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Sorry, can't help you. No matter how many times you ask.

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  • Sorry, can't help you. No matter how many times you ask.

    I do technical support for an insurance company. We have a website where policyholders can check their coverage, make claims, check existing claims, etc, and I take calls from them when the website doesn't act like it should. However, I don't have access to any policy information. I can look up their user id for the website, and reset their password, but I can't tell them how much coverage they have, check on the status of a claim, or any other policy specific stuff.

    Me: *Company* helpdesk, me speaking
    Customer: Hi, I made a claim on the website yesterday, but it hasn't updated yet. Can you look to see if it went through?
    Me: Unfortunately I don't have access to look up claims. Did you get any kind of error when you submitted the claim?
    Customer: No errors, but I got a confirmation number. It's 12345
    Me: If you got a confirmation number, then it should have gone through. Usually it takes 48 hours for the website to update new claims information.
    Customer: Can you just check? The confirmation number is 12345.
    Me: I'm sorry, but I don't have access to claims information so I can't look that up. If you give me your policy # though, I can transfer you to your agent, and they can look it up for you.
    Customer: Ok, the policy # is 54321. And can you check to see if the claim is in the system? The confirmation number is 12345.
    Me: I'm sorry, but I can't look that up for you. I don't have access to look up claims. I have your agent's information pulled up here, though, and I can transfer you over to her now so she can look it up for you.
    Customer: Great thanks. Oh hey, before you transfer me, can you pull up this old claim and let me know if it's been closed? The claim number is 98765.
    Me: *sigh* I'm sorry, but I can't look up ANY claims information. You agent should be able to help you with that. I'll transfer you over to her now. Have a nice day.

  • #2
    Can we say DENSE?


    • #3
      Haha! It almost sounds like they were trying to trick you. Or just, you know, not paying attention.


      • #4
        Where's the icon for preaching to the choir?

        I get that all the time too. I work in claims, but only have access to property, not auto. And I don't have access to coverage letters or anything that's been sent. Basically I can see the claim and that's about.

        I get calls daily, "Hi this is Dr. Who's Dr. Office, can you see if this medical case has been closed?"

        "This is Mr. Insured I'm at the rental office, can you fax over my coverages?" No, sir I can't. I can forward you to the right place. "Oh you can't do it this once?" No, sir I don't have access to that information.

        Or my favorite:

        SC: "I'm calling about my auto claim. I'm trying to reach Mrs. Adjuster."
        Me: I'm sorry this is the property department, not auto department. Which extenstion are you trying to reach?
        SC: 123456.
        Me: Ok, please hold a minute while I see if I can get her on the line.
        SC: Oh, ok. But all I need is insurance information/claim information/ etc.
        Me: I understand sir, but I don't have access to that. please hold.
        Me: Sir it seems as if Mrs Adjuster is out for the afternoon. Would you like to leave a voice mail for her or transfer you to someone in her department?
        SC: I know she's gone, but I neeeeeeeeeeedddd this today.
        Me: I understand, but I cannot access that informaton. Would you like her supervisor* or her voice mail?
        SC: You mean I can't get it from you?
        Me: Sir I don't have access to that information.
        *Later, rinse, repeat*
        SC: Fine, I'll take her voice mail then.

        *It's common in our Company to transfer to Supers if the client is being a pain or if the adjuster is out. It's not a guess who's getting in trouble thing.
        You don't know what Hades is until you've worked at least one Christmas Season in a toy store that offers free gift wrapping.


        • #5
          Quoth InsuranceGuru View Post
          *It's common in our Company to transfer to Supers if the client is being a pain or if the adjuster is out. It's not a guess who's getting in trouble thing.
          They get payed for it, you don't :P

          Joking of course. Though I will throw it at my DM if he's here, he always caves, but that look of "Oh no, I need to be nice!" makes it worth it. >:3
          I am a Blank Space for spacing purposes, ignore me.
          In order to treat someone as your equal, you first need to believe both: that they are your equal, and that you are their's.


          • #6
            I get that all the time too, not for insurance claims but people wanting delivery info on their flowers or to know the status of their refund. No matter how many times I explain I'm on the sales floor and don't have access to that information they still will ask twenty different ways and get offended when I tell them I can either send an email from them to Customer Service requesting the info or transfer them to CS. You can't always get what you want.
            "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


            • #7
              This story kind of reminds me of the old Sesame Street short where Cookie Monster is in the library, and he keeps asking the librarian for some cookies to go with his books. It's been a long, long time since I've seen this, but if I recall, the librarian tells Cookie Monster five times that it's a library, they only have books and no cookies. Finally, the librarian loses it, and yells at Cookie saying, "We don't have any cookies! Just books!"

              I don't know. I think either this SC was dense, or he was playing you.

