*." Part of me responds internally, "GOOD OBSERVATION, SPARKY!"

    I find it funny, that often when people "complain", they do so in passing without really ever making eye-contact or bothering to truly face you.


    Me: *make a joyful noise*
    SCs: older couple passing desk, man does most talking

    SCs: (passing desk, pausing but not making eye contact but clearly stopping to inquire to me) "They don't serve food after 10 over there...or 5 to 10 either."
    Me: *looks up, confused as to what they are saying/referring to.* "I am sorry, to what are you referring?"
    SCs: "Sent us over there, & they don't serve food right now (a little irritated)"
    Me: "I just got on shift at Next door?" (we have a little pub next door)
    SCs: (face goes aggitated) "Oh..., well we were sent next door, but they don't serve food this late!"
    Me: "Oh...yeah I knew that but I guess the girl earlier didn't..."
    SCs: (take off at high walk speed before I can appologize for the incorrect information)

    I wonder if people who stay at hotels realize that the people behind the desk, being paid spit, sometimes go home & don't work 24-hour shifts because these types of confusing convos happen quite often.
    When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

  • #2
    On the flipside there are also those situations where someone sees hundreds of people a day, leaving customers as little more than a facial blur, where customers are spouting, "Don't you remember me!?"

    There's really no winning with SCs no matter what. Any way you slice it we still come out on the bottom.


    • #3
      Quoth thehippie777 View Post

      I wonder if people who stay at hotels realize that the people behind the desk, being paid spit, sometimes go home & don't work 24-hour shifts because these types of confusing convos happen quite often.
      How dare you! That's exactly like stealing from the company!
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        Quoth rerant View Post
        There's really no winning with SCs no matter what. Any way you slice it we still come out on the bottom.
        Yup ... no matter what you do, they'll just scream or cry louder until you have the police remove them.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          See they think you are like the clerks or the police officers in Grand Theft Auto. No matter what time you walk in there it's always the same guy behind the desk, and no matter how many times you've robbed or killed him he's always happy to see you.

