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I want to talk to your supervisor!

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  • I want to talk to your supervisor!

    Ever have those moments where you get to see the look of pure horror spread across the face of those who have wronged you? As in they tried to make you look stupid but in the end they themselves got to look stupid? Or assumed since you were young that you couldn't possibly be any kind of manager/supervisor?

    Okay we do personal check cashing at my casino. It's quite a long process but we can do them. I was helping this woman man fill out the form and trying to be as nice as pie. We have to scan their ID's, the check itself and ask for their SS#.
    Well, as I went onto the computer to make sure she didn't have any returned checks or anything strange in her credit I came across like 14 flagged checks all in ONE week. My eyes widened and I told her I'd be right back.
    I went to the supervisor on duty (Let's call him Mike because I don't believe in putting up real names) and told him what I had found. He came to the computer and almost keeled over. This woman had so many returned and unpaid checks it was ridiculous.
    Mike is very professional and really good at his job. Mike is 23. Most guests get upset if they have to deal with young people. Which I am 21 so you know that pisses them off too.
    Anyway he proceeded to tell her that since she had SO many returned checks that we'd be unable to cash her check. She went into a rant and said that those weren't hers and that someone who looked JUST like her with the SAME name had all those-- not her. I could tell then on that she was a lying psycho. All the checks were in the same week. In different Casino's. I bet she didn't know we could pull up her history like that.
    She got really angry and demanded to see the supervisor. Mike smiled and was like: I am the supervisor.
    "Is there anybody here above you?" she thought maybe his boss was there. But we have one boss per shift and he just happened to be the supervisor for that shift.
    "This is ridiculous! There has to be someone else I can talk to."
    Mike smiled. "Well the cage manager will be in tomorrow morning, you can talk with her."
    The woman looked mad and stormed off.
    Mike grinned and I could tell he loved that moment of telling her he was the boss. He's the coolest.

  • #2
    For a while I was running my own business of selling Role-Playing Game supplies on the internet for a bare margin above the wholesale cost back when the internet was young (at least it's availability to the general consumer...early 90's). We had a guy calling us up and demanding a refund because he didn't like the book.

    It was a copy of GURPS Celtic Myth and he was offended by the inclusion of the names of Celtic Deities.

    Normally we have a no refunds policy, just replacement policy in case of wrongly ordered items and damaged merchandise. I have on occasion given a refund if the person was nice and polite to me and had a legit reason (Kid borrowed daddy's credit card), but most of the time people were happy with a replacement an exchange for something else (damn, I didn't know that my buddy already HAD a copy of that) or store credit.

    Anywho he wasn't getting one from me since he started the conversation as a real jerk and trying to get me to refund him the cost of the book, his shipping (next day) and the shipping back to us. So he demands to speak to the manager. Hearing that I WAS the manager pissed him off enough to demand to speak to the owner whom he knows from college.

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? This guy is in California and we're in Maryland. I've attended University of Maryland: Eastern Shore for a few classes, my wife at the time, and our best friend (the three of us were the owners and the entire crew) both went to Salisbury State University, and none of us knew this guy.

    So I explained to him that I was the owner and he told me that I was lying to him. I then proceded to read to him our website where it had our contact information and it showed My name as part owner and sales manager, my wife who was part owner and ordering manager, and our friend who was part owner and Webmaster.

    Out of the list of people, he said that he knew "Mongo Skruddgemire" from college. I explained to him that I was Mongo and I never heard of him.

    He got flustered and hung up at that point.

    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #3
      Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
      Out of the list of people, he said that he knew "Mongo Skruddgemire" from college. I explained to him that I was Mongo and I never heard of him.
      That reminds me strongly of the guy on The Gord's website who tried to get a cash discount on count of 'he could pocket the money and not tell the owner'.
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        I've taken complaints before where a person will rant and rave about terrible food/service. Most times I'm nice and will give them credit, etc. But we've had people complain about the food they got 2 weeks ago, and are just now getting around to complaining. Anyways, this one lady complained about her order from a week or so back, and wanted a refund/replacement/both. I looked for her order (We keep records of orders for years, all computerized) But could find nothing like her order, or by any names she claimed the order was under. (scammer? quite possibly)
        I told her basically that there was nothing I could do for her unless she wanted to come in during a time when the MOD during her visit was in again, and that maybe s/he would remember her and be able to help her.
        At this point she gets really huffy about the inconvience. (sorry, lady, company policy) She asks for a manager.

        At this point (and this is my favorite part) I get to say:

        Then she hangs up on me.
        Things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do. I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew,that someday it would bring me back to you.


        • #5
          As I've mentioned before. I work for a small company and fill a few roles here. One of which is Assistant to the President. So anyone who wants to complain to the owner has to go through me to talk to him.

          Another time I had some great fun with a salesman who was desperately trying to reach the owner, Keith, and insisted he was an old friend. They've known each other for years, went to high school and college together, etc. The fellow must have used the internet to find out where Keith went to school.

          Me: I'm sorry. I asked Keith and I'm afraid your name doesn't ring a bell. If you can tell me the reason for your call...[hanging silence]

          Old friend: I can't. It's personal.

          Me: Well. I can't put you through unless Keith either knows you or you can give me a reason for calling.

          OF: Just put me through to Keith. He knows me.

          Me: I just explained that he doesn't recall you. If it's personal, I can put you through to his private voice mail box...

          OF: Do you have any idea how mad he's going to be if you don't let him talk to me?

          Me: I don't have any idea how mad he would be. But I know for a fact exactly how mad he is going to be if I let a sales call sneak through to him. You'll either have to tell me what this is about or leave a voice mail.

          OF: Miss, you have no idea what is going on here. I've known Keith probably since before you were born and he's not going to be happy about the way you are treating an old friend.

          Me: Well, sir, I've known Keith since the DAY I was born. Keith is my father. Now are you going to tell me what this is about or...

          OF: <click>

          Me [to Keith, who is falling out of his chair, laughing, behind me]: Hey! Your old school buddy hung up on your daughter.

          Keith: That's it. He's OFF my Christmas card list.
          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

          The stupid is strong with this one.


          • #6
            Quoth Dips
            Me [to Keith, who is falling out of his chair, laughing, behind me]: Hey! Your old school buddy hung up on your daughter.

            Keith: That's it. He's OFF my Christmas card list.

            The pharmacist my mom works for is technically named Charles, but for whatever reason goes by Mike, which is his middle name (Well, Michael is his middle name, but you know what I mean.). Drug reps will call him and pester him all day if he lets them, so he has the pharmacy techs gate-keep for him. It's always funny when they ask to speak to "Charlie," "Chuck," or "Charles," and then claim to know him real well. Mmmm-hmmmm...sure you do, you didn't just read his name off the pharmacist's association roster while waiting for the call to connect or anything.
            Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.


            • #7
              Dips, you are my current hero!

              This is what is cool about having an unpronouncable name. Or, at least unpronouncable to someone who has no business calling me.

              When I weary of going ", no one here by that name. Care to try again?" I just hang up on them.


              • #8
                For a while in the mid-90s I worked as an assistant secretary in a friend's small company. It was a good job until his son came in and wrecked it . . . but that's a story for another thread. Anyway, I used to get evil fun out of all the sales calls that would come in for "Mister So and So, I'm a personal friend", when the name So and So was an amalgam of half of my friend's first name and half his wife's first name created as the corporation name. Yeah, you're a CLOSE personal friend . . . you bet.

