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I didn't know it was Happy Hopping Moron Day... (long)

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  • I didn't know it was Happy Hopping Moron Day... (long)

    Thanks for the subject line, Squidward.

    I've been at work barely two hours and it has already been a parade of misadventure in the obituary department. If I weren't getting my paycheck at the end of the day, I would so bail...

    This woman's brother died. I know because she informed me of that fact 27 times over the course of a six minute phone conversation. Probably more than that because I was kind of guessing since I didn't start counting until the second minute.

    I'm not sure she was particularly grief-stricken or anything...she almost sounded...proud? At any rate, I guess she thought I wasn't getting it through my thick head that her brother died because she kept repeating it, even though the question I was asking her was "Was there a funeral home involved?" Eventually, I managed to somehow trick her into going away. She'll probably be back later though.

    2. I've had this before... Seriously, I have.

    An old woman who seemed to be either drunk, high, or at least somehow off her rocker came in, walked over to my desk, and plopped down and said "I need to know how to get an obituary."

    Well, I try to figure out what precisely she means by that.

    Me: "Do you mean you need to put an obituary in the paper?"
    Spaz: "No, no. I need to get a copy of an obituary."
    Me: "Oh, okay. What's the name of the deceased?"
    Spaz: "Jane Doe."
    Me: *looks, finds nothing* "Okay, when did the obit run, ma'am?"
    Spaz: "Oh, it didn't run here."
    Me: *brain goes Guh?* "Excuse me?"
    Spaz: "It didn't run here."
    Me: *thinking maybe she's just confused...she's old, old people get confused...I don't know, I'm grasping at straws here* "So, did you want to put in a copy of the obit?"
    Spaz: "No, I need a copy of it."
    Me: "...and it didn't run here?"
    Spaz: "No, ma'am...*ten minute explanation that eventually makes the point that the woman has no local connection to our readership area, aside from the fact that she's friends with the freak sitting in front of me*"
    Me: "Um, you know if there was a funeral home involved? You could call them-,"
    Spaz: "Ohhhh. I don't know..."
    Me: *grasp, grasp* "What city was she from?"
    Spaz: "BFE, Texas...*repeats ten minute explanation*"
    Me: *spends ten seconds with Google* "Okay, she died on *date* in *city* and her middle name is *Whatever*?"
    Spaz: "Yes, that sounds right."
    Me: "Okay, I can write down the phone number for the funeral home for you and you can call them for a copy of the obit."
    Spaz: "Can't you print one out for me?"
    Me: NO. "Well, there's no website for this funeral home, I found it referenced in *city paper*..."
    Spaz: "Can you print me out what's in that paper? I'm old and *blah blah blah gas prices blah blah blah consequences blah blah blah hip hurts*"
    Me: "It doesn't look like I can get onto the website for the paper, it looks like their archives are a paid service. But I have the phone number for the funeral home and they can help you out."
    Spaz: *sits there and looks pathetic*
    Me: *holds out phone number*
    Spaz: "Is it an 800 number?"
    Me: "No, ma'am, they didn't have one listed."
    Spaz: *very reluctantly takes the phone number* "All right, I really appreciate this..."
    Me: "It's no problem." IT ARE HUGE PROBLEM GRAH.
    Spaz: *takes her time getting up, keeps looking at me, keeps looking pathetic*
    Me: *shuffles papers aimlessly*
    Spaz: "Thank you for the help."
    Me: "You're welcome, ma'am."
    Spaz: *putters around, meanders slowly to the elevator, finally realizes I cannot perform miracles for her and leaves*

    I mean, seriously. She came up here looking for an obituary for a person who wasn't from here, had no relatives from here, never lived here, an obituary she knew we didn't have, and was very very sure that still, somehow, I would have it for her. It was above and beyond for me to manage to track down what I did track down, and I could tell she still wasn't convinced I wasn't holding out on her. UGH.

    3. School groups be fun
    There's nothing quite like getting a bunch of bored high school students wandering through and standing there lifelessly while your boss tries to make journalism of things that aren't Britney Spears and Keanu Reeves or whoever's popular now sound interesting. So I thought I'd pitch in and tell them a few stories about the fun fun people we get to deal with, like whoever is mailing us severed Mr. Potatohead body parts piece by piece, or the guy who came up and broke out into Riverdance in the conference room, or the joker I had to bodily fling into the street for threatening our reporters, etc.

    Pretty sure I scared them all off journalism for life. Judging by their slack-jawed, vacant facial expressions when they walked in here, I did journalism a favor.

    4. Some guy came in and he smelled just like my mice's dirty cage.
    Nothing much more to report here. He smelled like cedar shavings and mouse piss. It'd be one thing if he was dressed like he could have recently been rolling around in cedar shavings and mouse piss, but he was in a three-piece suit. A nicely pressed three-piece suit. And otherwise he seemed clean and of moderately acceptable levels of intelligence. I'm not quite sure what happened there.

    5. But it's MY job...
    Fellow brings me in a handwritten obit that appears to have been scribbled on hotel stationary. Always a good sign.

    Fellow then informs me that "S" a guy who works on the copy desk, is who should receive this obituary, as he knows the woman in the obituary and he will know what to do with it. Informing him that S's job is to lay out pages and it is MY job to deal with the dead people seems to only confuse him. I inform him of this fact a couple of times, and he argues with me that he knows S, and this lady knew S, and therefore that means that S is the person who will do the obituary. I reply that even if I do give the obituary to S, he will just hand it right back to me. His eyes glaze. So I just tell him that yes, I will let S have the obituary, and then add it to my pile the instant his back is turned.

    Because knowing someone = instant knowledge of other jobs aside from your own.

    This wasn't sucky, it just amused me. My boss brought in his two-year-old son for about half an hour before his wife could get by to pick up the kid and take him to daycare. For the entire half hour, the soundtrack of the newsroom was:


    Of course, I have the triplets at home and this is happening nowhere near my desk, so I can actually just smile and go on with my work while this destruction rains down.

    7. Oh shi-
    *answering phone*
    Me: "Newsroom."
    Jagoff: "Yes, YOUUUU just transferred me to "J" and I only got his VOICEMAIL. I NEED his e-mail address."

    First of all, this was the first I was hearing of this guy so I was pissed right off the get-go. Second of all, his tone of voice clearly implied that I should be honored to give him information over the phone. Grrrr.

    Me: "J isn't in right now which is probably why you got his voicemail. The address is *address*."
    Jagoff: "And I need "L's" address, TOO."
    Me: *grrrrr* "*address*"
    Jagoff: *talking to a two-year-old voice* "VERY GOOD. Very good JOB. Now I can do what I HAVE TO. VERY GOOD."
    Me: "Fuck you."
    Jagoff: "What?"
    Me: *super cheerful* "Thank you!"
    Jagoff: *still sounding pleased with himself* "Well, you are welcome!" *hangs up*

    Oh I am so glad that our calls aren't monitored...

    And I still have seven hours to go and already I can't stop myself from cursing on the phone. This is going to be a good day...
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
    Me: "Fuck you."
    Jagoff: "What?"
    Me: *super cheerful* "Thank you!"
    I am so going to have to try that sometime!
    "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
    "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


    • #3
      Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
      Me: "Fuck you."
      Jagoff: "What?"
      Me: *super cheerful* "Thank you!"
      Awesome. Super awesome. Good work.
      Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


      • #4
        Ouch. MtBF is already breaking down, and you're only an hour or two in?

        $deity help you...

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
          Me: "Fuck you."
          Jagoff: "What?"
          Me: *super cheerful* "Thank you!"
          I so wish I could do that. I talk to lawyers all day. I really, really wish I could do that.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Quoth wagegoth View Post
            I so wish I could do that. I talk to lawyers all day. I really, really wish I could do that.
            You CAN!! You just may not like the end result.


            • #7
              Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
              like whoever is mailing us severed Mr. Potatohead body parts piece by piece, or the guy who came up and broke out into Riverdance in the conference room, or the joker I had to bodily fling into the street for threatening our reporters, etc.
              We so need to hear those stories.
              SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
              SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


              • #8
                Oh man, obituaries. I work in a library and we have the microfilm of the local paper and 2 other major cities' papers. So people are always calling for obit. copies and we make copies for a very low price. Ok, you might ask, why don't they call the local newspaper if it's a local obit? Because the local paper doesn't keep any archieves.

                Now it's not hard finding an obit if the person has the date that it appeared in the paper. But *sigh* they never do. So ok, if the obit was published in the past 20 years, then the paper's website will have an acheive that will give the date it appeared in the paper but not the text of the obit.

                But then if the obit. appeared in the paper more than 20 years ago, then we have to go to the date of death and we will only look only 3 days after date of death-in theory. Because our spineless managers will tell us to look passed 3 days after date of death if the customer asks us to look. Even though our managers are always telling us not to look 3 days after date of death, since we don't have the time. Which sounds contradictory, but the manager says it's policy, and make some people type it up and put it on the desk, but as soon as a customer asks for us to look more it's "Oh, sure, the librarian will do that for you."

                Then there are the people who don't have date of death or date it was printed and don't understand that we don't have some list somewhere which will tell us when it appeared in the paper. Ugh. Though we will look at to get date of death from SS death index.

                Then looking for an obit. in 1911, where the obits are hidden. And for some weird reason they will have this section that will say "State Deaths" and there's all these obits for not-famous people who died somewhere else in our state. blah.
                Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                I wish porn had subtitles.


                • #9
                  Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                  Jagoff: *talking to a two-year-old voice* "VERY GOOD. Very good JOB. Now I can do what I HAVE TO. VERY GOOD."
                  Me: "Fuck you."
                  Jagoff: "What?"
                  Me: *super cheerful* "Thank you!"
                  Jagoff: *still sounding pleased with himself* "Well, you are welcome!" *hangs up*

                  Oh I am so glad that our calls aren't monitored...

                  And I still have seven hours to go and already I can't stop myself from cursing on the phone. This is going to be a good day...
                  Well played, Mysty, well played; you're getting yourself a fanboy!

                  Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                  like whoever is mailing us severed Mr. Potatohead body parts piece by piece, or the guy who came up and broke out into Riverdance in the conference room, or the joker I had to bodily fling into the street for threatening our reporters, etc.
                  Quoth technical.angel View Post
                  We so need to hear those stories.
                  Seconded, thirded, fourth...ded? *cough*
                  Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


                  • #10
                    Quoth MiloMorai View Post
                    You CAN!! You just may not like the end result.
                    I just want to say that I really like most of the people I work with, and most of the attorneys who call in.

                    But, seriously, there are some lawyers that I have to deal with who are the type that, at the least, inspire new lawyer jokes, at the worst, inspire thoughts that would get me locked away for the rest of my life.
                    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                    HR believes the first person in the door
                    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                    Document everything
                    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                    • #11
                      ooo, I wanna hear more about the Mr. Potatohead pieces too!
                      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                      • #12
                        Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                        4. Some guy came in and he smelled just like my mice's dirty cage.
                        Nothing much more to report here. He smelled like cedar shavings and mouse piss. It'd be one thing if he was dressed like he could have recently been rolling around in cedar shavings and mouse piss, but he was in a three-piece suit. A nicely pressed three-piece suit. And otherwise he seemed clean and of moderately acceptable levels of intelligence. I'm not quite sure what happened there.
                        I'm choosing to believe incredibly poor choice of cologne. I don't want to think about the alternatives.

                        Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                        So I thought I'd pitch in and tell them a few stories about the fun fun people we get to deal with, like whoever is mailing us severed Mr. Potatohead body parts piece by piece, or the guy who came up and broke out into Riverdance in the conference room, or the joker I had to bodily fling into the street for threatening our reporters, etc
                        The High Priest is an Illusion!


                        • #13
                          Quoth MystyGlyttyr
                          So I thought I'd pitch in and tell them a few stories about the fun fun people we get to deal with, like whoever is mailing us severed Mr. Potatohead body parts piece by piece, or the guy who came up and broke out into Riverdance in the conference room, or the joker I had to bodily fling into the street for threatening our reporters, etc

                          I had to give tours at the library to groups. One Christian school came in with a lot of kids and I split them up. First group I took to the Teen section and there were some books out about teen sex or homosexuality or something and one teacher was telling them not to look at them. So when I went to the other side of the building I said, "In this section we have books on religion, witchcraft, the occult..."
                          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                          I wish porn had subtitles.


                          • #14
                            Quoth ArcticChicken View Post

                            Hey, pass some of that popcorn over here!!
                            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                            • #15
                              Mysty, you are both a treasure and a tease.
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid

