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A letter to an idiot

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  • A letter to an idiot

    Dear Idiot,

    When I draw my plans based on the Contract Documents that you provide, I am not wrong! I don't care if your steel guy didn't do it, he's wrong. The contract documents are designed that way because if they aren't you'll have a grand total of 5'-6" of headroom coming down the stairs!

    Again, if you have a problem with something on the contract documents take it up with the Architect & Engineer. And don't tell me to "take out the original plans" they have no merit anymore, new drawings trump old and you know that! This has been this way since at least August of 2007 dummy!

    Also, you sound like a goddamn fool when you say "I'm tired of finding all these things out at the last minute" WTF? You should have been studying these drawings and known all this stuff by now. This wasn't even my project to start with (original drafter quit) and I know why the beam was designed that way!

    You have been nothing but a problem ever since this thing started. You threatened to throw us off the job, to sue me, told me "I'm not doing any work that you are contracted to do" when I was simply asking for some help getting something done to save time.

    Sadly I take great pride in knowing how badly you are being screwed over now since you put the stair case in the wrong place, had exterior walls in the wrong place which required thousands of dollars in extra work. And then to top it off you fired the mason, and had to start over again for the 2nd floor.

    I hope you're ready Friday, because I'll take great pride in sending you a bill for $25,000.00 for showing up and not being able to do anything.

    Oh, and that big burly guy with the bad attitude that you can't stand? Please remember he works for me, and when you screwed me over the last time he vowed not to do anything extra for you, and that's going to cost you, trust me I know. He's the best in the business, and knows what it takes to get a job done. But he'd rather see you squirm than get this freaking project done.

  • #2
    What a moron! You really want to be on the best terms with people doing important work for you. And its amazing how much goodwill you get just by bringing a sack of food, or case of sodas, for your contractors. Probably another tool who thinks being nice equals being a doormat. I don't blame you for not going above and beyond for this twit.
    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
    Hoc spatio locantur.


    • #3
      Quoth Geek King View Post
      You really want to be on the best terms with people doing important work for you.
      And when you're not, the price you pay is a price you might even know about for a few years. I've heard of one electrician who got so pissed at the way a client was treating him that he ran the entire home using aluminum wiring.

      For those of you who don't know, that requires special everything. Any future electrical work went way up in cost because of that.


      • #4
        Ah, yes, but remember draftermatt, SC's don't pay any attention to the drawings. Nor do they care how things should be laid out in order to make them work in reality. This is why, thank God, we keep hard copies of drawings. That's when you whip out a copy and say, "Nope, sorry. You approved it this way a LONG time ago!" Oh, I feel your pain!
        Certifiable Interior Designer
        (Passed the NCIDQ Exam - Summer 2008)

        It's hard to shoot zombies with a cat on your lap!


        • #5
          Oh trust me, that "Approved As Noted" stamp gets its use in our office when stuff like this comes up. But with this guy, doesn't matter.

          I put something on the drawing, he approved it, then complained when I expected it to be done (it was something by him not me) and he says "Well I didn't see that" to which I replied "then who approved my drawings? If you aren't looking at them why do I bother sending them to you?"

          That's when he said to me "check your contract you'll see I don't do this, you do it" He was right, but (and this is what I mentioned above) it was such a small thing (install a piece of steel for me, that I supplied, so my guys don't have to fool with it) that anyone would have done it. He instead threatens to call his lawyer, etc. Especially when he asked me to come on a Wednesday and I had to make it Friday because of rain. That got another threat to call the lawyers on me.

