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Tough guy thinks he can beat me up over the phone

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  • #16
    Quoth marty View Post
    I'm willing to bet he's about 5'3" and 90lbs.
    I'm 6'1" and 215 lbs. (yay for losing weight!). Even so I think I'd just sit on his head and fart or something.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #17
      Quoth Sarlon View Post
      naw...we southerners should just form a club...I've got mine already....~holds up massive tree truck with broken splinters rusty nails and a polite phrase "welcome to southern hostility"~

      Got lots more if anyone wants one!
      I want one!
      Now a member of that alien race called Management.

      Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


      • #18
        Quoth Evil Queen View Post
        Wow Protege! You need to tell us the FULL story! With all the pretty gory detail!
        It was shortly after I came to CS...and after I'd been given my mod powers. Waaaay back in '98 or '99. This tool (and I'm being nicely) was a mod. (I'm not going to reveal the bastard's name, since all of it is over.)

        He, along with one of the ladies here (also a mod), also lives near Pittsburgh. He'd said some things to her, that weren't very nice. Basically trying to get her location, and when he didn't get it...saying that he was going to "come after" her. Of course, being the nice guy I am, I, along with some of the other mods...said that if he did, he'd have to come through *us* first.

        Naturally, he was pissed, and decided to get his revenge! He thought it would be hilarious to destroy large sections of CS. The night it happened, I was on...not really doing anything, just reading stories. At the time, CS allowed you to see who was looking at different areas.

        What this idiot did, was he literally followed me around the boards...locking things up, or destroying them outright Needless to say, I was pretty pissed...and so was the site owner, G. I can't say I blame G one bit. I'd have been furious if someone had trashed all of my hard work. However, G didn't pass judgement on me, until he'd checked the site logs. I told him that I appreciated that, but it wasn't necessary--I'd probably have reacted the same way.

        Anyway, this idiot decided to send some nasty messages to people here, and I called him out on it. He chose to attack not only the mod who lives here, but a few others. In one of the replies, I told him to "bring it on." I don't take kindly to people who mess with my family or friends.

        At the time, his photo was posted on here. That came in handy when I was at one of the local malls...and he started following me. Even though I could have easily kicked his ass, I chose not to. I had just come from work, and wasn't about to get blood on my suit

        Even though I know where he lives, I don't bother with him. He's nothing to me--if he wants to start shit, I'm more than capable of dealing with him. I don't go around stirring up trouble, folks. Last time I heard, karma had kicked his ass via health problems.

        Anyway, 10 years on, I'm still waiting for my ass-whooping
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

