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Ok, Lady, How bout we get a few things straight? (long)(some Language)

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  • Ok, Lady, How bout we get a few things straight? (long)(some Language)

    [I work for a national sign company. We take calls from a couple of national fast food chains to repairs their exterior lights, signs, bulbs, whatever. Basically, we sub out our work - with us, you're getting the onvenience of one stop shopping, instead of having to manage a bunch of vendors across the country]

    First off, your <major mexican fast food joint> are not actually that important. Is someone going to die if they can't see that right there, on the corner, there is indeed somewhere they can get their terrible burrito fix? No. In fact, it may keep them slightly healthier. Your signs being off may actually save lives!

    However, I will admit that yes, the crews we had out three times to repair outages in the past month should have had everything done in one trip. And they would have, too, had you actually bothered to tell me exactly what was out. Or, for that matter, if your managers at the store bothered to pick up the damn phone once in a while. If I know exactly what's out - and I mean exactly - then I can get the crew to troubleshoot what's out and repair them a lot quicker and cheaper.

    Not that cheaper matters to you, since you get every single bulb and power supply replaced in contract. Well guess what? It still matters to me. I still have to pay the guy who was out at your site, so I have to keep costs down. This means I don't pay someone to repair signs for 8 hours without having a damn good reason. So far, you haven't given me one.

    But still, I played the nice little drone, and I apologized to you. I got a crew from 2 and a half hours away to go out to your two stores, to fix everything they possibly could. Did they get everything fixed? Hell no. Unless it's exactly one flourescent light out at a store, it's most likely never going to get repaired in one trip. Why not? Because my techs have a habit of not wanting to keep the extremely large bulbs up their asses.

    Nor do they keep obsolete parts on their truck! That's right! The last time this store was remodeled, they thought it was a pretty good idea to use High Pressure Sodium Ballasts, which cost a fair amount to dispose of safely, due to them being an environmental hazard. Given that they're actually illegal to manufacture, my guys aren't going to carry them on the damn truck.

    So, yes, there'll be a return trip to this store. Oh, and what's that? You're asking me about the logo signage. Again? How many times do I have to tell you - making an entirely new sign takes time. Your last one fell off because it was made quickly and cheaply. This one will fall off because you're having it made quickly and cheaply again. But it still won't be ready in a week, and it's your damn vendor who's sending it to us to install it, so bug them, not us.

    Oh, and how about the pole light which is missing the parts that actually make it, you know light up? No, that's not our fault that it's not there. Sometimes they fall out. And since we didn't install them, it's certainly not our fault. What's that? You feel you shouldn't have to pay for the replacement parts? You don't want to pay for a $700 part when you're already getting so much for free?

    Well, lady, since you've been so nice in all your communications to me, since you haven't been unreasonably demanding in every email you've sent me, and haven't managed to ruin every single morning this week with your tirads [/sarcasm] of course you bloody well can't have it for free. I'm going to quote you to replace them, moron tax will be included, and you will either approve us to do it, or have a pole light not work for a loooooong time.

    In closing lady, I've apologized when I shouldn't have. I've done all I can to help you. You're still an SC. Fuck you!
    Last edited by Dilorenzo; 04-21-2008, 03:01 PM. Reason: remodeleted

  • #2
    Amazing ...

    I have to ask. What's "remodeleted"?
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Quoth marasbaras View Post
      I have to ask. What's "remodeleted"?
      That would be where the contractor doing a remodel removes one or more parts from something vital and loses them.


      • #4
        Ok, that isn't even a bad spelling excuse, that's just freaking wierd. Must be something in the water around here.


        • #5
          I liked the word remodeleted.

          I may have to find a reason to use it at work.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid

