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The Bold and the Beautiful

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  • The Bold and the Beautiful

    Can't recall seeing a thread like this but there probably was one in prior incarnations of the board:

    When I was in college I sorted mail for the dorms for minimum wage. One mail room served all the dorms. The mail room was open a few hours a day for picking up packages or oversize mail. I lived in the dorm that had the mail room.

    A few people would knock on my door at all hours begging me to open up the mail room just for them so they could pick up their "care package" or whatever without having to wait half a day for the regular hours.

    These people all had one thing in common: They were very cute women. They would smile and flirt and plead, well used to getting their way in the world because they were beautiful. I'm not ugly but these women would not bother to even glance at me if I didn't hold the key to retrieving whatever Mom had sent them. The chutzpah and hypocrisy of it drove me nuts. I quickly learned to tell people I didn't have a key to the mailroom, I checked out the key at opening time and returned it to maintenance when I closed (not true, but it worked).

    I'm sure if I were female, it would have been the tall, dark and handsome guys flirting at the door at 2:00 AM asking the same favor.

    Y'all must have a story or two about the Beautiful People expecting to get special treatment just because they smiled at you.
    Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...

  • #2
    Absolutely. When I worked at McDonald's we used to have game pieces which were available loose instead of attached to fry boxes or drink cups as they are nowadays. We handed them out to customers or anyone who asked (no purchase necessary). The thing was it was one per customer over 16 per hour.

    So-called "cute" guys were constantly trying to get me to hand over boxes of game pieces.

    It never worked. Crappy as it was, that job was worth more to me than flattery from some thinks-he's-cute jerk.

    "Sorry, Bud, but I LIKE having a job."

    "Oh, c'mon. I won't tell. Pleeeaaaase?"


    "You're a bitch."

    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #3
      Quoth Dips View Post

      "You're a bitch."

      "And you're a male bimbo, now go get yourself some STD bedding your way thorough career and leave me alone"

      The one that drive me insane are "pretty" women who cross in front of me in traffic walking from one sidewalk and the front one, and they smile at me smuggly like it's a great privilege having them make me brake madly in an atempt not to run them over.

      The reason I don't run over them is that I wouldn't have time before they died to yell them "Guess what cutie, i'm gay"
      I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

      "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


      • #4
        Quoth Bliss View Post
        "Guess what cutie, i'm gay"
        LMAO. That happened to my manager. A really beautiful woman wanted a discount on some very expensive skin care, and tried flirting her way into one.

        My manager kept refusing her, and as she finally gave up, she looked at him scornfully/accusingly, and he just smiled pleasantly and said, "sorry, I'm gay."


        • #5
          I have been flashed just so a cute customer can get into VIP. They try flirting with me, all that crap; and it never works. I always laugh at them though because they have the intelligence of a kleenex.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #6
            Quoth ihatethenba68 View Post
            I have been flashed just so a cute customer can get into VIP. They try flirting with me, all that crap; and it never works. I always laugh at them though because they have the intelligence of a kleenex.
            Heh, try being a jeweler. I've never once given in to any of the non-cash payment proposals I've been offered, but if I made a habit of it....well, let's just say I'd be dirt poor, exhausted, and probably have more infectious microbes in my blood than Kevin Federline after a few weeks in Vegas.
            "Who is this preposterous snob?"


            • #7
              i get the ones who think i'll be flattered because some young 20ish thug wannabe 'flirted' with me (yah, i really am into that immaturity thing, because at my age, youngish males are so hawt...). no, don't think so; get a clue, get some experience, a purpose and most importantly-GET LOST.
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

