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Banned over $5

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  • Banned over $5

    This is a work story of CMH's but he still hasn't re-registered so here goes...

    He was DJing at the bar last Saturday and the bartender was having a really rotten night.

    * Dropped and broke a bunch of glasses

    * Knocked over beer bottles

    * Opened a bottle of Pepsi which exploded ALL over her and the bar.

    She was soaking wet and sticky... And miserable and upset and having again, like I said, a shitty night...

    Then she found $5 on the floor. Score!

    Frank's new now-ex girlfriend stomps over from the other end of the room!!! and snatches the money from her - claiming it's hers. They have an argument to the point where the bartender's like "Well you obviously need it more than I do, if you're going to argue with me over $5." And gave it to her.

    Was that the end of it? No..

    FNNEG glared at the bartender ALL night giving her the hairy-eyeball. WTF? I mean after the bartender had given up the $5, she sits there and scowls at her and not making eyecontact. To the point where a bartender from the bar up the road - was in having a pint and tore a strip off of FNNEG and told her that her poor attitude and taking money off a bartender was just rude - even ruder was the fact that she had the nerve to sit there glaring at her - taking up bar space and not ordering anything. And that she wasn't welcome in her bar up the road.

    It would have been different, said the bartender to me - if say, she was ordering drinks and earning her spot at the bar - or hell, being half way courteous and carrying on a convo - SOMETHING. But no - she sat there all night sulking.

    So bartender went up to CMH and said "Look, I'm sorry. I know she's your girlfriend, but I can't stand her... She's EXTREMELY rude - and you saw the fight over the $5. I mean it's ridiculous. I gave it to her and she's still being a bitch. I can't have her in here. She can consider herself banned."

    CMH agreed about her behaviour, and said that it was fine with him. I mean talk about shooting yourself in the foot over $5. Two bar bannings in one night. Over FIVE DOLLARS?!

    We ordered pizza the other day and I put in $20, she put $20 in (OF RENT MONEY SHE WAS SPENDING!!!) and Frank put $5 for tip. She starts spouting off how we shouldn't tip the pizza guy because he already got paid for delivering pizza and there's no need for it. Etc... We tore a strip off her about that. But she was the one who ran down and got the pizza. For all we know she pocketed his tip...

    Not to mention the fact that she's messed about friends of mine, lied to them, lied to me, and CMH, even her friends avoided her last night at the Wednesday Wing Night... And last night finally broke up with her SC ass.

  • #2
    GOD, that's the worse, when the SC is dating/married/involved with someone at your place of work and you just want to stomp them!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
      GOD, that's the worse, when the SC is dating/married/involved with someone at your place of work and you just want to stomp them!
      Well as long as she stays away from us... He broke up with her on Wednesday... She's been phoning here incessantly since then... Asking me stupid questions and trying to be all friendly. Insists that she has something to give him and wants him over for dinner tomorrow night. He told her he has to DJ (at the bar she's banned from LOL ) tomorrow night, and when she said "Well what about Sunday??" He told her that our best friend - whom she's not allowed to see or contact because she was harassing him for money - is coming over for dinner.

      At least she can't come and harass him at work at the bar. And my friend is *this* close to getting a restraining order against her. She was actually constantly at his work demanding money for rent and sitting and waiting there on paydays for his boss to cut a cheque. Talk about tacky.

      She's poisonous. I don't know why she won't just leave him alone. He'd have nothing to do with her at all. Except his stuff is still over there. Like his (deceased) step-father's coffee table, and some CDs.


      • #4
        That sounds like a bad scene all around...
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          WTF?! She texted CMH last night while he was DJing at the bar... "Is it busy? Is there anybody there?!" The woman is deranged I swear. Even Frank couldn't wrap his brain around why she'd A: Text him... and B: Text him about something so ridiculous - considering she's not even allowed in the bar anymore

          The bar wasn't packed... But it had slightly more people than usual because Bachman Cummings was playing at the theatre up the street and a few stopped in afterwards because CMH was playing rock music. I saw one of the kids from youthgroup... We drank and skanked to rock music... Ahh you can skank to any song as we've discovered. It was fun - the only drawback was her - and Frank's weird DJ groupies huddled around the DJ booth. I started to ponder whether there was anything like Groupie Raid... Where I could spray in a circle around the booth and keep them back.

          "Can you play something good?"

          "Can you play some rap?"

          "What kind?"

          "Ummm it's all good... Play something... You'll know it.." ????

          People are weird.

