Quoth FenigDurak
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When ever I have to call its always nice to be greeted with hi this is so and so but honestly if theres a complant I think customrs dont need names! Theres too many people that will take it personaly and try to find this person.
I remeber when my ex stopped paying for a car he had before we got married and they started calling for payment. I didnt have a clue as to what was going on. All I know is that I got a phone call from collections where the guy was demanding payment now or he would sue me, take my car (it was a diffrent one in my name only) and started to threaten me. I have no clue to this day what that jerks name was but it didnt matter. I called the number he called from back noted time of call. I didnt need to know his name becuase they had records of every call that went out and who made them. Turns out I wasnt the first person that he did it to but I was the last becuase he was already warned!
Theres a lot of crazy people on this planet could you imagian if he acted like that with the wrong person??? With his first and last name some crazy person could have really messed him up especily when that company had only one call center and you could find the address online.
Quoth tropicsgoddess View Postat least the SC can't pin me and/or google me or whatever they wanna do to "get even" with me.
Ace of Diamonds once posted a story of a female coworker who was stalked by a crazy customer who got her full name off her name badge, looked it up in the phone book, and called her day and night, verbally harrassing her and her parents over the phone. When the SC stood outside the employee's house packing several knives, the police finally got involved.
SCs can get really scary sometimes. That's why it's a good idea to not give out last names for any reason, whether in correspondance, e-mail or person.I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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Quoth mattm04 View PostAt my store regular PT employees, (most of the store employees) only have the first name on the name badge managers have both names on the badge.
One of the store managers in particular loves to page me by my full name. Why? I don't know. I am the ONLY person in the store with my first name, why add my last one to the mix? (And he mispronounces it, too.).
Unseen but seeing
oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
3rd shift needs love, too
RIP, mo bhrionglóid
Quoth BlaqueKatt View Postwe were instructed to give our supervisor's last name as our own when asked-company policy-that's how they identify us on a call.
Although it would be amusing to see what would happen with some SC that called in a lot and got about 5 different people all giving the same last name.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
My wife once had something like this happen to her. Long before we met, she used to give out her first and last name, and if a customer wanted the spelling of her last name, she gave that out as well. One customer she had, who was very nice, decided to look her up in the white pages, which had everything from her phone number to where she lived. She ended up having to file a complaint and thankfully, the customer stopped calling her. Most people would have ended up changing their phone number, but she had a very easy one at the time and did not want to part with it.
From that point on, she stopped giving out her full name, plus would tell customers that she lived somewhere else.