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I'm the Civilized ONE!

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  • I'm the Civilized ONE!

    Working as a representative for Bell Canada, I thought it would be easier than working as a telemarketer. After all, telemarketers are hated because they're calling YOU! CSRs are there to HELP you.

    With Bell first I worked with Sympatico (high speed internet). After being on the floor for about three weeks, they pulled me off the floor, stuck me back in a classroom for another five weeks, and tried to train myself and thirty other Sympatico employees on Small/Medium Business Phone Lines). They failed miserably.

    However, while I really didn't know how to do my job initially, I eventually started to get the hang of it after endless phone calls to the help desk.

    One day a lady (who was obviously not of Canadian descent) called in complaining about these mysterious charges on her phone bill (she was a secretary for a doctor's office). These charges were for 1-900 phone calls. I hope everyone knows what those lines are? If not, 1-900 lines are basically sex lines. And with sex lines you have to ACCEPT those charges before you can continue to your... erm... phone sex?

    So here I am trying to explain these charges to the woman, with my supervisor sitting beside me listening in on the call (they did that once a month randomly). The woman becomes hysterical when she finds out what the charges are for and starts demanding that I remove them from her account immediately. I appologize and tell her that we can not remove the charges - that it can not be a mistake.

    She gets all huffy, and she's like "There's only my husband and I who work here, and neither of us would have dialed that number."

    And again I appologize and tell her again how those charges accumulate and why I could not do anything for her. So she started YELLING... and I mean screaming in my ear... and swearing... and she's making absolutely no sense, and so finally, not really wanting to take this abuse I told her, "Ma'am, if you can not conduct this conversation in a civilized fashion I will have to hang up."

    And this... this is where I hear the BEST LINE I have EVER heard in my life.

    "Civilized? Civilized? My husband is a doctor! I'm the civilized one!"

    Supervisor at my side, I replied with, "With all due respect ma'am, I'm not the one swearing."

    And so she DEMANDED to speak to my supervisor. And I gladly let her. And I got to listen in on what she told him. She told him I was attacking her, and telling her all sorts of stuff which I clearly did not. And when he told her the exact same things I had told her, she demanded to see his supervisor.

    She tried going to get higher up on the food chain quite a few times until she finally hit a road block - my supervisor's supervisor. She eventually was hung up on.
    "You're not gone five minutes, Agent Scully, and I'm already starting to feel like a stranger in my own office-"
    -Agent Doggett

  • #2
    So you work for Bell, eh? See, I've got this problem with my phone bill...

    Kidding. However, I question how having a doctor as a husband makes one civilized?
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      not just question it, broom...if this is 'civlized' behavior, i don't want to think about what the 'rest of the cave clan' is like.

      scratch that; neanderthals were far more developed.

      let's see, it's you and hubby working there only, so it must have been...those damned office gnomes! remove those charges, they're fraudulent!
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        "...My husband is a doctor! I'm the civilized one!"

        "Well I'm not the one with the Dr. Hubby calling 1-900 spank me."
        "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


        • #5
          *sees sheldons line, dies laughing, well, nearly*

          ok, i am SO VERY stealing that one!
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            The funny thing about your story is that it's not an isolated incident.

            I used to work for a tele-com reseller and we would investigate customer complaints of that nature all the time.

            Sometimes the numbers on the bill weren't so blatantly obvious, so it took some research.

            Of course the wife/husband/parent always vehemently denied that they're husband/wife/child would ever, ever do something like dial a phone sex line.
            Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


            • #7
              Quoth LifeCarnie View Post
              The funny thing about your story is that it's not an isolated incident.

              I used to work for a tele-com reseller and we would investigate customer complaints of that nature all the time.

              Sometimes the numbers on the bill weren't so blatantly obvious, so it took some research.

              Of course the wife/husband/parent always vehemently denied that they're husband/wife/child would ever, ever do something like dial a phone sex line.
              Oh I agree... I got that type of phone call all the time... it's just that one time, where I was being insulted because I worked for a call centre, as opposed to being married to a doctor.

              I just thought that when I switched from Sympatico to Small/Medium Business phone lines, the customers would be a little more respectful - considering they own businesses and all. Turns out they're even worse than the average man!
              "You're not gone five minutes, Agent Scully, and I'm already starting to feel like a stranger in my own office-"
              -Agent Doggett


              • #8
                My mother's cousin was married to a doctor. He liked to hit her now and then, cheat on her, not very civilized. She finally divorced him. Very cool judge. She put him through school, so the judge ruled that she gets half of everything he makes until one of them dies.
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
                Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                Document everything
                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                • #9
                  Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                  "...My husband is a doctor! I'm the civilized one!"

                  "Well I'm not the one with the Dr. Hubby calling 1-900 spank me."
                  That is an unfair and reckless lie!

                  The number Dr. Hubby called was 1-900-BIG-JUGS

                  Or so I've heard...
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Back when I worked for The Bank from Helltm, I got transferred to a new branch to "clean up the mess." The first thing I got there was a phone bill with $200 in charges to "The Date Maker", a service of your local PennySaver magazine. Investigation proved that the calls were all made in the wee hours of the morning, say 2:00 - 3:00am. Voila! It had to be the cleaning guy. His boss (read: his FIL) was not happy. They gave us a $200 credit toward our cleaning bill and fired his dumb butt. Makes you wonder why Mrs. Dr. Civilized was so indignant. I guess she and hubby are the only ones ever in the office, no cleaning or nursing staff.
                    "There are two types of people in the world. Those who panic, and then there's us." -- Sarah Jane Smith


                    • #11
                      Quoth wagegoth View Post
                      My mother's cousin was married to a doctor. He liked to hit her now and then, cheat on her, not very civilized. She finally divorced him. Very cool judge. She put him through school, so the judge ruled that she gets half of everything he makes until one of them dies.
                      Best. Judge. Ever.
                      The High Priest is an Illusion!


                      • #12
                        To be fair, though, not all 900 numbers are for phone sex. There are also ones for horoscopes, jokes, support, what have you.

                        900 numbers and then 976 numbers just meant that there would be a charge to the person making the call, which has to be announced and accepted.

                        Of course, with that harpy for a wife, he probably was calling phone sex operators...

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Heh - takes me back to when a female customer of mine was asking my opinion on dirty pictures she found on the home computer. Potential culprits were either a fourteen-year-old son (maybe sixteen at the time - been a while) or a husband of a reasonable age for a mid-life crisis.

                          Who would have done it? That was one of the questions. My answer was I had no idea, but quite frankly young blokes and middle-aged men are like that. It's perfectly normal for us to want to look at naked women etc.

                          She told me later that there had been words, that a culprit had been assigned, and I never got to find out which one it was.


                          I bet it was the butler.



                          • #14
                            It's always the butler!
                            "You're not gone five minutes, Agent Scully, and I'm already starting to feel like a stranger in my own office-"
                            -Agent Doggett

