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Little Known Fact of the Day

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  • Little Known Fact of the Day

    The Prison Inmate Identification Card is the BEST form of state ID one can have. Hands down, no exceptions. Every place on the planet should accept you lovingly into their fold should you be a member of that elite group.

    Show the world your Inmate status with pride!

    Yes, this is what a moron and his girlfriend tried to tell me today when they could not open an account as we DO NOT accept PIIC's as a second form of ID. Duuuhhh... wonder why? Because that makes me want to let you leave the store with our product... yep, all the confidence in the world.

    The whole ordeal actually lasted about 30 minutes, involved much entering and exiting of the store, attempting to make me talk to someone on their cel phone (which I refused- learned my lesson about that!), having the person on the cel phone call the store so I had to talk to her, yelling, cussing, threatening to go rent at Hollywood Video (bye!), demanding my last name (no farking way!) and ultimately informing me that they'd have me fired.

    To the last I simply smiled and gave them the *thumbs- up* and said, "Good luck with that."

    It was so much fun that one of my CSR's that went off shift during it actually called from home later to find out what she missed. LOL!
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London

  • #2
    Back when my dad worked for the city, they had a guy apply for a job in the Park dept and his only ID was his mug shot from his last arrest.

    The sad part of course was that they hired him and he must have destroyed a dozen weed eaters, lawn mowers, edgers and finally he rolled a city truck just for the hell of it.

    They decided they should probably fire him after that.
    "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


    • #3
      I went to a local festival and my friend showed his DUI report as means of ID for the beer garden. They served him. The cops took it. No...he wasn't driving.

