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Please tell me I wasn't sucky- Sad backstory

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  • Please tell me I wasn't sucky- Sad backstory

    *Mod's if this is in the wrong place, please move it.

    To make a very very long story as short as possible- Friday night Sat AM we were evacuated from our house do to a fire at the houses on the corner due to the close proximity and the way the wind was blowing. (The way it was laid out- houses on fire, neighbors house, my house.)

    Nothing says scary like your neighbor yelling, "GET OUT FIRE!" and then opening your back door to see red hot embers flying... and then realizing you not only have your child sleeping, but thier friend sleeping over as well!

    Thankfully the only injury was a fire fighter who hurt her arm by banging it against the railing in the first house. No major injuries though.

    (I do have video and images if anyone is curious. The only reason I have them is because my digital camera was right next to my car keys. Or else I wouldn't have grabbed it. And being in insurance, I figured video and images might help in the investigation.)

    Today I went to the store to get fire extinguishers for the apartment I live in. Since I am partial care taker, I also got some for all the apartments and hall ways since the new landlord hasn't gotten around to it. (My old landlord were a bunch of slumlords!) And I had been meaning do to for a while.

    My son and I went to the store and I picked up 6. Three medium ones and 3 larger ones. When I got to the check out, I noticed that the prices weren't coming up right on the larger ones. I had one red one and two silver ones in the larger size.

    So I asked the sales associate she handed me back the red one and said it was the more expensive one. So my son started to go back and exchange it. Then she looked again and said, "Oh, wait, the silver ones are more expensive." So she handed them to me and I went back to get them. I appologized to the people behind me as well as the cashier.

    She suspsended my transaction and took the next person in line.

    When we went back up there, I "cut" in front of the next person to finish my transaction.

    Was I sucky for grabbing the wrong ones then cutting back in line?
    Last edited by Gothicsmurf; 04-28-2008, 03:29 AM.
    You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.

  • #2
    No. I don't think so. Cutting back in line might have been a little rude, but if no one else minded then I don't see the harm.
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      Did you ask if you could get infront? Did the cashier say she/he was going to finish? IF not, then yeah you were sucky. If yes, then no it is all good.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        I've had this kind of thing happen, and typically I am glad to clear the suspended transaction asap. I also usually figure that you already waited your turn in line... as long as you were just swapping for the right products, and didn't go an do the rest of your shopping I wouldn't have thought you were sucky.


        • #5
          I did tell the cashier that I'd be alright if they wanted to cancel/suspend the transaction.

          I didn't ask to get back in front of the other person because I had 3 fire extinguishers that aren't heavy, but not something I really want to be holding at once due to the size and weight.

          My brain was (and is) still kind of in that adrenaline funk so I wasn't thinking clearly. I did ask the guy, "Could I get by you please?" He moved over and let me in, but didn't look happy. I had 2 people behind me, and the one was cleared by the time I got up to the cashier with the new products.
          You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.


          • #6
            I'd say it's alright. You were polite about it, and didn't threaten to get anyone fired.
            Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



            • #7
              On the extingishers check to see what kind you got . . .A, B, C etc

              Different alpha classification is for different types of fire fuel source.
              Class A extinguishers are for ordinary combustible materials such as paper, wood, cardboard, and most plastics. The numerical rating on these types of extinguishers indicates the amount of water it holds and the amount of fire it can extinguish.
              Class B fires involve flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, grease and oil. The numerical rating for class B extinguishers indicates the approximate number of square feet of fire it can extinguish.
              Class C fires involve electrical equipment, such as appliances, wiring, circuit breakers and outlets. Never use water to extinguish class C fires - the risk of electrical shock is far too great! Class C extinguishers do not have a numerical rating. The C classification means the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.
              Class D fire extinguishers are commonly found in a chemical laboratory. They are for fires that involve combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. These types of extinguishers also have no numerical rating, nor are they given a multi-purpose rating - they are designed for class D fires only


              • #8
                Your weren't sucky. The extinguishers rang up different than you thought. You were in your rights to go back and get new ones and then come up to the front of the line. It happens all the time here.

                I usually shop for hair colour at this one shop. The people the assistents are physically helping always go first in line even if I have been waiting at the check out for five minutes. That's the way it is.

                If you have already started your transaction why should you wait in line`?
                It's been a long, long, long, long time...


                • #9
                  As someone who is on the cashier side of situations like this a LOT (several times a week) I have to say that I seriously hate it when people do that.
                  While I totally understand your side of things, unless the cashier specifically told you that you wouldn't have to wait again and could come right to the front of the line you should have waited.

                  The irritating part about situations like this on my end is the customer who is coming back to the line usually asks ME if it's ok (once they've returned) to jump the line.
                  Don't ask me (or any cashier), ask the next person in line.

                  I know people will go the thinking route of, "Well if the cashier says so then I'm doing it anyway," but as a courtesy to everyone it's best to ask the other customers.
                  That way if they agree, us cashiers don't have to stand there and listen to them piss and moan about how they were next and how rude we were for letting someone jump ahead of them, while at the same time if we don't let the customer jump the line we're being rude to them and they really should have been next.
                  It's a no-win situation for the cashiers, usually.

                  Just keep in mind that the person you're jumping ahead of has no idea you were ever at the register previously. While the cashier may sometimes explain it to the next customer, I think that if someone wants to jump the line they should extend the courtesy to the cashier and apologize to the next in line customer, politely mention why they're scooting to the front, and even ask if it's alright if they do so.

                  I guess the short version of this is you may not have been sucky, but in the future if you find yourself in situations like this extend the same courtesy to the cashier and the other customers that has been extended to you.

                  I'm not saying you didn't, but I guess more than anything it's a general reminder to everyone.

