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I love the early birds.

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  • #16
    Quoth Deus Machina View Post

    Appearently, to SC's, "It's the law" means "It's convenient to me".
    well of course thats what it means to them, but ohh if it was true i could get date much more easily "You have to date me It's the Law!"
    Last edited by Cyphr; 04-22-2008, 11:28 PM. Reason: .


    • #17
      We have a cheap kids movie on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Before we open customers are clustered around our entrance doors like the zombies from Dawn of the Dead trying to get in the mall.
      "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


      • #18
        Quoth Beckpatton View Post
        ROFL!!! It's stories like this that make me so happy that I found this site! I thought I was the only one who had to deal with such stupidity! thank God I am no longer alone!!
        Oh my no. SC's come in all shapes and sizes, and they're everywhere.
        Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


        • #19
          Quoth Gerrinson View Post
          At the grocery store we didn't have to get let in when I started, we just pulled open the Exit door and walked in. They had to stop this after the morning when I and several other employees went in and a lady watching us decided to let herself in, too.

          She was in the store for 20 minutes without anyone noticing because we were in the back doing prep work. She had a cart full of groceries and wanted to lodge complaint about none of the registers being open and the main door being locked.

          When I (being the front end supervisor for the day) explained to her that we weren't open yet and she shouldn't be in the store she went ballistic. The gist of her rant was that if employees could come in then customers must be allowed in too, because it's the law. The store manager finally had to escort her out of the building, still screaming.

          After that, the store policy was changed to have a manager stand up front with keys and unlock the exit doors to let morning employees in early.
          My store used to do a similar thing. I once had to work 6 AM on a Sunday (sundays we open at 7 AM) The opening cashiers, baggers, and manager arrive at 6 AM, the deli bakeshop and produce people (1 each dept) arrive at 5 AM and are let in via a buzzer and the night crew manager. At 6 we unlock one exit door to let the opening employees in. We now keep the doors locked and have the opening bagger stand in the entry to let employees in. despite most of the lights being off and the doors being locked (except the exit door) customers would sneak in and try to get a jump on shopping. when we found them we kicked them out and made them wait for opening.

