*Mod's if this is in the wrong place, please move it.
To make a very very long story as short as possible- Friday night Sat AM we were evacuated from our house do to a fire at the houses on the corner due to the close proximity and the way the wind was blowing. (The way it was laid out- houses on fire, neighbors house, my house.)
Nothing says scary like your neighbor yelling, "GET OUT FIRE!" and then opening your back door to see red hot embers flying... and then realizing you not only have your child sleeping, but thier friend sleeping over as well!
Thankfully the only injury was a fire fighter who hurt her arm by banging it against the railing in the first house. No major injuries though.
(I do have video and images if anyone is curious. The only reason I have them is because my digital camera was right next to my car keys. Or else I wouldn't have grabbed it. And being in insurance, I figured video and images might help in the investigation.)
Today I went to the store to get fire extinguishers for the apartment I live in. Since I am partial care taker, I also got some for all the apartments and hall ways since the new landlord hasn't gotten around to it. (My old landlord were a bunch of slumlords!) And I had been meaning do to for a while.
My son and I went to the store and I picked up 6. Three medium ones and 3 larger ones. When I got to the check out, I noticed that the prices weren't coming up right on the larger ones. I had one red one and two silver ones in the larger size.
So I asked the sales associate she handed me back the red one and said it was the more expensive one. So my son started to go back and exchange it. Then she looked again and said, "Oh, wait, the silver ones are more expensive." So she handed them to me and I went back to get them. I appologized to the people behind me as well as the cashier.
She suspsended my transaction and took the next person in line.
When we went back up there, I "cut" in front of the next person to finish my transaction.
Was I sucky for grabbing the wrong ones then cutting back in line?
To make a very very long story as short as possible- Friday night Sat AM we were evacuated from our house do to a fire at the houses on the corner due to the close proximity and the way the wind was blowing. (The way it was laid out- houses on fire, neighbors house, my house.)
Nothing says scary like your neighbor yelling, "GET OUT FIRE!" and then opening your back door to see red hot embers flying... and then realizing you not only have your child sleeping, but thier friend sleeping over as well!
Thankfully the only injury was a fire fighter who hurt her arm by banging it against the railing in the first house. No major injuries though.
(I do have video and images if anyone is curious. The only reason I have them is because my digital camera was right next to my car keys. Or else I wouldn't have grabbed it. And being in insurance, I figured video and images might help in the investigation.)
Today I went to the store to get fire extinguishers for the apartment I live in. Since I am partial care taker, I also got some for all the apartments and hall ways since the new landlord hasn't gotten around to it. (My old landlord were a bunch of slumlords!) And I had been meaning do to for a while.
My son and I went to the store and I picked up 6. Three medium ones and 3 larger ones. When I got to the check out, I noticed that the prices weren't coming up right on the larger ones. I had one red one and two silver ones in the larger size.
So I asked the sales associate she handed me back the red one and said it was the more expensive one. So my son started to go back and exchange it. Then she looked again and said, "Oh, wait, the silver ones are more expensive." So she handed them to me and I went back to get them. I appologized to the people behind me as well as the cashier.
She suspsended my transaction and took the next person in line.
When we went back up there, I "cut" in front of the next person to finish my transaction.
Was I sucky for grabbing the wrong ones then cutting back in line?