Why is it simple questions that should require a Yes/No answer often come away with a thesis paper worth of explanations or something that costs a carbon credit to speak??
Me: Do you want to sign up for our free membership card?
Response #1: Oh no, I don't like them cards. They always seem to follow you around ...(Cue paranoia of Spam e-mails, Identity Theft, Room 101...)
Response #2: I have enough cards already!! You want to shovel another card onto my already bursting wallet?
Later today: Why a simple question for help turned into a bitchfest.
Me: Do you want to sign up for our free membership card?
Response #1: Oh no, I don't like them cards. They always seem to follow you around ...(Cue paranoia of Spam e-mails, Identity Theft, Room 101...)
Response #2: I have enough cards already!! You want to shovel another card onto my already bursting wallet?
Later today: Why a simple question for help turned into a bitchfest.