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This is NOT McDonald's....

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  • #16
    Thirty minutes!? My place it's often an hour, thirty is pretty good.
    wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
    Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


    • #17
      Quoth ebonyknight View Post
      Can someone post a picture? I hear this all the time, but I don't think I have ever seen it.
      The best I could find on google images is this and it really doesn't fit.

      I can sympathize with people who come in to get prescriptions last minute. I used to tend do do that a lot because I paid for everything out of pocket (I had no insurance) and typically had to wait for payday to get them. I was always prepared to wait though, and usually had a book with me.

      Eric the Grey
      In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


      • #18
        Quoth mcjohnwcheese View Post
        When I go to the pharmacy I just point to the previous customer and say, "I'll have what she's having."

        That could really backfire...imagine, a guy getting birth control pills...or a woman getting one of those hair-growing pills with the warnings that women aren't supposed to get within 500 yards of the stuff...really, any drug that needs to take out a restraining order against half the population really isn't worth it...I'd rather my man be bald...
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #19
          Quoth Boozy View Post
          Couldn't find any good examples to post. I have always interpreted it as a tight expression with lips pursed like a cat's behind.
          I have no idea who or what this is, but I present to you: Catbutt Face

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #20
            There was only one time I was really in a hurry for medication, serious medication, and even I didn't act like these jacktards.

            I had just been diagnosed with asthma. And by just, I mean a couple of hours before. I was at work after a long bout of bronchitis, abruptly couldn't breathe right and started turning blue. I went to the nearby urgent care, they did xrays to make sure it wasn't pnuemonia and stuck me on a nebulizer...that thing was heaven, but this is beside the point.

            The doc told me the nebulizer would last about five hours and gave me a prescription for an inhaled steroid and another inhaler. I went back to work, with five hours left of my shift (and feeling grand). The clincher was, I had an extremely urgent meeting I had to get to after work...I literally had about forty five minutes to get from work to this meeting (TAPS...yes, the ghost investigator guys, and lemme tell ya, Grant is the sweetest man you'd ever want to meet). AND I had to stop and get the prescription.

            At first I thought I would put it off, get the prescription the next day, as I was feeling fabulous. But sure enough, as I got out of work the nebulizer began to wear off and I started having trouble breathing again. So I rushed to the pharmacy closest to me, gave them the prescriptions, and was told it would be a half an hour wait...leaving me all of two minutes afterward to meet the group at a nearby restaurant to then head to the meeting.

            Did I whine and scream? Did I throw a fit, demand it faster, demand a manager? No. I thanked them graciously and then paced back and forth up and down the aspirin aisle, waiting. I could feel them watching me and as I was wheezing at the time as well, doubtless they thought my agitation was because I couldn't breathe...which was only part of it.

            Fifteen minutes later they call me over. The pharmacist swiftly takes my money and gives me my prescriptions and APOLOGIZES for the wait...all the while looking at me like I'm going to drop dead right in front of her. I swear she had her hand on the phone. And I was just surprised she was apologizing. I mean, I was quoted half an hour and they got it to me in fifteen minutes...obviously they must have jumped me to near the head of the line and went out of their way to help me faster. I told them no reason to apologize, they were fabulous, and I really owed them a favor. Then I ran out already pulling the inhaler from the bag and just made my meetup with literally minutes to spare.

            And yes, it was fabulous But I never would have made it if I had started pitching a fit or being an obnoxious little twerp about things out of other people's control.
            My dollhouse blog.

            Blog about life


            • #21
              AZ has a law that says a pharmacist HAS to be called over to consult a patient on any new scrip. Usually the consult is along the lines of "have you taken this med before? Okay, good, do you have any questions? Have a nice day!" Even if they do the long schpiel "Make sure to take this with food, it can make you dizzy so please be careful when you first start it, call us if you have any questions..." etc. the whole thing takes maybe 2 or 3 minutes.

              Now imagine one of these "I need it NOW" types waiting "patiently" for their meds only to finally get called up and then have to listen to the pharmacist for a few minutes before they can walk off with them.

              Talk about cat butt face!!
              "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me

