Yes.. and it'll be in writing too!!
Why, you may ask....
Because I basically told a customer off.
Yes - you are actually obligated to follow the terms and conditions of your contract, even if 'nobody told me or I would have...' (in a whingey whiney voice). So when stuff happens because you didn't, then don't expect a lot of ...'sympathy'. (oh - and remember bitch, I still did reverse those fees!)
Oh - might also have called her a 'regular loser' rather than a 'regular user'....

Why, you may ask....
Because I basically told a customer off.
Yes - you are actually obligated to follow the terms and conditions of your contract, even if 'nobody told me or I would have...' (in a whingey whiney voice). So when stuff happens because you didn't, then don't expect a lot of ...'sympathy'. (oh - and remember bitch, I still did reverse those fees!)
Oh - might also have called her a 'regular loser' rather than a 'regular user'....
