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  • #16
    Quoth Sylvia727 View Post
    In fact, I think it's morally fraudulant.
    Morally fradulent?
    Sorry, there's a line that gets crossed there. A moral issue involves actual harm - theft, murder, stealing, that sort of thing.
    There is no 'moral issue' or 'principle' over a meaningless piece of paper that gets stuffed in the bottom of your pocket and tossed at the end of the day.
    My $.02, adjusted to $.17 for inflation.


    • #17
      Quoth Ree View Post
      Because everyone knows it makes such sound business sense to have your customers go to another store.
      It does make good business sense to have your SCs go to another store.


      • #18
        Quoth myswtghst View Post
        I'll agree to that. I think it's one of those things where it sucks to be the CSR, because you didn't make the policy, and you can't change it, but you still get blamed for it and yelled at because of it.
        This is where printing a receipt for every sale would save Venom and his co-workers from this kind of suck. Then again, how often does management care about the sanity of their workers?
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #19
          Here is how our pumps are set up.

          You pull up, I come to your window and ask how much you would like. You tell me. I then ask cash or card.

          If you say "fill up, cash" then I hit "2" and "Enter".
          The pump asks me if you have a "Perks card" I tell it yes or no.
          If yes, I slide that card and it tells me the discount and resets the price. After that or if I pressed no it then asks if you want a receipt. I tell it yes or no. Once yes or no is picked thats it. The only way to get back is to cancel it all out and start over.

          If you say "$20, cash" I hit "3" and "enter". Then "20.00" and "enter". Then we do the perks card and receipt stuff.

          If you say "fill up or $20, credit card" then I slide the card. It asks me Credit or Debit(Picking Debit means you get out and enter your PIN, not me...). Then we do the perks card and receipt stuff. We can not pre-set a credit card, so if you want something low I have to stand there and watch it until its done.

          The system will only let you run a card once in 24 hours and most cards will not go over $75. We can not type in the card number so if the card is messed up and cant be read you are out of luck unless you have cash or another card. If the card is denied all we are told is Can not AUTH. Nothing else. This pisses many people off.

          As for the guy I called stupid, if he had been nice I would have wrote him one up and asked him again to remember to ask BEFORE I started pumping the gas.

          The boss/owner has the option to print a receipt with every sale but chooses not to because 90% of our customers dont want one. I see his point, it would be a waste of paper and ink. In 4 hours we pump gas into over 250 cars/trucks/etc...

          As for asking each customer... well we get complaints and smart replies just for asking them if they are going to pay with cash or a card. One woman actually came inside and said "the guy pumping gas was an asshole and not very smart". When asked why, she said, "I told him to fill my car up and he asked me cash or card! Now if I was paying with a damn card I would hand it to him!" The owner was standing right there and never spoke up.

          Damned if we do, damned if we dont.... But I would rather have a pissed off customer then a pissed off 70+ year old bosses dad that WILL tell you what he thinks about you when he is mad.

          He is old and when mad you never know what is going to come out of his mouth or what he will do. Right before I started there, over 2 years ago, he seen a young man in a convertable throw trash out of his car onto our lot. He walked out and asked him to pick it up. The guy told him to f*ck off. So what did bosses dad do? He walked over and picked up a trash can and dumped it into the car.

          I personally watched him chase a enviromental guy around the store because the guy wanted paper work signed and he refused to sign unless he could write on the paper that we didnt see what he had done. The guy said no he couldnt write on the papers except to sign them. The guy then grabbed them from the bosses dad and the chase was on.


          • #20
            Oh and to cancel a sale?

            I have to wait until the pump says its ready to pump.
            Then press "Cancel".
            Press "Yes".
            Press "5".
            Then restart all over.

            Oh say if you give me a credit/debit card and I run it and then you decide you also wanted to use your Perks card and I am pass that screen?
            If I cancel the sale it will refuse the credit/debit card for 24 hours. Once a card has been swiped thats it for 24 hours. So its either forget the perks this time or pay with another card or cash.


            • #21
              Quoth BlackIronCrown View Post
              Morally fradulent?
              Sorry, there's a line that gets crossed there. A moral issue involves actual harm - theft, murder, stealing, that sort of thing.
              There is no 'moral issue' or 'principle' over a meaningless piece of paper that gets stuffed in the bottom of your pocket and tossed at the end of the day.
              My $.02, adjusted to $.17 for inflation.
              A moral issue involves any right or wrong. A policy that denies a receipt to a customer is wrong. It may be a meaningless piece of paper to you, but I need my receipts. I can't balance my checkbook without them, and they're an invaluable tool when I re-evaluate my budget. In addition, many people expense gas for their jobs, and they need a receipt in order to get their money back. Denying me a receipt does me actual harm. I have trouble balancing my checkbook and I have an inaccurate budget for the next month.

              That being said, I only put the "morally" in front of the "fraudulant" because I wasn't sure about the laws on this issue and wanted to distinguish it from "legally fraudulant".

              Quoth VenomX View Post
              As for the guy I called stupid, if he had been nice I would have wrote him one up and asked him again to remember to ask BEFORE I started pumping the gas.
              Which I believe you mentioned earlier is a violation of your policy and could get you in trouble with your boss.

              Quoth VenomX
              Damned if we do, damned if we dont....
              Which is how I interpreted your situation. Your boss is setting you up to catch suck from your customers.
              "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

              "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


              • #22
                Wow, VenomX, your setup sucks big-time.

                But, seriously, I get pissed when I can't get a receipt, and unless I'd been there before, I would have no idea that your pumps had to have that info before they pumped.

                Nekojin had a situation yesterday where he had to have a receipt for reimbursement purposes, and the store in question was out of receipt paper. And this is a place that serves "billions" so it's not like it's some rinky-dink operation. That's the second time that chain (different stores) has had no receipt paper and totally blown off that it could be an issue.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #23
                  If they have never been there before I will write one up and let them know I need to know beforehand if they ever come back. I can usually tell who has never been to our station before because they get surprised that we pump the gas.

                  We only accept cash and cards, no checks. For cards I always hit yes for a receipt.


                  • #24
                    My $0.17 (which I think is $0.15 US)

                    A couple of things.

                    Yes - he was a sucky bastard.. next time tell him to go elsewhere first. Ban him from the place next time you see him!!

                    Second... asking about receipt should be included every time... makes life much easier in the long run, even if more annoying short term, because...

                    Third, I'm pretty sure there'd be a legal imperative to provide proof of purchase at any time something is purchased, for tax purposes. To the point that if your boss refused to issue a receipt if it is asked for, would get into serious difficulties if someone contacted the appropriate authorities. After all, you have mentioned the possible fraudulent activities on the doctored receipts (not your issue, and if it is as such, then report it to the IRS or whatever), your boss could be in the crapper for not having effective accounting.

                    And lastly, 'morally fraudulent' - almost an oxymoron.... morals are about what 'should' and 'should not' be acceptable with regards to an individual (and sometimes society) in relation to a certain act. 'fraud' is about facts. The first is an evaluative (read subjective) judgement, the second is objective.

                    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


                    • #25
                      Quoth Slytovhand View Post
                      And lastly, 'morally fraudulent' - almost an oxymoron.... morals are about what 'should' and 'should not' be acceptable with regards to an individual (and sometimes society) in relation to a certain act. 'fraud' is about facts. The first is an evaluative (read subjective) judgement, the second is objective.
                      Again, I only said "morally" because I wanted to distinguish it from "legally". I'm not a lawyer, and I don't know the law on denying proof of purchase. But fraud is any deceit or dishonesty, and it is dishonest to refuse someone a receipt. Just because 90% of one's customers throw it away does not mean it is okay to refuse it to the 10% who use it or need it.
                      "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                      "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


                      • #26
                        Quoth Slytovhand View Post
                        your boss could be in the crapper for not having effective accounting.
                        His accounting is good. He gets a print out after each shift for that shift and one daily for the previous days sales.


                        • #27
                          Wow. All this over a receipt for cash paid. Whether the policies are sucky or not, they're in place for a reason. I'm not really sure how it's dishonest to refuse to give a receipt. Especially since, if he's been there before, he's no doubt heard the same thing Venom told him.

                          None of the gas stations I've ever been to ask customers if they want a receipt for cash purchases. At many, the pump will beep after you finish pumping, giving you the option to get a receipt or not.

