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The Saturday Night Suck (long)

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  • The Saturday Night Suck (long)

    I was working last night when another associate stopped me and asked if I could help someone over in Pets. I figured someone needed fish. Nope, not the case. I'm led over to an angry looking woman with a cart full of dog food.

    Me: guess...
    SW: Sucky Woman

    Me: How can I help you?
    SW: There's only the medium bags of such and such dog food. I want a large bag.
    Me: Well, ma'am if the spot is empty then it means we're completely out of the product.
    SW: Why is it I always get that answer when you people don't ever check in back?!
    Me: Ma'am, if there were any in back the associate who works this area would have already brought them out. I'm sorry but we're out.
    SW: ::catbutt face:: Fine.

    What I told her is true. Our people in Pets are very good about keeping the shelves stocked when we have a product. All of our people in all areas are. If something is out it's out. We won't be getting it in until either that night or the next. It sucks for the customer but that's life. Deal with it.

    So after that I grab my cart and head up to get returns which is behind the service desk. The SW is there complaining to the women up there. She's wants someone to check for the dog food in back and to make a complaint about me. She makes them call down to Pets and says loud enough for me to hear as I'm leaving with my returns "She's the one who wouldn't help me." I rolled my eyes and kept walking. The service desk can't do shit to me.

    The best part of this is when I asked J in Pets if he took the call.

    J: Yeah, and I told her exactly what you told her.

    I laughed. I doubt any of the managers will say anything to me if she actually bothered to make an official complaint about me.

    Scavenger Hunt

    Alright, these were entertaining the first few times people came in on one, but now it's getting annoying. I know I've complained before about the space between the fish tanks and the aisles. I get pulled away from zoning to get fish for a little boy. No big deal. I have a marker and the kid is cute. We get over to the fish and there are at least ten 16 year olds herding around the tanks.

    I'm trying to get through the mob to get the stuff I need to catch fish and I'm the one getting glared at for being in the way.

    T1: Teen 1
    T2: Teen 2
    T3: Teen 3

    T1: Damn! I forgot the scavenger list in the car!
    Me: 'Scuse me.
    T2: ::glares at me:: Well, lets go get it dumbass.
    T1: I don't wanna. ::glares at me when I walk by::
    Me: Alright, you all need to get out of this area.
    T3: Whatever.

    They all walked off after that and I didn't see them over there again. But really if you're going to do one of these hunts have the paper with you, don't annoying the workers, and don't cuss in front of 7 year olds.
    Honey and Thorns ~ Handmade Knit and Jewelry