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Wow.... I REALLY didn't need to know that !!

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  • #31
    No. Never seen him before. I was so stunned/shocked I didn;t know how to answer except to shriek.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


    • #32
      Quoth Brightglaive View Post
      you know I had a co-worker tell me when that when they changed her pain medication to percocet it made her horny as hell and she had to ask them to change it back to her previous medication so that she didn't want to hump every man in sight.
      Heh, when I once took 1/4 of a tablet of Percocet all it did was make me sick as a dog. I thought I was going to pass out dead on the floor. Yeah, we won't be touching that crap ever again in this lifetime.

      Ahh, twistedly necessitating the !
      ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


      • #33
        Quoth HereWeGo View Post
        This may not be the case in this instance (I hope it isn't) but there's a marked tendency for female gamers to look for excuses to talk about their femaleness in the presence of male gamers. I've heard completely irrelevant comments about tampons, periods, bras, thongs, etc come out of the blue. Call me jaded, but I don't find it too much of a stretch of imagination to think that this girl was really saying, "I'm a female with a female problem," in front of a person that might give her attention for it.

        To clarify, I am a girl. Perhaps that's why she didn't have a problem with telling me that. Still mortifying, though.
        Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


        • #34
          Quoth Brightglaive View Post
          you know I had a co-worker tell me when that when they changed her pain medication to percocet it made her horny as hell and she had to ask them to change it back to her previous medication so that she didn't want to hump every man in sight.
          Better log out now. Gotta run to the pharmacy to get the wife's prescription!


          • #35
            Quoth Brightglaive View Post
            you know I had a co-worker tell me when that when they changed her pain medication to percocet it made her horny as hell and she had to ask them to change it back to her previous medication so that she didn't want to hump every man in sight.

            She's good looking.....but I was totally embarassed. I would never have guessed anything like that would come out of her mouth.
            Percocet, huh? I've got a bottle or two of that floating around. it don't do crap for me, but who knows what it may do the next time a beautiful women asks me for some aspirin ;p

            Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


            • #36
              I honestly thought that I knew where this was going when the controller was mentioned. And yet I was wrong, holy freaking lap dancing crap I was wrong.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #37
                Quoth Plaidman View Post
                I once had a guy tell me to look at something. His cell phone. His girlfriend doing a. um. act. with her mouth. On him. He then proceeded to tell me he has other videos. With her and other men.



                • #38
                  When I was still a young volunteer, about 25, I advised this woman about twice my age whose marriage was breaking up. She came in with a friend and went on at some length about how her husband and her never had sex because of some female-problem illness (not being euphemistic just thankfully can't remember). I was mortified, and did my best not to encourage her without actually being unpleasant - I stared vaguely into the distance I think

                  Eventually I got my chance and started trying to get her to talk about things that I could actually help with. So I asked about her finances so that I could work out if she could see a solicitor for free.

                  At this point her friend says "This is personal. I think I'll leave".

                  So there was that and having to look at the paperwork someone's employer had prepared for a disciplinary hearing - in which they'd printed out all the porn they'd found downloaded to his work computer

                  Oh - and someone who when asked what social activities he could enjoy if he received disability benefits and could arrange care said "sex". I had to explain that suggesting you'd spend the money on prostitutes really wouldn't help get the benefit...

                  Victoria J


                  • #39
                    Why does this surprise you? You may have been a part of a commercial for yeast infections. If you auditioned well, maybe they'll do another commercial about your burning, painful hemmoroids!

